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| en = 3° Clinical case: Meningioma
| it = 3° Clinical case: Meningioma
| fr = '3° Cas clinique : Méningiome'
| de = '3° Klinischer Fall: Meningiom'
| es = '3° Caso Clínico: Meningioma'
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| autore = Gianni Frisardi
| autore = Gianni Frisardi
| autore2 =
| autore2 = Flavio Frisardi
| autore3 = Flavio Frisardi
'''Abstract:'''This clinical case, referred to as Balancer, involves a 60-year-old male patient experiencing postural and gait disturbances following prosthetic rehabilitation. The case will be analyzed using the same diagnostic framework applied in previous cases like Mary Poppins and Bruxer. The analysis focuses on correlations between temporomandibular disorders (TMD), posture, and occlusal balance, with particular emphasis on Centric Relationship and its influence on both occlusal stability and posture.

=== Introduzione ===
Recent studies, including those by Minervini et al., suggest a relationship between TMD and postural problems, positing that TMD affects neuromuscular balance, influencing body posture. Despite this, many clinicians remain skeptical about these connections. The case of Balancer raises concerns about the correlation between Centric Relationship and postural stability, presenting a situation where traditional manual centric positioning (used in orthognathic surgery) conflicted with Neuro Evoked Centric Relationship obtained via trigeminal root stimulation, revealing spatial misalignment.
{{Bookind2}}Come ormai consueto anche questo caso clinico, che da ora chiameremo con un nome di fantasia ' '''Balancer'''<nowiki/>' per la sua sintomatologia riferita di disturbo postulare e di deambulazione dopo essere stato riabilitato protesicamente seguirà il modello di presentazione dei precedenti casi clinici. Nell'introduzione si presenteranno argomenti attinenti al caso clinico in questione su cui faremo delle prime riflessioni concettuali evidenziate dal nostro caro e pensieroso Linus[[File:Question 2.jpg|center|50x50px|link=https://wiki.masticationpedia.org/index.php/File:Question_2.jpg]]Un recente articolo di Minervini et al.<ref>Giuseppe Minervini, Rocco Franco, Maria Maddalena Marrapodi, Salvatore Crimi, Almir Badnjević, Gabriele Cervino, Alberto Bianchi, and  Marco Cicciù. Correlation between Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) and Posture Evaluated trough the Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (DC/TMD): A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis. J Clin Med. 2023 Apr; 12(7): 2652. Published online 2023 Apr 2. doi: 10.3390/jcm12072652.PMCID: PMC10095000.PMID: 37048735
</ref>asserisce quanto segue: la TMD ha legamenti e connessioni muscolari con l'area cervicale, quindi queste connessioni hanno portato a ipotizzare che i problemi di postura possano influenzare lo sviluppo di TMD<ref>An J.-S., Jeon D.-M., Jung W.-S., Yang I.-H., Lim W.H., Ahn S.-J. Influence of temporomandibular joint disc displacement on craniocervical posture and hyoid bone position. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop. 2015;147:72–79. doi: 10.1016/j.ajodo.2014.09.015.</ref><ref>Lee W.Y., Okeson J.P., Lindroth J. The relationship between forward head posture and temporomandibular disorders. J. Orofac. Pain. 1995;9 </ref><ref>Minervini G., Mariani P., Fiorillo L., Cervino G., Cicciù M., Laino L. Prevalence of temporomandibular disorders in people with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. CRANIO® 2022:1–9. doi: 10.1080/08869634.2022.2137129.</ref><ref>Minervini G.D., Del Mondo D.D., Russo D.D., Cervino G.D., D’Amico C.D., Fiorillo L.D. Stem Cells in Temporomandibular Joint Engineering: State of Art and Future Persectives. J. Craniofacial Surg. 2022;33:2181–2187. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000008771.</ref><ref>Crescente G., Minervini G., Spagnuolo C., Moccia S. Cannabis Bioactive Compound-Based Formulations: New Per-spectives for the Management of Orofacial Pain. Molecules. 2022;28:106. doi: 10.3390/molecules28010106.</ref>per cui di conseguenza i cicli masticatori dovrebbero essere equilibrati poiché la masticazione unilaterale potrebbe alterare l'equilibrio posturale del corpo.Gli splint di stabilizzazione possono determinare un equilibrio neuromuscolare, rimuovendo le interferenze posteriori e fornendo una relazione occlusale stabile e una relazione centrica. È stata studiata la relazione tra postura craniometrica e TMD; tuttavia, nonostante l'enorme numero di studi, clinici e accademici rimangono poco convinti.<ref>Abe S., Kawano F., Matsuka Y., Masuda T., Okawa T., Tanaka E. Relationship between Oral Parafunctional and Postural Habits and the Symptoms of Temporomandibular Disorders: A Survey-Based Cross-Sectional Cohort Study Using Propensity Score Matching Analysis. J. Clin. Med. 2022;11:6396. doi: 10.3390/jcm11216396.</ref> <blockquote>[[File:Question 2.jpg|50x50px|link=https://wiki.masticationpedia.org/index.php/File:Question_2.jpg|left]]'''Relazione Centrica e Postura'''

