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| en = Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC)
| it = Criteri diagnostici di ricerca (RDC)
| fr = Critères diagnostiques de recherche (RDC)
| de = Forschungsdiagnostische Kriterien (RDC)
| es = Criterios de Diagnóstico de Investigación (RDC)
| pt = <!-- portoghese -->
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| pl = <!-- polacco -->
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| ca = <!-- catalano -->
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{{ArtBy|autore=Gianni Frisardi}}
{{ArtBy|autore=Gianni Frisardi}}

Caratteristica frequente del dolore orofacciale è la multifattorialità della patologia che rende ancor più complessa la diagnosi. I Disordini Temporo Mandibolari (DTM), per esempio, che i paesi anglosassoni denominano con varie terminologie come Temporo-Mandibular Disorders (TMDs), Cranio Facial Pain (CFP) e Temporo-Mandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ dysfunction),  presentano, a volte, difficoltà diagnostiche. Il dolore orofacciale causato da DTM è spesso sovrapposto, come sintomi e segni clinici, a disturbi algici che possono essere una manifestazione di  altre forme cefalalgiche in cui possono coesistere patologie organiche neurologico-sistemiche. Questo quadro clinico può rendere difficile la diagnosi differenziale almeno nelle prime fasi della malattia.<ref>Sollecito T.P., Richardson R.M., Quinn P.D., Cohen G.S.:. Intracranial schwannoma as atypical facial pain. Case report. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1993;76:153-6 </ref><ref>Shankland W.E.: Trigeminal neuralgia: typical or atypical? Cranio. 1993;11:108-12. </ref><ref>Graff-Radford S.B., Solberg W.K.: Is atypical odontalgia a psychological problem? Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1993;75:579-82.</ref><ref>Ruelle A., Datti R., Andrioli G.: Cerebellopontine angle osteoma causing trigeminal neuralgia: case report.Neurosurgery. 1994;35:1135-7.</ref>
'''Abstract:''' The article discusses the development and purpose of the Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) for temporomandibular disorders (TMD), which was established to create standardized clinical case definitions with reproducibility across clinicians and researchers. The RDC project was based on empirical data from longitudinal epidemiological research and aimed to improve diagnosis, prognostic studies, and treatment effectiveness. The criteria were derived from a literature review of diagnostic methods and validated through reproducibility studies.

Per questo motivo si sono succeduti numerosi studi per determinare un metodo di valutazione diagnostico standardizzato chiamato Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC)
The RDC adopts a two-axis diagnostic model: Axis I covers clinical diagnoses, classifying TMD into three groups: muscle conditions, meniscal dislocation, and joint disorders such as arthralgia and arthritis. Axis II addresses the psychosocial and pain-related disability of patients. The RDC emphasizes precise measurements and structured questionnaires to avoid ambiguous clinical descriptions.
Il Dolore Orofacciale Atipico (DOA), è considerato un ampio gruppo di disturbi algici facciali ed è descritto come bruciore della bocca, crampi muscolari che si presentano su un lato della faccia e spesso nel territorio nervoso trigeminale. Questa sintomatologia  può estendersi nella regione cervicale e posteriore della testa. Le cause della malattia possono essere molteplici ed è stata considerata anche " patologia di competenza psichiatrica".

A significant limitation of the RDC is its exclusion of certain instrumental diagnostic methodologies, which may restrict early differential diagnosis, especially when distinguishing between TMD and organic neurological or systemic diseases that present with similar symptoms. Despite its structured approach, the RDC is criticized for focusing too heavily on dental aspects and not considering broader medical diagnostics. The article concludes by stressing the need to integrate the RDC with a more comprehensive medical approach and presents clinical case studies to illustrate diagnostic challenges.

=== Research Diagnostic Criteria ===

Un ostacolo critico nella comprensione dei DTM è stata la perdita di criteri diagnostici standardizzati per la definizione di sottotipi dei DTM. Si pensò perciò di attivare un progetto per annullare la mancanza di  standardizzazione diagnostica.
This called project requires that the repeatability and validity of the diagnostic criteria allow:

Questo progetto chiamato RDC richiede che la ripetibilità e la validità dei criteri diagnostici permettano<blockquote>
* La generazione di definizione dei casi clinici con riproducibiltà tra clinici e ricercatori
* The generation of clinical case definitions with reproducibility between clinicians and researchers
* L’identificazione e la valutazione eziologica, preventiva e dei fattori di rischio così come la valutazione delle caratteristiche associate che iniziano, prevengono, mantengono o esacerbano i disordini
*Identification and assessment of etiologic, preventive, and risk factors as well as assessment of associated characteristics that initiate, prevent, maintain, or exacerbate the disorders
* Permettere studi prognostici
*Allow prognostic studies
* Stabilire un trattamento efficace
*Establish effective treatment

I dati empirici usati per sviluppare il RDC vennero da ricerche epidemiologiche longitudinali supportate dalla National Institute for Dental Research (NIDR) e condotte all'Università di Washington ed al Group Health Coorporative of Puget Sound, Seattle, Washington. Samuel F.Dworkin,, M. Von Korff e L. LeResche furono i principali investigatori. Per giungere a formulare il protocollo del  RDC è stata fatta una revisione della letteratura dei metodi diagnostici nei DTM e sottoposti a validazione e riproducibilità. Sono stati considerati anche i fattori tassonomici ma non i maniera acritica.