La conclusione d'obbligo: 'tuttavia, nonostante l'enorme numero di studi, clinici e accademici rimangono poco convinti [24].' è sempre un modo diplomatico per evitare guai ma se leggiamo attentamente i punti salienti di questo estratto sembra che tutto derivi da una sorta di equilibrio dovuto da una stabilità occlusale e da una Relazione Centrica mandibolare esatta. Ma la domanda che sorge è:
Further exploration of neuromuscular balance and symmetry through electromyographic procedures highlighted significant discrepancies between the asymmetry detected in the EMG patterns and the neurological findings. The case underscores the importance of integrating both dental and neurological contexts to reach an accurate diagnosis, particularly when interpreting terms like "asymmetry." This case demonstrates that a seemingly trivial postural asymmetry could signify more severe neurological damage.

{{q2|Quale Relazione Centrica!!!|forse quella terminale forzata oppure quella guidata ma no!! facciamo la miocentrica che è più indicata magari impiegando la TENS. }}Senza entrare in argomenti specifici rimandati ai capitoli di riferimento, si vuole evidenziare le incongruenze che si incontrano in affermazioni così importanti di tipo correlazione tra  Relazione Centrica e Postura. Riportiamo un caso clinico già presentato nel capitolo '[[Conclusioni sullo status quo nella logica del linguaggio medico riguardo al sistema masticatorio|Conclusioni sullo status quo nella logica del linguaggio medico riguardo al sistema]] perchè molto attinente all'argomento 'Correlazione'.
The clinical findings suggest that while there may be minor EMG asymmetry due to prosthetic imbalance, the neurological symptoms, including an absent jaw jerk and latency asymmetry in the Silent Period, indicate a deeper neurological issue rather than a simple dental malocclusion. The diagnostic model applied here aims to decrypt the central nervous system's machine language code to distinguish between functional postural disturbances and structural neurological damage.

masticatorio'n cui si evidenzia la discrepanza tra una Relazione Centrica manuale ottenuta intraoperatoriamente per fissare i capi ossei nell'intervento di ortografica e la posizione spaziale denominata Relazione Centrica Numero Evocata ottenuta attraverso stimolazione transcraniale delle radici trigeminali. 

In figura 1a si può osservare la posizione spaziale dei mascellari dopo intervento di ortografica in cui le posizioni vengono stabilite attraverso una metodica manuale di 'Relazione Centrica'. Il chirurgo non ha nessun altro mezzo se non la procedura manuale di posizionamento mandibolare. Paziente che malgrado una edentulia bilaterale, che avrebbe affrontato dopo qualche mese, è stato considerato in ottima stabilità occlusale, Nei capitoli precedente si è dimostrato che dopo aver eseguito i riflessi trigeminali lo stato di sistema masticatorio del paziente era tutt'altro che sano. In figura 1b un dettaglio di ingrandimento dell'area incisale per visualizzare la linea incisale mandibolare spostata verso il lato sinistro del paziente mentre in figura 1c assistiamo ad una simmetrizzazione spaziale della mandibola ( spostamento verso lato destro del paziente) impiegando una tecnica di "Registrazione Centrica neuro-evocata" attraverso stimolazione transcraniale elettrica delle radici trigeminali (<sub>b</sub>Root-MEPs) <center><gallery widths="240" heights="200" perrow="3" slideshow""="">
File:Chirurgia Ortognatica 1.jpeg|'''Figura 1a:''' Paziente dimesso dal reparto di chirurgia ortognatica
File:ETCS post ortognatica modificata.jpeg|'''Figura 1b:''' Disallineamento posizione spaziale mandibolare
File:ETCS post ortognatica.jpeg|'''Figura 1c:''' Reallineamento posizione mandibolare
</gallery></center>In conclusione a questo punto il problema non è più la correlazione tra postura e stabilità occlusale ma la correlazione tra Relazione Centrica e stabilità occlusale perchè è questa relazione il primus movens di tutto il fenomeno fisiopatologico e se non si è sicuri delle asserzioni non possiamo passare oltre. {{q2|Attenzione, dunque, alla correlazione tra Relazione Centrica e Postura|}}</blockquote>