La taxonomia delle malattie, infatti, si è sviluppata perché la classificazione delle malattie è considerata un modo utile per migliorare la conoscenza di ciò che, altrimenti, sarebbe una serie di confuse informazioni. La taxonomia, comunque, è di per se un ''costruttore''  od un ''set di costruttori'', e per questo necessitano di una valutazione riferibile a critici fattori come l'affidabilità e la validazione. Perché un ''costruttore diagnostico'' sia considerato valido è necessario che contenga  una serie di validi ''descrittori'' della malattia. Il descrittore della malattia è registrato come valido se ciò è frequentemente trovato nei pazienti con la malattia e raramente osservato nei soggetti senza malattia.Furono presi in considerazione  9 sistemi taxonomici, quello di  Farrar (1972)<ref>Farrar WB.: Differentiation of temporomandibular joint dysfunction to simplify treatment (other articles included) J.Prosthetic Dent. 1972; 28: 555-629</ref>Block (1980)<ref>Block SL.: Differential diagnosis of cranial facial cervical pain. In Sarnat BG:, Laskin DM (eds): ''The temporomandbular joint,'' ed 3. Springfield.III Charles C.Thomas .1980 pp. 348-421</ref>, Eversole e Machado (1985)<ref>Eversole LR., Machado L.: Temporomandibular joint internal derangements and associated neuromuscular disorders. J. Am.Dent Assoc 1985; 110: 69-79</ref>, Bell (1986)<ref>Bell WE.: ''Temporomandibular disorders:Classification, Diagnosis, Management.''(2 ed).Chicago Year Book Medical Publishers, 1986</ref>, Fricton (1988)<ref>Fricton Jr., Kroening RJ., Hathaway KM.:''TMJ and Craniofacial pain: Diagnosis and Management.'' St Louis, Ishiyaku EuroAmerica. 1988</ref>,American Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders (AACD) (1990)<ref>American Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders: ''Craniomandibular Disorders: Guidilines for evaluation, Diagnosi, and Management.'' Chicago, Quintessence Publ.Co 1990</ref>, Talley (1990)<ref>Talley Rl., Murphy GJ., Smith Sd., Baylin MA., Haden JL.: Standards for the history, examination, diagnosis, and treatment of temporomandibular disorders (DTM): A position paper. J Craniomand. Prat. 1990; 8: 60-77</ref>, Bergamini e Prayer-Galletti (1990)<ref>Bergamini M., Prayer-Galetti S.: A classification of musculoskeletal disorders of the stomatognatic apparatus. Front Oral Physiol. 1990; 7: 185-190</ref>,Truelove (1992)<ref>Truelove EL., Sommers EE., LeResche L., Dworkin SF., Von Korff M.: Clinical diagnostic criteria for RMD: New classification permits multiple diagnosis. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 1992; 123: 47-54</ref>, e comparati accordandoli ad una serie di criteri di valutazione. Alcuni di questi criteri possono essere applicati nella valutazione di quel costruttore o sistema taxonomico mentre altri furono sviluppati dagli autori stessi. I criteri di valutazione sono stati divisi in due categorie che  coinvolgono a) considerazioni metodologici e b) considerazioni cliniche. Alla conclusione della ricerca si giunse ad un’eliminazione per mancanza di validizzazione scientifica e clinica, di una serie di metodologie diagnostiche strumentali. (tabella 1)
The empirical data used to develop 'RDC' came from longitudinal epidemiological research supported by the National Institute for Dental Research (NIDR) and conducted at the University of Washington and the Group Health Corporation of Puget Sound, Seattle, Washington.
Samuel F. Dworkin, M. Von Korff and L. LeResche were the principal investigators.
In order to arrive at the formulation of the 'RDC' protocol, a literature review of the diagnostic methods in the DTMs was carried out and subjected to validation and reproducibility. Taxonomic factors were also considered but not uncritically.
The taxonomy of diseases, in fact, has developed because the classification of diseases is considered a useful way to improve knowledge of what would otherwise have been a confusing set of information. The taxonomy, however, is in itself a constructor  or a set of constructors, and for this they need an evaluation referable to critical factors such as reliability and validation. For a diagnostic manufacturer to be considered valid, it must contain a series of valid disease descriptors. The disease descriptor is considered valid if and only if it is frequently found in patients with the disease and rarely observed in individuals without the disease.
Nine taxonomic systems were taken into consideration, that of Farrar (1972)<ref>Farrar WB.: Differentiation of temporomandibular joint dysfunction to simplify treatment (other articles included) J.Prosthetic Dent. 1972; 28: 555-629</ref>Block (1980)<ref>Block SL.: Differential diagnosis of cranial facial cervical pain. In Sarnat BG:, Laskin DM (eds): ''The temporomandbular joint,'' ed 3. Springfield.III Charles C.Thomas .1980 pp. 348-421</ref>, Eversole e Machado (1985)<ref>Eversole LR., Machado L.: Temporomandibular joint internal derangements and associated neuromuscular disorders. J. Am.Dent Assoc 1985; 110: 69-79</ref>, Bell (1986)<ref>Bell WE.: ''Temporomandibular disorders:Classification, Diagnosis, Management.''(2 ed).Chicago Year Book Medical Publishers, 1986</ref>, Fricton (1988)<ref>Fricton Jr., Kroening RJ., Hathaway KM.:''TMJ and Craniofacial pain: Diagnosis and Management.'' St Louis, Ishiyaku EuroAmerica. 1988</ref>,American Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders (AACD) (1990)<ref>American Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders: ''Craniomandibular Disorders: Guidilines for evaluation, Diagnosi, and Management.'' Chicago, Quintessence Publ.Co 1990</ref>, Talley (1990)<ref>Talley Rl., Murphy GJ., Smith Sd., Baylin MA., Haden JL.: Standards for the history, examination, diagnosis, and treatment of temporomandibular disorders (DTM): A position paper. J Craniomand. Prat. 1990; 8: 60-77</ref>, Bergamini e Prayer-Galletti (1990)<ref>Bergamini M., Prayer-Galetti S.: A classification of musculoskeletal disorders of the stomatognatic apparatus. Front Oral Physiol. 1990; 7: 185-190</ref>,Truelove (1992)<ref>Truelove EL., Sommers EE., LeResche L., Dworkin SF., Von Korff M.: Clinical diagnostic criteria for RMD: New classification permits multiple diagnosis. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 1992; 123: 47-54</ref>, and compared, according them to a series of evaluation criteria. Some of these criteria can be applied in evaluating that builder or taxonomic system while others were developed by the authors themselves. The evaluation criteria have been divided into two categories that  involve
# Methodological considerations
# Clinical considerations.  
At the end of the research there was a drastic elimination of a series of instrumental diagnostic methodologies, due to lack of scientific and clinical validation (table 1)
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
| colspan="5" |'''Tabella 1''': Metodologie diagnostiche per i DTM analizzate ed eliminate dal RDC perché non validizzate scientificamente
| colspan="5" |'''Table 1:''' DTM diagnostic methodologies analyzed and eliminated from the DRC because they are not scientifically validated
|'''Test Diagnostici'''
|'''Diagnostic Tests'''
| colspan="5" |'''Movimenti mandibolari e cicli masticatori'''
| colspan="5" |'''Jaw movements replicator'''
|Ampiezza di apertura mandibolare (''Dworkin et el.,1990)''<ref name=":0">S F Dworkin, L LeResche, M R Von KorffDiagnostic studies of temporomandibular disorders: challenges from an epidemiologic perspective.Anesth Prog. 1990 Mar-Jun;37(2-3):147-54.
|Mandibular opening width (''Dworkin et el.,1990)''<ref name=":0">S F Dworkin, L LeResche, M R Von KorffDiagnostic studies of temporomandibular disorders: challenges from an epidemiologic perspective.Anesth Prog. 1990 Mar-Jun;37(2-3):147-54.
|Maschi:35 mm
|Males:35 mm

Femmine:30 mm

Line 65: Line 65:
|Velocità di movimento mandibolare (''Cooper e Rabuzzi, 1984)''<ref name=":1">BC Cooper, D D Rabuzzi. Myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome: a clinical study of asymptomatic subjects. Laryngoscope. 1984 Jan;94(1):68-75. doi: 10.1002/lary.5540940116.
|Mandibular movement speed (''Cooper e Rabuzzi, 1984)''<ref name=":1">BC Cooper, D D Rabuzzi. Myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome: a clinical study of asymptomatic subjects. Laryngoscope. 1984 Jan;94(1):68-75. doi: 10.1002/lary.5540940116.
|300 mm/sec
|300 mm/sec
Line 73: Line 72:
|Velocità di movimento mandibolare (''Feine et al., 1988'' )<ref name=":2">TT Dao, J S Feine, J P Lund. Can electrical stimulation be used to establish a physiologic occlusal position? J Prosthet Dent. 1988 Oct;60(4):509-14.doi: 10.1016/0022-3913(88)90259-4.</ref>
|Mandibular movement speed (''Feine et al., 1988'' )<ref name=":2">TT Dao, J S Feine, J P Lund. Can electrical stimulation be used to establish a physiologic occlusal position? J Prosthet Dent. 1988 Oct;60(4):509-14.doi: 10.1016/0022-3913(88)90259-4.</ref>
|250 mm/sec
|250 mm/sec
Line 79: Line 78:
|Rapporto Antero/Posteriore (''Feine et al., 1988)''<ref name=":2" />
|Anterior/Posterior relationship (''Feine et al., 1988)''<ref name=":2" />
Line 85: Line 84:
|Cicli masticatori (''Feine et al., 1988)''<ref name=":2" />
|Masticatory cycles(''Feine et al., 1988)''<ref name=":2" />
Line 91: Line 90:
| colspan="5" |'''Indice di Riproducibilità Pantografica'''
| colspan="5" |'''Pantographic Reproducibility Index'''
|IRP (''Shields et al.1978)''<ref>James M. Shields, Joseph A. Clayton, Larry D. Sindledecker. Using pantographic tracings to detect TMJ and muscle dysfunctions. J Prosthet Dent.Volume 39, Issue 1, P80-87, January 19788</ref>
|IRP (''Shields et al.1978)''<ref>James M. Shields, Joseph A. Clayton, Larry D. Sindledecker. Using pantographic tracings to detect TMJ and muscle dysfunctions. J Prosthet Dent.Volume 39, Issue 1, P80-87, January 19788</ref>
Line 99: Line 98:
| colspan="5" |Articolazione Temporomandibolare
| colspan="5" |Temporomandibular joint
|Palpazione digitale ''(Dworkin et al.,1990 )''<ref name=":0" />
|Digital palpation ''(Dworkin et al.,1990 )''<ref name=":0" />
|Presenza di click
|Presenza di click
Line 107: Line 106:
| colspan="5" |'''Metodologie di stimolazione elettrica'''
| colspan="5" |'''Electrical stimulation methods'''
|Spazio libero di riposo prima della stimolazione ''( Cooper e Rabuzzi 1984)''<ref name=":1" />
|Free rest space before stimulation''( Cooper e Rabuzzi 1984)''<ref name=":1" />
|0.75-2.0 mm
|0.75-2.0 mm
Line 115: Line 114:
|Spazio libero di riposo dopo la stimolazione ''( Cooper e Rabuzzi 1984;''<ref name=":1" />)
|Free space to rest after electric-stimulation ''( Cooper e Rabuzzi 1984;''<ref name=":1" />)
|0.75-2.0 mm
|0.75-2.0 mm
Line 121: Line 120:
|Traiettoria di chiusura prima dopo stimolazione elettrica ''( Cooper e Rabuzzi 1984)''<ref name=":1" />
|Closure trajectory before after electrical stimulation''( Cooper e Rabuzzi 1984)''<ref name=":1" />
|Non definita
|Non definita
Line 127: Line 126:
| colspan="5" |'''Elettromiografia'''
| colspan="5" |'''Electromyography'''
|EMG a riposo ''( Cooper e Rabuzzi 1984)''<ref>Barry C. Cooper D.D.S., Daniel D. Rabuzzi M.D.Myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome: A clinical study of asymptomatic subjects. Laryngoscope. January 1984 <nowiki>https://doi.org/10.1002/lary.5540940116</nowiki></ref>
|EMG at rest ''( Cooper e Rabuzzi 1984)''<ref>Barry C. Cooper D.D.S., Daniel D. Rabuzzi M.D.Myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome: A clinical study of asymptomatic subjects. Laryngoscope. January 1984 <nowiki>https://doi.org/10.1002/lary.5540940116</nowiki></ref>
|EM1=10μ V
|EM1=10μ V

Line 137: Line 136:
|Livello di massima chiusura masticatoria
|Level of maximum masticatory closure
|160μ V
|160μ V
Line 143: Line 142:
| colspan="5" |<small>Cutoff: Parametri e limiti di significatività che dovrebbero dividere i malati dai sani, per ogni tests riportato</small>
| colspan="5" |<small>Cutoff: Parameters and limits of significance that should divide sick from healthy, for each test reported</small><small>Sensitivity: Ability of the specified test to identify the truly sick in a sample of healthy and sick subjects</small>
<small>Sensibilità: Capacità del test specificato, nel segnalare i veri malati in un campione di soggetti sani e malati</small>

<small>Specificità: Capacità del test specificato, nel segnalare i sani  in un campione di soggetti sani e malati</small>
<small>Specificity: Ability of the specified test to identify the healthy  in a sample of healthy and sick subjects</small>