Un altro recente studio di Inchingolo et al.<ref>Alessio Danilo Inchingolo, Carmela Pezzolla, Assunta Patano, Sabino Ceci, Anna Maria Ciocia, Grazia Marinelli, Giuseppina Malcangi, Valentina Montenegro, Filippo Cardarelli, Fabio Piras, Irene Ferrara, Biagio Rapone, Ioana Roxana Bordea, Dario Di Stasio, Antonio Scarano, Felice Lorusso, Andrea Palermo, Kenan Ferati, Angelo Michele Inchingolo, Francesco Inchingolo, Daniela Di Venere, Gianna Dipalma . Experimental Analysis of the Use of Cranial Electromyography in Athletes and Clinical Implications. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Jun 29;19(13):7975. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19137975.
As now implicit, this clinical case too, which from now on we will call with a fancy name <u>Balancer</u>' due to its related symptoms of postural and gait disturbance after being prosthetically rehabilitated, will follow the presentation model of the previous clinical cases. The introduction will present topics relating to the diagnostic model in question on which we will make the first conceptual reflections highlighted by our dear and thoughtful Linus. A recent article by Minervini et al.<ref>Giuseppe Minervini, Rocco Franco, Maria Maddalena Marrapodi, Salvatore Crimi, Almir Badnjević, Gabriele Cervino, Alberto Bianchi, and  Marco Cicciù. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10095000/ Correlation between Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) and Posture Evaluated trough the Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (DC/TMD): A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis]. J Clin Med. 2023 Apr; 12(7): 2652. Published online 2023 Apr 2. doi: 10.3390/jcm12072652.PMCID: PMC10095000.PMID: 37048735
</ref>asserisce quanto segue: l'elettromiografia cranica di superficie consente la valutazione dello stato occlusale e la quantificazione dell'equilibrio posturale neuromuscolare; cioè comprendere l'occlusione dentale da un punto di vista funzionale. Rappresenta, quindi, una rivoluzione diagnostica perché permette di vedere ciò che fino ad ora era percepibile solo alla palpazione, e quindi non quantificabile.<ref>Falla D., Dall’Alba P., Rainoldi A., Merletti R., Jull G. Repeatability of Surface EMG Variables in the Sternocleidomastoid and Anterior Scalene Muscles. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 2002;87:542–549. doi: 10.1007/s00421-002-0661-x</ref> Una meta-analisi sull'uso di sEMG per valutare le relazioni tra muscoli masticatori e muscoli posturali ha rilevato che la correlazione tra il sistema masticatorio e l'attività muscolare di altri distretti corporei può essere rilevata sperimentalmente utilizzando sEMG, ma questa correlazione ha scarsa rilevanza clinica.<ref>Perinetti G., Türp J.C., Primožič J., Di Lenarda R., Contardo L. Associations between the Masticatory System and Muscle Activity of Other Body Districts. A Meta-Analysis of Surface Electromyography Studies. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 2011;21:877–884. doi: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2011.05.014.</ref> Tuttavia, Julià-Sánchez et al. hanno scoperto che l'occlusione dentale influisce sulle proprietà biomeccaniche e viscoelastiche dei muscoli masticatori e posturali utilizzando il sistema MyotonPRO®.<ref>Julià-Sánchez S., Álvarez-Herms J., Cirer-Sastre R., Corbi F., Burtscher M. The Influence of Dental Occlusion on Dynamic Balance and Muscular Tone. Front. Physiol. 2020;10:1626. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.01626</ref> L'influenza dello stato occlusale sulla stabilità è stata dimostrata anche in un articolo di Heit et al. che hanno riscontrato un aumento significativo dell'equilibrio a riposo piuttosto che alla massima intercuspidazione.<ref>Heit T., Derkson C., Bierkos J., Saqqur M. The Effect of the Physiological Rest Position of the Mandible on Cerebral Blood Flow and Physical Balance: An Observational Study. Cranio. 2015;33:195–205. doi: 10.1179/0886963414Z.00000000063.</ref> Questi risultati sono coerenti con studi precedenti che hanno utilizzato il sEMG per misurare sia l'equilibrio muscolare dei muscoli masticatori sia la sua influenza sull'attività di alcuni muscoli posturali. Ha riscontrato una sostanziale riduzione dell'attività di riposo dei muscoli posturali (sternocleidomastoideo, erettore spinale e soleo) nei partecipanti con malocclusioni dentali dopo un'occlusione neuromuscolare che bilanciava un wafer acrilico.<ref>Bergamini M., Pierleoni F., Gizdulich A., Bergamini C. Dental Occlusion and Body Posture: A Surface EMG Study. Cranio. 2008;26:25–32. doi: 10.1179/crn.2008.041.</ref><blockquote>[[File:Question 2.jpg|50x50px|link=https://wiki.masticationpedia.org/index.php/File:Question_2.jpg|left]]'''Simmetria'''
</ref> asserts the following: TMD has ligament and muscle connections with the cervical area, therefore these connections have led to the hypothesis that posture problems may influence the development of TMD, <ref>An J.-S., Jeon D.-M., Jung W.-S., Yang I.-H., Lim W.H., Ahn S.-J. Influence of temporomandibular joint disc displacement on craniocervical posture and hyoid bone position. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop. 2015;147:72–79. doi: 10.1016/j.ajodo.2014.09.015.</ref><ref>Lee W.Y., Okeson J.P., Lindroth J. The relationship between forward head posture and temporomandibular disorders. J. Orofac. Pain. 1995;9 </ref><ref>Minervini G., Mariani P., Fiorillo L., Cervino G., Cicciù M., Laino L. Prevalence of temporomandibular disorders in people with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. CRANIO® 2022:1–9. doi: 10.1080/08869634.2022.2137129.</ref><ref>Minervini G.D., Del Mondo D.D., Russo D.D., Cervino G.D., D’Amico C.D., Fiorillo L.D. Stem Cells in Temporomandibular Joint Engineering: State of Art and Future Persectives. J. Craniofacial Surg. 2022;33:2181–2187. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000008771.</ref><ref>Crescente G., Minervini G., Spagnuolo C., Moccia S. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9822121/ Cannabis Bioactive Compound-Based Formulations: New Per-spectives for the Management of Orofacial Pain]. Molecules. 2022;28:106. doi: 10.3390/molecules28010106.</ref> therefore masticatory cycles should be balanced as unilateral chewing could alter the postural balance of the body. Stabilization splints can bring about neuromuscular balance, removing posterior interference and providing a stable occlusal relationship and an optimization of the centric relationship. The relationship between craniometric posture and TMD has been studied, however, despite the huge number of studies, clinicians and academics still remain unconvinced.<ref>Abe S., Kawano F., Matsuka Y., Masuda T., Okawa T., Tanaka E. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmid/36362625/ Relationship between Oral Parafunctional and Postural Habits and the Symptoms of Temporomandibular Disorders: A Survey-Based Cross-Sectional Cohort Study Using Propensity Score Matching Analysis.] J. Clin. Med. 2022;11:6396. doi: 10.3390/jcm11216396.</ref>

Quando si parla di equilibrio neuromotorio in riferimento a procedure elettromiografiche implicitamente si evocano termini come sincronicità e simmetria. La simmetria tra lati delle scariche delle unità motorie EMG è una procedura complessa da registrare ed interpretare. Molti fattori entrano in gioco e non solo il livello di contrazione muscolare ma anche il tipo di elettrodo e elettromiografo impiegato. Se si focalizza il concetto di simmetria riferendosi alle EMG interferenziale allora la situazione si complica ulteriormente per la sommazione spazio-temporale delle unità motorie che scaricano in modo asincrono ed a frequenza variabile. Ciò può determinare collisioni e cancellazioni del potenziale registrabile sulla cute. Unico modo per poter estrapolare un dato significativo è l'analisi di Fourier<ref>Ishii T, Narita N, Endo H.Evaluation of jaw and neck muscle activities while chewing using EMG-EMGtransfer function and EMG-EMG coherence function analyses in healthy subjects.. Physiol Behav. 2016 Jun 1;160:35-42. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2016.03.023. Epub 2016 Apr 5.PMID: 27059322 </ref> ed il modello Wavelet<ref>Sharma T, Veer K. EMG classification using wavelet functions to determine muscle contraction.. J Med Eng Technol. 2016;40(3):99-105. doi: 10.3109/03091902.2016.1139202. Epub 2016 Mar 4.PMID: 26942656</ref> che, con le solite limitazioni di indeterminazione ed incertezza della misura già discusse in altri capitoli ( '''Kbrain''') si cerca decomporre il segnale già complesso per la sua natura biochimica ed estrapolarne una informazione di biofisica. Ma la domanda che sorge è:{{q2|Siamo sicuri di essere di fronte ad una 'Asimmetria'?|....stimao parlando di una asimmetria funzionale oppure organica?}}Anche riguardo questo punto molto delicato dell'equilibrio e simmetria neuromuscolare, senza entrare in argomenti specifici rimandati ai capitoli di riferimento, vorremmo far risaltare, in questa discussione, le incongruenze che si incontrano in affermazioni così importanti in cui si considera una simmetria/asimmetria tra lati della EMG interferenziale.
=== '''''[[File:Question 2.jpg|50x50px|link=https://wiki.masticationpedia.org/index.php/File:Question_2.jpg|left]]''Centric Relationship and Posture''' ===
The conclusion is mandatory: 'however, despite the huge number of studies, clinical and academic remain unconvincing.' This always turns out to be a diplomatic way to avoid trouble but if we carefully read the salient points of this extract it seems that everything derives from a sort of balance due to occlusal stability and an exact Mandibular Centric Relationship. But the question that arises is:

In figura 2a viene riportato un tracciato EMG interferenziale (massetere destro e sinistro, traccia superiore ed inferiore rispettivamente) in cui, ovviamente, si riconosce una asimmetria di lato già ad un primo approccio visivo senza ulteriori decomposizioni matematiche. In figura 2c, invece, con la stessa disposizione elettrodica si può altresì apprezzare una buona simmetria di lati. <gallery widths="240" heights="200" perrow="3" slideshow""="">
{{q2|What Centric Relationship are we talking about!!!|perhaps the forced terminal or the guided one but no!! we do the myocentric which is more suitable perhaps using TENS.}}Without going into specific topics referred to the reference chapters, we want to highlight the inconsistencies encountered in such important statements of correlation between Centric Relationship and Posture. We report a clinical case already presented in the chapter '[[Conclusions on the status quo in the logic of medical language regarding the masticatory system]]' because it is very relevant to the topic 'Masticatory correlation' which highlights the discrepancy between a manual Centric Relation obtained intraoperatively to fix the mandibular and condylar bone structures in orthognathic surgery and the spatial position called Neuro Evoked Centric Relationship obtained through Transcranial Electric stimulation of the trigeminal roots. Figure 1a shows the spatial position of the jaws after orthognathic surgery in which the positions are established through a manual method of 'Centric Relationship'. The surgeon has no other means than the manual mandibular positioning procedure. Despite bilateral edentulism, which he would face after a few months, the patient was considered to be in excellent occlusal stability. The previous chapters demonstrated that after performing the trigeminal reflexes, the patient's masticatory system was far from intact. In figure 1b an enlarged detail of the incisal area to visualize the mandibular incisal line moved towards the left side of the patient while in figure 1c we see a spatial symmetrization of the mandible (moving towards the right side of the patient) using a "Neuro Evoked Centric Registration" through transcranial electrical stimulation of the trigeminal roots (<sub>b</sub>Root-MEPs) <center><gallery widths="240" heights="200" perrow="3" slideshow""="">
File:EMG2.jpg|'''Figura 2a:''' EMG interferenziale funzionalmente asimmetrico
File:Chirurgia Ortognatica 1.jpeg|'''Figure 1a:''' Patient discharged from the orthognathic surgery department
File:Bruxer MEP.jpeg|'''Figura 2b:''' Potenziale Evocato Motorio delle Radici trigeminali
File:ETCS post ortognatica modificata.jpeg|'''Figure 1b:''' Mandibular spatial position misalignment
File:Bruxer EMG.jpeg|'''Figura 2c:''' Tracciato EMG funzionalmente simmetrico
File:ETCS post ortognatica.jpeg|'''Figure 1c:''' Mandibular position alignment after 'Neuro Evoked Centric position'
</gallery></center>In conclusion, at this point the problem is no longer the correlation between posture and occlusal stability but the correlation between the Centric Relation and occlusal stability because this relationship is the primus movens of the whole pathophysiological phenomenon and if we are not sure of the assertions we cannot go beyond . {{q2|Be careful, therefore, to use the term 'correlation' between Centric Relation and Posture or Occlusal stability and Posture.|}}</blockquote>
Another recent study Inchingolo et al.<ref>Alessio Danilo Inchingolo, Carmela Pezzolla, Assunta Patano, Sabino Ceci, Anna Maria Ciocia, Grazia Marinelli, Giuseppina Malcangi, Valentina Montenegro, Filippo Cardarelli, Fabio Piras, Irene Ferrara, Biagio Rapone, Ioana Roxana Bordea, Dario Di Stasio, Antonio Scarano, Felice Lorusso, Andrea Palermo, Kenan Ferati, Angelo Michele Inchingolo, Francesco Inchingolo, Daniela Di Venere, Gianna Dipalma . [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmid/35805630/ Experimental Analysis of the Use of Cranial Electromyography in Athletes and Clinical Implications.] Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Jun 29;19(13):7975. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19137975.
</ref> asserts the following: the cranial surface electromyography allows the evaluation of the occlusal state and the quantification of the neuromuscular postural balance, thus understanding the dental occlusion from a functional point of view. It therefore represents a diagnostic revolution because it allows you to see what until now was only perceptible by palpation, and therefore not quantifiable.<ref>Falla D., Dall’Alba P., Rainoldi A., Merletti R., Jull G. Repeatability of Surface EMG Variables in the Sternocleidomastoid and Anterior Scalene Muscles. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 2002;87:542–549. doi: 10.1007/s00421-002-0661-x</ref> A meta-analysis on the use of sEMG to evaluate the relationships between masticatory muscles and postural muscles found that the correlation between the masticatory system and the muscle activity of other parts of the body can be detected experimentally using sEMG, but this correlation has little clinic relevance .<ref>Perinetti G., Türp J.C., Primožič J., Di Lenarda R., Contardo L. Associations between the Masticatory System and Muscle Activity of Other Body Districts. A Meta-Analysis of Surface Electromyography Studies. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 2011;21:877–884. doi: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2011.05.014.</ref> However, Julià-Sánchez et al. found that dental occlusion affects the biomechanical and viscoelastic properties of masticatory and postural muscles using the MyotonPRO® system.<ref>Julià-Sánchez S., Álvarez-Herms J., Cirer-Sastre R., Corbi F., Burtscher M. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7005008/ The Influence of Dental Occlusion on Dynamic Balance and Muscular Tone.] Front. Physiol. 2020;10:1626. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.01626</ref> The influence of the occlusal state on stability was also demonstrated in an article by Heit et al. who found a significant increase in balance at rest rather than at maximal intercuspidation.<ref>Heit T., Derkson C., Bierkos J., Saqqur M. The Effect of the Physiological Rest Position of the Mandible on Cerebral Blood Flow and Physical Balance: An Observational Study. Cranio. 2015;33:195–205. doi: 10.1179/0886963414Z.00000000063.</ref> These results are consistent with previous studies that used sEMG to measure both the muscle balance of the masticatory muscles and its influence on the activity of some postural muscles. A substantial reduction in resting postural muscle activity (sternocleidomastoid, erector spinae, and soleus) was found in participants with dental malocclusions after balancing with a bite.<ref>Bergamini M., Pierleoni F., Gizdulich A., Bergamini C. Dental Occlusion and Body Posture: A Surface EMG Study. Cranio. 2008;26:25–32. doi: 10.1179/crn.2008.041.</ref><blockquote></blockquote>[[File:Question 2.jpg|50x50px|link=https://wiki.masticationpedia.org/index.php/File:Question_2.jpg|left]]
=== '''Simmetry''' ===
<blockquote>When we speak of neuromotor balance in reference to electromyographic procedures, terms such as synchronicity and symmetry are implicitly evoked. Side-to-side symmetry of EMG motor unit discharges is a complex procedure to record and interpret. Many factors come into play and not only the level of muscle contraction but also the type of electrode and electromyographic device used. If the concept of symmetry is focused referring to interferential EMG pattern then the situation is further complicated by the spatio-temporal summation of the motor units which discharge asynchronously and at variable frequency. This can lead to collisions and cancellations of the recordable potential on the skin. The only way to be able to extrapolate a significant data is the Fourier analysis<ref>Ishii T, Narita N, Endo H.[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S003193841630110X?via%3Dihub Evaluation of jaw and neck muscle activities while chewing using EMG-EMGtransfer function and EMG-EMG coherence function analyses in healthy subjects.]. Physiol Behav. 2016 Jun 1;160:35-42. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2016.03.023. Epub 2016 Apr 5.PMID: 27059322 </ref> and the Wavelet model<ref>Sharma T, Veer K. EMG classification using wavelet functions to determine muscle contraction.. J Med Eng Technol. 2016;40(3):99-105. doi: 10.3109/03091902.2016.1139202. Epub 2016 Mar 4.PMID: 26942656</ref> which, with the usual limitations of indeterminacy and measurement uncertainty already discussed in other chapters (K<sub>brain</sub>), tries to decompose the already complex signal due to its nature biochemistry and extrapolate information on biophysics. But the question that arises is:{{q2|Are we sure we are dealing with an 'Asymmetry'?|.... are we talking about a functional or organic asymmetry?}}Even with regard to this very delicate point of neuromuscular balance and symmetry, without going into specific topics referred to the reference chapters, we would like to highlight the inconsistencies encountered in statements of the 'symmetry/asymmetry' type between sides of the interferential EMG pattern. Figure 2a shows an interferential EMG trace (right and left masseter, upper and lower trace respectively) in which, obviously, an evident asymmetry can be recognized already at a first visual approach without further mathematical decompositions. In figure 2c, on the other hand, one can also appreciate, in other patient, a good symmetry of the sides. <gallery widths="240" heights="200" perrow="3" slideshow""="">
File:EMG2.jpg|'''Figura 2a:''' Functionally asymmetric interference EMG pattern
File:Bruxer MEP.jpeg|'''Figura 2b:'''Motor evoked potential of the trigeminal roots
File:Bruxer EMG.jpeg|'''Figura 2c:''' Functionally symmetrical interferential EMG pattern