<small>Valore Predittivo Positivo (VPP): Rapporto della capacità del test specificato ad individuare i veri malati (positivi) su il totale dei malati in un campione di soggetti sani e malati.</small>
<small>Positive Predictive Value (PPV): Ratio of the ability of the specified test to identify truly sick (positive) patients on the total sick population in a sample of healthy and sick subjects.</small>
</center>Senza entrare in argomenti specificatamente statistici possiamo annotare dallo studio sopradescritto, che il VPP, uno dei componenti essenziali per la validazione scientifico-clinica, sia basso per tutti i sistemi diagnostici ad eccezion fatta per il metodo di misurazione dell’apertura mandibolare. Lo scopo del RDC è stato appunto di provvedere ad una criterio standardizzato per le proposte di ricerche basate sull'attuale stato delle conoscenze riguardanti il DTM. Sono state eliminate, per esempio, parole come "spesso" o "raramente oppure limitazione dell'apertura mandibolare e sostituite con misurazioni precise come " apertura di 35mm".
</center>Without going into statistical topics, which we will deal with in specific chapters in the 'Extraordinary Science' section, we can observe, from the table, that the PPV, one of the essential components for scientific-clinical validation, is low for all diagnostic systems except for the method of measuring the jaw opening. The purpose of the RDC was precisely to provide a standardized criterion for research proposals based on the current state of knowledge regarding DTMs. For example, words such as 'often' or 'rarely' or 'limited jaw opening' have been eliminated and replaced with precise measurements such as '35mm opening'.  

Il RDC è stato realizzato su due assi:l’Axis I corrisponde al diagnosi clinica e l’Axis II riguarda le condizioni psicofisiche nel paziente con dolore cronico. La scala diagnostica dell' Axis I è divisa in 3 gruppi:
The RDC was built on two axes:<blockquote>Axis I corresponding to the clinical diagnosis

Axis II corresponding to the psychophysical conditions in the patient with chronic pain.</blockquote>The Axis I diagnostic scale is divided into 3 groups:

Gruppo I: Diagnosi muscolare
* Group I: Muscle diagnosis

a)    Dolore miofasciale
# Myofascial pain
# Myofascial pain with limitation of jaw opening

b)    Dolore miofasciale con limitazione dell'apertura mandibolare
* '''Group II:''' Meniscal dislocation

Gruppo II: Dislocazione meniscale
# Meniscal dislocation with reduction
# Meniscal dislocation without reduction with limited mandibular opening
# Meniscal dislocation without reduction and without limitation of mandibular opening

a)    Dislocazione meniscale con riduzione
* '''Group III:''' Arthralgias, arthritis and osteoarthritis

b)    Dislocazione meniscale senza riduzione con limitata apertura mandibolare
# Arthralgia
# Osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
# TMJ osteoarthritis

c)    Dislocazione meniscale senza riduzione e senza limitazione d’apertura mandibolare
Quantification and classification of global severity of pain conditions were reported in Axis II. These conditions match:

Gruppo III: Artralgie, artrite ed artrosi
# pain intensity.
# disability of the subject according to the pain pathology
# depression
# nonspecific physical symptoms.

a)    Artralgia

b)    Osteoartrite dell'articolazione temporomandibolare (ATM)
Sparing the reader the RDC questionnaire consisting of 31 questions plus group and subgroups of questions, and the anamnestic file which considers functional aspects of the masticatory system such as the degree of jaw opening, deviation, ATM noises and symptomatic aspects, such as the localization of painful muscles on palpation, etc., to limit ourselves to describing and drawing conclusions on the fundamental principles on which the RDC is based.

c)    Osteoartrosi dell’ATM                  
==== '''Axis I: Clinical conditions of the DTM.''' ====
The first argument was that ambiguous terms should be avoided in the 'RDC'. In fact, many terms used to describe clinical conditions are used loosely. Spasm, according to Lund<ref>Lund JP., Widmer CG., Donga R., Stohler CS.: The pain adaptation model: An explanation of the relationship between chronic pain and musculuar activity. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 1991; 69: 683-694         </ref> contracture, contraction, hyperactivity, tension are some ambiguous terms. Diagnostic criteria for muscle spasm, myositis and contractures can be found in the medical literature. For example, myositis is characterized by weakness, EMG abnormalities recorded with needle electrodes, an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation level, an elevated serum creatine phosphokinase (CPK) level, and obvious inflammation on biopsy. In the proposed classification system, patients are assigned to three distinct groups: group I muscle conditions; group II meniscal dislocation; Group III arthralgias, attritis and osteoarthritis, on the basis of simple anamnestic examinations. Some believe, according to Lund, that myofascial pain and fibromyalgia can be distinguished by the presence of trigger points in the latter condition; others suggest that trigger points may be indistinguishable. One person's trigger point may, however, be another's tender point.

Quantificazione e la classificazione della severità globale delle condizioni dolore sono state riportate nell'Axis II. Queste condizioni corrispondono: a) intensità del dolore. b) disabilità del soggetto in funzione della patologia algica c) depressione d) sintomi fisici non specifici.
Subgroups I and II are defined on the basis of mouth opening. This clinical sign is under continuous discussion and should be related to gender and age. This can help improve the low predictive value associated with the 35mm cutoff. Widmer cites two studies reporting differences of 2.5 and 3.5 mm between sexes. The cutoff for maximum unassisted opening is different between groups I and II (40mm vs 35mm) as are the limits of painless passive stretching (>5mm vs 4mm). The reason for choosing different limits is not explained and the decision is not surprising. Mechanical factors, in fact, limit movement in Group II, while pain is the primary cause in Group I, but it would not be equally surprising if the subject could be classified in Group I one day and in Group II thereafter.

Risparmiando al lettore il questionario del RDC costituito da 31 domande più gruppo e sottogruppi di domande, e la cartella anamnestica che considera aspetti funzionali del sistema masticatorio come il grado di apertura della mandibola, la deviazione, i rumori dell’ATM e gli aspetti sintomatici, come la localizzazione dei muscoli dolenti alla palpazione, ci limiteremo a descrivere e trarre delle conclusioni sui princìpi fondamentali su cui si basa il RDC.
==== '''Axis II: Psychosocial status and pain-related disability''' ====

'''Axis I: Condizioni cliniche del DTM.'''