Well, these two asymmetry/symmetry data (figure 2a and 2c) have no clinical significance because they are functional characteristics of the system which, as we anticipated, are unstable and modulated by other internal and external components of the system itself. The clinical and laboratory aspect would change drastically if the interferential EMG pattern content in Figure 2a and 2c were normalized to the content of the Motor Evoked Potential of the trigeminal roots (Figure 2b) - same electrode arrangement). In this way, given the perfect amplitude symmetry of the Root-MEPs, we can irrefutably state that the EMG tracing in figure 2a corresponds to a state of 'Asymmetry' while that of figure 2c to a state of 'Symmetry'. If the <sub>b</sub>Root-MEPs were resulted asymmetric we would have had to speak of organic and functional symmetry and not of asymmetry. We should have looked for the causes, perhaps of measurement errors or verifying the extent of the asymmetry of the motor evoked potentials, but the concept is that we cannot give value to a functional peripheral datum without knowing the organic datum. {{q2|Beware of using the term 'Asymmetry' too casually|We can say that by throwing a die we have <math>\frac{1}{36}</math>  of probability that a number from 1 to 6 comes out but we must be sure that the die has 6 sides and that the numbers are from 1 to 6}}</blockquote>We could go on and on but we prefer to deal with the clinical case of our patient '<u>Balancer</u>'

Ebbene questi due dati di simmetria/asimmetria (figura 2a e 2c) non hanno significatività clinica perchè sono caratteristiche funzionali del sistema che, come abbiamo anticipato, sono instabili e modulate da altre componenti interne ed esterne al sistema stesso. L'aspetto clinico e di laboratorio cambierebbe drasticamente se si normalizzasse il contenuto EMG interferenziale in figura 2a e 2c al contenuto del Potenziale Evocato Motorio delle due radici trigeminali ( Figura 2b)-, stessa disposizione elettrodica). In questo modo, visto la perfetta simmetria di ampiezza del Root-MEPs possiamoci affermare in modo inconfutabile, che il tracciato EMGin figura 2a corrisponde ad uno stato di 'Asimmetria' mentre quello della figura 2c ad uno stato di 'Simmetria'.  {{q2|Attenzione, dunque, al termine simmetria|}}</blockquote>Potremmo proseguire ma preferiamo affrontare il caso clinico del nostro paziente '<nowiki/>'''Balancer'''<nowiki/>'
==3rd Clinical Case==

====Caso Clinico====
As anticipated we will resume the same diagnostic language presented both for the patient Mary Poppins and for the 'Bruxer' patients so that it becomes an assimilable and practicable model, we will try to superimpose it on the present clinical case called 'Balancer'.<blockquote>The subject, a 60-year-old man undergoing prosthetic rehabilitation about 10 years earlier, had begun to report masticatory difficulties and specifically a sort of decrease in muscle strength on the right side and slowing down of the masticatory cycle. After an unquantified period of time, the patient also felt a difficulty in both static and dynamic balance. Reporting these disturbances to his dentist, he was proposed a makeover of the prosthetic rehabilitation. The clinical situation did not change, on the contrary the postulated disturbances increased leading the dentist to a new prosthetic rehabilitation this time following the postural methods through a synergism between pedanometric examinations and centric recordings. Having reached our observation, we immediately subjected the patient to our diagnostic process which is, as usual, represented in the form of 'Contexts'. </blockquote>
Come anticipato riprenderemo lo stesso linguaggio diagnostico presentato sia per la paziente Mary Poppins che per il paziente 'Bruxer' in modo che diventi un modello assimilabile e praticabile, e cercheremo di sovrapporlo al presente caso clinico denominato 'Balancer'.<blockquote>Il soggetto era un uomo di 60 anni sottoposto circa 10 anni prima a riabilitazione protesica e che aveva iniziato a riferire difficoltà masticatorie e nello specifico una sorta di diminuzione della forza muscolare sul lato destro e rallentamento del ciclo masticatorio. Dopo un periodo di tempo non quantificato il paziente avvertiva anche una difficoltà dell'equilibrio sia statico che dinamico. Riferendo questi disturbi al proprio dentista gli è stato proposto un rifacimento della riabilitazione protesica. La situazione clinica non cambiò anzi i disturbi postulai aumentarono indicendo il dentista ad una nuova riabilitazione protesica questa volta seguendo le direttive, anticipate nel capitolo, di correlazione tra posizione mandibolare e postura attraverso un sinergismo tra esami pedanometrici e registrazioni centriche.
===Meaning of the dental contexts===
As already mentioned but it should be emphasized, in the dental field we will have the following sentences and statements to which we give a numerical value to facilitate the treatment, or <math>\delta_n=[0|1]</math> where <math>\delta_n=0</math> it indicates 'normal' and <math>\delta_n=1</math> anomaly and therefore a positive report:

Giunto alla nostra osservazione abbiamo immediatamente sottoposto il paziente al nostro iter diagnostico che viene, come di consuetudine, rappresentato nella forma dei 'Contesti'. </blockquote>
====Significato dei contesti====
Come già detto ma è bene sottolinearlo, in ambito odontoiatrico avremo le seguenti frasi ed affermazioni alle quali diamo un valore numerico per facilitare il trattamento, ovvero <math>\delta_n=[0|1]</math> dove <math>\delta_n=0</math> indica 'normale' e <math>\delta_n=1</math> anomalia e quindi positività del referto:

<math>\delta_1</math> Referto RM negativo dell'ATM nella Figura 2,<math>\delta_1=0\longrightarrow</math> Normalità, negatività del referto
<math>\delta_1</math> Negative TMJ MRI Report in Figure 3, <math>\delta_1=0\longrightarrow</math> Normal, Negative Report 

<math>\delta_2</math> Referto assiografico negativo per tracciato condilare destro in Figura 3,<math>\delta_2=0\longrightarrow</math>Normalità, negatività del referto
<math>\delta_2</math> Negative axiographic report for right condylar tracing in Figure 4, <math>\delta_2=0\longrightarrow</math> Normality, negative report

<math>\delta_3</math> Referto assiografico negativo per tracciato condilare sinistro in Figura 4,<math>\delta_3=0\longrightarrow</math>Normalità, negatività del referto
<math>\delta_3</math> Negative axiographic report for left condylar tracing in Figure 5,<math>\delta_3=0\longrightarrow</math> Normality, negative report.