Il primo argomento fu che i termini ambigui dovevano essere evitati nel RDC. Infatti molti termini usati per descrivere condizioni cliniche sono usati in maniera approssimativa. Lo spasmo, secondo Lund<sup>(23)</sup> la contrattura, la contrazione, iperattività, la tensione sono alcuni termini ambigui. I criteri diagnostici per lo spasmo muscolare, miositi e contratture possono essere trovate nella letteratura medica.  Per esempio, la miosite è caratterizzata da debolezza, abnormalità EMG registrate con elettrodi ad ago, un elevato livello di eritrosedimentazione , un elevato livello serico di creatin fosfochinasi (CPK) ed un evidente infiammazione nella biopsia. Nel sistema di classificazione proposto i pazienti sono assegnati a tre gruppi distinti: il gruppo I condizioni muscolari; il gruppo II dislocazione meniscale; Il gruppo III artralgie, atriti ed artrosi, sulla base di semplici esame anamnestico. Qualcuno crede, sempre secondo Lund, che il dolore miofasciale e la fibromialgia possono essere distinte dalla presenza dei trigger point nell'ultima condizione; altri suggeriscono che i trigger point possono essere indistinguibili. Un trigger point di una persona può, comunque, essere un tender point di un altro.
Pain measurement is part of the Axis II and being an important variable it should be considered using a continuous scale such as the visual analogue scale (VAS) or a verbal descriptive checklist (VDCL) topics that we have already discussed in the chapters on medical language logic.

Il sottogruppo I e II sono definiti sulla base dell'apertura della bocca. Questo segno clinico è in continua discussione, infatti, dovrebbe essere rapportato al sesso ed all'età. Ciò può aiutare a migliorare il basso valore predittivo associato con il cutoff di 35 mm. Widmer cita due studi che riportano differenze di 2.5 e 3.5 mm tra sesso. Il cutoff per la massima apertura non assistita è differente tra il gruppo I e II (40 mm contro 35 mm) così come sono i limiti dello stiramento passivo senza dolore ( >5mm contro £ 4 mm ). La ragione della scelta di differenti limiti non è spiegata e la decisione non è sorprendente. I fattori meccanici, infatti, limitano il movimento nel gruppo II, mentre il dolore è la causa primaria nel Gruppo I, ma non sarebbe altrettanto sorprendente se il soggetto possa essere classificato nel gruppo I un giorno e nel gruppo II successivamente.  
The DTM questionnaire includes three questions related to the degree of pain; one for recent pain (n°7); one, for maximum pain in the last 6 months (n°9); one, for the average pain in the last 6 months (n°10). Interpretation, as can be guessed, remains very difficult as the patient's memory of pain is very low in the headache periods. The four questions on disability (n°11 to n°14) referring to the patient's memory could be more effective than the pain symptom, as it is easier to control the absence from work caused by the pain than the intensity of the pain itself. The authors recommend that depression, vegetative and physical phenomena be quantified using the SCL-90-R scale (a psychometric assessment tool by Leonard R. Derogatis).


'''Axis II: Stato psicosociale e disabilità relativa al dolore'''
=== '''Conclusions''' ===
The DRC was an obligatory step in defining guidelines capable of stemming the chaotic phenomenon of individual interpretation of the DTMs. In USA. in fact, the insurance system found itself displaced by the enormous health expenditure due to the improper interpretation of the data resulting from instrumental tests and clinical diagnostic methods that were not validated in the field of DTM. In fact, prosthetic, orthodontic, orthodontic-postural rehabilitation and, in any case, very expensive therapies were often indicated to these patients as therapy.

Unfortunately, the rigorous RDC system can only direct the diagnosis towards a more appropriate category but not define it with the same rigor and certainty, especially when it comes to defining a differential diagnosis between DTM and DOF caused by organic neurological or systemic pathologies which in the first phase of disease can manifest with widespread pain symptoms and/or comparable to a clinical manifestation such as TMD.

La misura del dolore fa parte dell'Axis II ed essendo un importante variabile dovrebbe essere considerata usando una scala continua così come la scala analogica visiva (VAS) od una cheklist verbale descrittiva ( VDCL)
Another criticism that can be leveled at the 'RDC' is to consider the patient with TMD as a separate category almost exclusively dental and not as a pain subject at risk. This criterion focuses the diagnostic models on specifically dental requirements and excludes a series of clinical-instrumental diagnostic models which have a wider range of action.

Il questionario per DTM include tre domande riferibili al grado del dolore: una per il dolore attuale  ( n°7); una, per il massimo dolore negli ultimi 6 mesi ( n°9); una, per la media del dolore negli ultimi 6 mesi ( n°10). L'interpretazione, come si può intuire, rimane molto difficile in quanto la memoria del dolore nel paziente è molto bassa nei periodi cefalalgici. Le quattro domande sulla disabilità (n°11 a n°14) riferite alla memoria del paziente potrebbero essere più efficaci del sintomo dolore, in quanto è più facile controllare l'assenza dal lavoro causati dal dolore che l’intensità del dolore stesso. Gli autori raccomandano che la depressione, i fenomeni vegetativi e fisici siano quantificati attraverso la scala SCL-90-R( uno strumento di valutazione psicometrico di Leonard R. Derogatis).'''Leonard R. Derogatis,'''
The DRC's decision to completely eliminate instrumental scientific support in medical diagnostics has led to a clinical knowledge restriction on the part of doctors and dentists such that it is no longer possible to formulate an early differential diagnosis in headaches in which the damage is organic.

Il RDC è stato un passaggio obbligato per definire delle linee guida in grado di arginare il fenomeno caotico dell’interpretazione individuale dei DTM. In USA. infatti, il sistema assicurativo si trovò spiazzato dall'enorme spesa sanitaria dovuta all'impropria interpretazione dei dati uscenti da esami strumentali e metodiche diagnostiche cliniche non validizzate nel campo dei DTM. A questi pazienti, infatti, veniva spesso indicata come terapia, una riabilitazione protesica, ortodontica,ortodontico-posturale, terapie queste molto costose.
It can therefore be affirmed and confirmed that the CDR is not only restrictive but can sometimes be dangerous for the dentist because he can make himself responsible for inexperience. With this statement we do not want to cancel all the efforts made by the 'RDC' in order to give diagnostic and therapeutic limits and consequently considerably reduce speculation on the disease, but it is necessary to match this diagnostic model, mainly dental, with a vision more global medical semeiotics including the use of instrumental investigations.

Purtroppo il rigoroso sistema RDC può soltanto indirizzare la diagnosi verso una più appropriata categoria ma non definirla con altrettanto rigore e certezza in special modo quando si tratti di definire una diagnosi differenziale tra DTM e DOF causato da patologie organiche neurologiche o sistemiche che nella prima fase della malattia si possono manifestare con sintomatologia algica diffusa.  
In the next chapters, therefore, the basic elements of the 'RDC' will be discussed individually in order to be able to better evaluate the limits and advantages of this diagnostic model but before starting we present two emblematic clinical cases for the continuation of the chapters on the 'RDC' which induce a deep reflection on the subject.<center>
<gallery widths="350" heights="282" perrow="2" mode="slideshow">
File:Miastenia paraneoplastica.jpg|'''Figure 1:''' Myasthenic case report considered TMD despite the mouth opening being greater than 40mm but presenting difficulty in chewing such as to lead the dental colleagues to makeover more mobile prostheses with increased vertical dimensions. After 2 months from the initial symptoms, the situation worsened with the appearance of a difficulty in swallowing. Some neurological clinical tests resulted positive: Mingazzini, index-nose, nystagmus, alteration of the swallowing reflex. These anamnestic data directed the diagnosis towards an organic neurological pathology. Subsequent laboratory tests (blood chemistry, Rx, trigeminal electrophysiological and repetitive stimulation) made it possible to formulate the diagnosis of [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29655456/ '''Lambert Eaton''' '''Myasthenic''' '''Syndrome'''].
File:Post-polio.jpg|'''Figure 2:''' Post-polio syndrome was previously diagnosed with TMD and Occlusal-Postural disorder in reference to orofacial pain and vertigo phenomena despite the mandibular opening being greater than 40 mm. The anamnesis reported only an interesting correlation between the pain side and poliomyelitis contracted in childhood. On needle electromyographic examination of the temporal muscle, the recorded potentials showed a neuropathic picture with spontaneous activity, motor units of abnormal amplitude (> 2 mV) attributable to neuropathic suffering and reinnervation phenomena. The previous illness and the EMG examination led to a diagnosis of '[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7783759/ Post-polio syndrome]'.
File:Recovery cycle.jpeg|'''Figure 3:''' Bruxist patient classified in the RDC protocol in group I,2 Rifascial pain with limitation of mouth opening. Definitive diagnosis '[[Encrypted code: Hyperexcitability of the trigeminal system|Cavernosa Pineal]]' 
The images shown are only a part of the clinical cases that will be presented during the drafting of masticationpedia so the reader should know that Masticationpadia is a dynamic encyclopaedia and, therefore, over time the chapters of other information useful for understanding the rationale of the project which is first of all to observe the epochal clinical reality in masticatory rehabilitation, to observe the anomalies and possibly the crisis of the paradigm to then propose a new paradigm denominated following the Khunian settings 'Extraordinary Science' in which the International Scientific Community can focus its attention and constructive criticism.
[[File:Question 2.jpg|left|100x100px]]
{{q2|In the next chapters we will try to understand the real validity of the Research Diagnostic Criteria}}

Un'altra critica che può essere mossa al RDC è di considerare il paziente con DTM una categoria a se stante quasi esclusivamente odontoiatrica e non come soggetto algico a rischio. Questo criterio focalizza i modelli diagnostici su requisiti specificatamente odontoiatrici ed esclude una serie di modelli diagnostici clinico-strumentali che hanno un più ampio raggio di azione.      



La decisione del RDC di eliminare completamente il supporto scientifico strumentale nella diagnostica medica ha determinato una restrizione conoscitiva clinica da parte dei medici ed odontoiatri tale che non è più possibile formulare precocemente una diagnosi differenziale nelle  cefalee in cui il danno è organico.  

Si può affermare e confermare, perciò, che il RDC non solo è limitativo ma a volte può risultare pericoloso per l’odontoiatra perché può far ricadere su se stesso la responsabilità di imperizia. Con quest’affermazione non si vuol annullare tutti gli sforzi fatti da RDC  nell’intento di dare dei limiti diagnostici e terapeutici e di conseguenza ridurre notevolmente la speculazione sulla malattia ma si rende necessario appaiare a questo modello diagnostico, principalmente odontoiatrico, una visione più globale di semeiotica medica, compreso l’impiego di indagini strumentali, per cui è necessario trattare separatamente l’argomento RDC per poter valutare meglio i limiti ed i vantaggi di questo sistema diagnostico.


Latest revision as of 17:21, 19 October 2024

Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC)


Article by  Gianni Frisardi


Abstract: The article discusses the development and purpose of the Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) for temporomandibular disorders (TMD), which was established to create standardized clinical case definitions with reproducibility across clinicians and researchers. The RDC project was based on empirical data from longitudinal epidemiological research and aimed to improve diagnosis, prognostic studies, and treatment effectiveness. The criteria were derived from a literature review of diagnostic methods and validated through reproducibility studies.

The RDC adopts a two-axis diagnostic model: Axis I covers clinical diagnoses, classifying TMD into three groups: muscle conditions, meniscal dislocation, and joint disorders such as arthralgia and arthritis. Axis II addresses the psychosocial and pain-related disability of patients. The RDC emphasizes precise measurements and structured questionnaires to avoid ambiguous clinical descriptions.

A significant limitation of the RDC is its exclusion of certain instrumental diagnostic methodologies, which may restrict early differential diagnosis, especially when distinguishing between TMD and organic neurological or systemic diseases that present with similar symptoms. Despite its structured approach, the RDC is criticized for focusing too heavily on dental aspects and not considering broader medical diagnostics. The article concludes by stressing the need to integrate the RDC with a more comprehensive medical approach and presents clinical case studies to illustrate diagnostic challenges.

Research Diagnostic Criteria

This called project requires that the repeatability and validity of the diagnostic criteria allow:

  • The generation of clinical case definitions with reproducibility between clinicians and researchers
  • Identification and assessment of etiologic, preventive, and risk factors as well as assessment of associated characteristics that initiate, prevent, maintain, or exacerbate the disorders
  • Allow prognostic studies
  • Establish effective treatment

The empirical data used to develop 'RDC' came from longitudinal epidemiological research supported by the National Institute for Dental Research (NIDR) and conducted at the University of Washington and the Group Health Corporation of Puget Sound, Seattle, Washington.

Samuel F. Dworkin, M. Von Korff and L. LeResche were the principal investigators.

In order to arrive at the formulation of the 'RDC' protocol, a literature review of the diagnostic methods in the DTMs was carried out and subjected to validation and reproducibility. Taxonomic factors were also considered but not uncritically.

The taxonomy of diseases, in fact, has developed because the classification of diseases is considered a useful way to improve knowledge of what would otherwise have been a confusing set of information. The taxonomy, however, is in itself a constructor  or a set of constructors, and for this they need an evaluation referable to critical factors such as reliability and validation. For a diagnostic manufacturer to be considered valid, it must contain a series of valid disease descriptors. The disease descriptor is considered valid if and only if it is frequently found in patients with the disease and rarely observed in individuals without the disease.

Nine taxonomic systems were taken into consideration, that of Farrar (1972)[1]Block (1980)[2], Eversole e Machado (1985)[3], Bell (1986)[4], Fricton (1988)[5],American Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders (AACD) (1990)[6], Talley (1990)[7], Bergamini e Prayer-Galletti (1990)[8],Truelove (1992)[9], and compared, according them to a series of evaluation criteria. Some of these criteria can be applied in evaluating that builder or taxonomic system while others were developed by the authors themselves. The evaluation criteria have been divided into two categories that  involve

  1. Methodological considerations
  2. Clinical considerations.

At the end of the research there was a drastic elimination of a series of instrumental diagnostic methodologies, due to lack of scientific and clinical validation (table 1)

Table 1: DTM diagnostic methodologies analyzed and eliminated from the DRC because they are not scientifically validated
Diagnostic Tests Cutoff Sensitivity Specificity VPP
Jaw movements replicator
Mandibular opening width (Dworkin et el.,1990)[10] Males:35 mm








Mandibular movement speed (Cooper e Rabuzzi, 1984)[11] 300 mm/sec - 0.24 -
Mandibular movement speed (Feine et al., 1988 )[12] 250 mm/sec 1.0 0.20 0.15
Anterior/Posterior relationship (Feine et al., 1988)[12] 1/2 0.86 0.30 0.14
Masticatory cycles(Feine et al., 1988)[12] descrittivi 0.26 0.70 0.11
Pantographic Reproducibility Index
IRP (Shields et al.1978)[13] 10 unità 0.89 0.30 0.15
Temporomandibular joint
Digital palpation (Dworkin et al.,1990 )[10] Presenza di click 0.43 0.75 0.19
Electrical stimulation methods
Free rest space before stimulation( Cooper e Rabuzzi 1984)[11] 0.75-2.0 mm 0.42 0.62 0.17
Free space to rest after electric-stimulation ( Cooper e Rabuzzi 1984;[11]) 0.75-2.0 mm 0.76 0.19 0.11
Closure trajectory before after electrical stimulation( Cooper e Rabuzzi 1984)[11] Non definita 0.75 0.27 0.12
EMG at rest ( Cooper e Rabuzzi 1984)[14] EM1=10μ V

EM2= 2.5μ V

0.89 0.19 0.13
Level of maximum masticatory closure 160μ V - - -
Cutoff: Parameters and limits of significance that should divide sick from healthy, for each test reportedSensitivity: Ability of the specified test to identify the truly sick in a sample of healthy and sick subjects

Specificity: Ability of the specified test to identify the healthy  in a sample of healthy and sick subjects

Positive Predictive Value (PPV): Ratio of the ability of the specified test to identify truly sick (positive) patients on the total sick population in a sample of healthy and sick subjects.

Without going into statistical topics, which we will deal with in specific chapters in the 'Extraordinary Science' section, we can observe, from the table, that the PPV, one of the essential components for scientific-clinical validation, is low for all diagnostic systems except for the method of measuring the jaw opening. The purpose of the RDC was precisely to provide a standardized criterion for research proposals based on the current state of knowledge regarding DTMs. For example, words such as 'often' or 'rarely' or 'limited jaw opening' have been eliminated and replaced with precise measurements such as '35mm opening'. The RDC was built on two axes:

Axis I corresponding to the clinical diagnosis Axis II corresponding to the psychophysical conditions in the patient with chronic pain.

The Axis I diagnostic scale is divided into 3 groups:

  • Group I: Muscle diagnosis
  1. Myofascial pain
  2. Myofascial pain with limitation of jaw opening
  • Group II: Meniscal dislocation
  1. Meniscal dislocation with reduction
  2. Meniscal dislocation without reduction with limited mandibular opening
  3. Meniscal dislocation without reduction and without limitation of mandibular opening
  • Group III: Arthralgias, arthritis and osteoarthritis
  1. Arthralgia
  2. Osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
  3. TMJ osteoarthritis

Quantification and classification of global severity of pain conditions were reported in Axis II. These conditions match:

  1. pain intensity.
  2. disability of the subject according to the pain pathology
  3. depression
  4. nonspecific physical symptoms.

Sparing the reader the RDC questionnaire consisting of 31 questions plus group and subgroups of questions, and the anamnestic file which considers functional aspects of the masticatory system such as the degree of jaw opening, deviation, ATM noises and symptomatic aspects, such as the localization of painful muscles on palpation, etc., to limit ourselves to describing and drawing conclusions on the fundamental principles on which the RDC is based.

Axis I: Clinical conditions of the DTM.

The first argument was that ambiguous terms should be avoided in the 'RDC'. In fact, many terms used to describe clinical conditions are used loosely. Spasm, according to Lund[15] contracture, contraction, hyperactivity, tension are some ambiguous terms. Diagnostic criteria for muscle spasm, myositis and contractures can be found in the medical literature. For example, myositis is characterized by weakness, EMG abnormalities recorded with needle electrodes, an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation level, an elevated serum creatine phosphokinase (CPK) level, and obvious inflammation on biopsy. In the proposed classification system, patients are assigned to three distinct groups: group I muscle conditions; group II meniscal dislocation; Group III arthralgias, attritis and osteoarthritis, on the basis of simple anamnestic examinations. Some believe, according to Lund, that myofascial pain and fibromyalgia can be distinguished by the presence of trigger points in the latter condition; others suggest that trigger points may be indistinguishable. One person's trigger point may, however, be another's tender point.

Subgroups I and II are defined on the basis of mouth opening. This clinical sign is under continuous discussion and should be related to gender and age. This can help improve the low predictive value associated with the 35mm cutoff. Widmer cites two studies reporting differences of 2.5 and 3.5 mm between sexes. The cutoff for maximum unassisted opening is different between groups I and II (40mm vs 35mm) as are the limits of painless passive stretching (>5mm vs 4mm). The reason for choosing different limits is not explained and the decision is not surprising. Mechanical factors, in fact, limit movement in Group II, while pain is the primary cause in Group I, but it would not be equally surprising if the subject could be classified in Group I one day and in Group II thereafter.

Axis II: Psychosocial status and pain-related disability

Pain measurement is part of the Axis II and being an important variable it should be considered using a continuous scale such as the visual analogue scale (VAS) or a verbal descriptive checklist (VDCL) topics that we have already discussed in the chapters on medical language logic.

The DTM questionnaire includes three questions related to the degree of pain; one for recent pain (n°7); one, for maximum pain in the last 6 months (n°9); one, for the average pain in the last 6 months (n°10). Interpretation, as can be guessed, remains very difficult as the patient's memory of pain is very low in the headache periods. The four questions on disability (n°11 to n°14) referring to the patient's memory could be more effective than the pain symptom, as it is easier to control the absence from work caused by the pain than the intensity of the pain itself. The authors recommend that depression, vegetative and physical phenomena be quantified using the SCL-90-R scale (a psychometric assessment tool by Leonard R. Derogatis).



The DRC was an obligatory step in defining guidelines capable of stemming the chaotic phenomenon of individual interpretation of the DTMs. In USA. in fact, the insurance system found itself displaced by the enormous health expenditure due to the improper interpretation of the data resulting from instrumental tests and clinical diagnostic methods that were not validated in the field of DTM. In fact, prosthetic, orthodontic, orthodontic-postural rehabilitation and, in any case, very expensive therapies were often indicated to these patients as therapy.

Unfortunately, the rigorous RDC system can only direct the diagnosis towards a more appropriate category but not define it with the same rigor and certainty, especially when it comes to defining a differential diagnosis between DTM and DOF caused by organic neurological or systemic pathologies which in the first phase of disease can manifest with widespread pain symptoms and/or comparable to a clinical manifestation such as TMD.

Another criticism that can be leveled at the 'RDC' is to consider the patient with TMD as a separate category almost exclusively dental and not as a pain subject at risk. This criterion focuses the diagnostic models on specifically dental requirements and excludes a series of clinical-instrumental diagnostic models which have a wider range of action.

The DRC's decision to completely eliminate instrumental scientific support in medical diagnostics has led to a clinical knowledge restriction on the part of doctors and dentists such that it is no longer possible to formulate an early differential diagnosis in headaches in which the damage is organic.

It can therefore be affirmed and confirmed that the CDR is not only restrictive but can sometimes be dangerous for the dentist because he can make himself responsible for inexperience. With this statement we do not want to cancel all the efforts made by the 'RDC' in order to give diagnostic and therapeutic limits and consequently considerably reduce speculation on the disease, but it is necessary to match this diagnostic model, mainly dental, with a vision more global medical semeiotics including the use of instrumental investigations.

In the next chapters, therefore, the basic elements of the 'RDC' will be discussed individually in order to be able to better evaluate the limits and advantages of this diagnostic model but before starting we present two emblematic clinical cases for the continuation of the chapters on the 'RDC' which induce a deep reflection on the subject.

The images shown are only a part of the clinical cases that will be presented during the drafting of masticationpedia so the reader should know that Masticationpadia is a dynamic encyclopaedia and, therefore, over time the chapters of other information useful for understanding the rationale of the project which is first of all to observe the epochal clinical reality in masticatory rehabilitation, to observe the anomalies and possibly the crisis of the paradigm to then propose a new paradigm denominated following the Khunian settings 'Extraordinary Science' in which the International Scientific Community can focus its attention and constructive criticism.

Question 2.jpg
«In the next chapters we will try to understand the real validity of the Research Diagnostic Criteria»

Bibliography & references
  1. Farrar WB.: Differentiation of temporomandibular joint dysfunction to simplify treatment (other articles included) J.Prosthetic Dent. 1972; 28: 555-629
  2. Block SL.: Differential diagnosis of cranial facial cervical pain. In Sarnat BG:, Laskin DM (eds): The temporomandbular joint, ed 3. Springfield.III Charles C.Thomas .1980 pp. 348-421
  3. Eversole LR., Machado L.: Temporomandibular joint internal derangements and associated neuromuscular disorders. J. Am.Dent Assoc 1985; 110: 69-79
  4. Bell WE.: Temporomandibular disorders:Classification, Diagnosis, Management.(2 ed).Chicago Year Book Medical Publishers, 1986
  5. Fricton Jr., Kroening RJ., Hathaway KM.:TMJ and Craniofacial pain: Diagnosis and Management. St Louis, Ishiyaku EuroAmerica. 1988
  6. American Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders: Craniomandibular Disorders: Guidilines for evaluation, Diagnosi, and Management. Chicago, Quintessence Publ.Co 1990
  7. Talley Rl., Murphy GJ., Smith Sd., Baylin MA., Haden JL.: Standards for the history, examination, diagnosis, and treatment of temporomandibular disorders (DTM): A position paper. J Craniomand. Prat. 1990; 8: 60-77
  8. Bergamini M., Prayer-Galetti S.: A classification of musculoskeletal disorders of the stomatognatic apparatus. Front Oral Physiol. 1990; 7: 185-190
  9. Truelove EL., Sommers EE., LeResche L., Dworkin SF., Von Korff M.: Clinical diagnostic criteria for RMD: New classification permits multiple diagnosis. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 1992; 123: 47-54
  10. 10.0 10.1 S F Dworkin, L LeResche, M R Von KorffDiagnostic studies of temporomandibular disorders: challenges from an epidemiologic perspective.Anesth Prog. 1990 Mar-Jun;37(2-3):147-54.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 BC Cooper, D D Rabuzzi. Myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome: a clinical study of asymptomatic subjects. Laryngoscope. 1984 Jan;94(1):68-75. doi: 10.1002/lary.5540940116.
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 TT Dao, J S Feine, J P Lund. Can electrical stimulation be used to establish a physiologic occlusal position? J Prosthet Dent. 1988 Oct;60(4):509-14.doi: 10.1016/0022-3913(88)90259-4.
  13. James M. Shields, Joseph A. Clayton, Larry D. Sindledecker. Using pantographic tracings to detect TMJ and muscle dysfunctions. J Prosthet Dent.Volume 39, Issue 1, P80-87, January 19788
  14. Barry C. Cooper D.D.S., Daniel D. Rabuzzi M.D.Myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome: A clinical study of asymptomatic subjects. Laryngoscope. January 1984 https://doi.org/10.1002/lary.5540940116
  15. Lund JP., Widmer CG., Donga R., Stohler CS.: The pain adaptation model: An explanation of the relationship between chronic pain and musculuar activity. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 1991; 69: 683-694