<math>\delta_4</math> Diagramma di interferenza EMG lievemente asimmetrico nella Figura 5,<math>\delta_4 =1\longrightarrow</math>Anormalità, positività del referto<center><gallery widths="130" heights="200" perrow="5" slideshow""="" mode="slideshow">
<math>\delta_4</math> Slightly asymmetric EMG interference pattern in Figure 6, <math>\delta_4 =1\longrightarrow</math> Abnormality, Positivity Report <center><gallery widths="130" heights="200" perrow="5" slideshow""="" mode="slideshow">
File:MR frontal TMJ .jpg|'''Figura 3:''' <math>\delta_1</math> MNR della ATM di destra su un piano coronale
File:MR frontal TMJ .jpg|'''Figure 3: <math>\delta_1</math>''' MNR of the right TMJ in a coronal plane
File:Axio dx.jpg|'''Figura 4:''' <math>\delta_1</math> Assiografia paraocclusale di destra
File:Axio dx.jpg|'''Figura 4: <math>\delta_1</math>''' Right paraocclusal axiography
File:Axio sn.jpg|'''Figura 5:''' <math>\delta_1</math> Assiografia paraocclusale di sinistra
File:Axio sn.jpg|Figure 5:''' <math>\delta_1</math> Left paraocclusal axiography''' Left paraocclusal axiography
File:Meningioma 1 by Gianni Frisardi.jpg|'''Figura 6:''' <math>\delta_1</math> EMG interferenziale
File:Meningioma 1 by Gianni Frisardi.jpg|'''Figure 6: <math>\delta_1</math>''' EMG Interference Pattern
</gallery></center>{{Q2|Potremmo, paradossalmente, avere la stessa logica nel contesto neurologico
<math>\Im_n </math> ?|ed è proprio qui che i contesti entrano in conflitto o meglio i risultati potrebbero non essere così decisivi}}

=== Meaning of the neurophysiological  contexts ===
In the '''neurological context''' we will therefore have the following sentences and assertions to which we give a numerical value to facilitate the treatment and that is <math>\gamma_n=[0|1]</math> where <math>\gamma_n=0</math> it indicates 'normality' and <math>\gamma_n=1</math> 'abnormality and therefore positivity of the report:

Nel '''contesto neurologico''' avremo, perciò, le seguenti frasi ed asserzioni a cui diamo un valore numerico per facilitare la trattazione e cioè <math>\gamma_n=[0|1]</math> dove lo <math>\gamma_n=0</math> indica 'normalità' e <math>\gamma_n=1</math> 'anormalità e dunque positività del referto:

<math>\gamma_1=</math> Absence of jaw jerk in Figure 7   <math>\gamma_1=1\longrightarrow</math> Abnormality, positive report. In clinical situations of occlusal disharmony we could find ourselves faced with situations of amplitude asymmetries that even border on an absence of the jaw jerk but in this clinical case the contextual asymmetry of the interferential EMG could mean nothing. We continue in the neurological context to verify the responses of other trigeminal electrophysiological tests.

<math>\gamma_1=</math> Asimmetria marcata in ampiezza in Figure 7  <math>\gamma_1=1\longrightarrow</math> Anormalità, positività del referto* ( in situazioni cliniche di disarmonia occlusuale potremmo trovarci di fronte a situazioni di asimmetrie di ampiezza del jaw jerk ma in questo caso clinico la asimmetria contestuale dello EMG interferenziale potrebbe non significare nulla. Si continua nel contesto neurologico per verificare le risposte di altri test elettrofisiologici trigeminali.

<math>\gamma_2=</math> Aimmetria dei Potenziali Evocati Motori delle Radici trigeminali in Figure 8,  <math>\gamma_3=1\longrightarrow</math> Anormalità, positività del referto
<math>\gamma_2=</math> Latency asymmetry of the electrical Silent Period on the right masseter in Figure 8,   <math>\gamma_2=1\longrightarrow</math> Abnormality, positive report

<gallery widths="250" heights="200" perrow="3" slideshow""="" mode="slideshow">
File:Meningioma 2 by Gianni Frisardi.jpg|'''Figure 7: <math>\gamma_1=</math>''' Jaw Jaw jerk in maximum intercuspidation
File:Meningioma 4 by Gianni Frisardi.jpg|'''Figure 7: <math>\gamma_2=</math>''' Latency asymmetry of the masseter electric Silent Period

<center><gallery widths="250" heights="200" perrow="3" slideshow""="" mode="slideshow">
====<math>\tau</math> Demarcator of diagnostic coherence====
File:Meningioma 2 by Gianni Frisardi.jpg|'''Figura 7:''' <math>\gamma_1=</math> Jaw jerk in massima intercuspidazione
As we have already described several times in the previous chapters, the '<math>\tau</math>' is a representative clinical specific weight, complex to research and develop because it varies from discipline to discipline and for pathologies, indispensable in order not to collide logical statements <math>\Im_o</math> and <math>\Im_n</math> in diagnostic procedures and fundamental to initialize the decryption of machine language code. In essence, it allows you to confirm the coherence of one assertion <math>\Im\cup\{\delta_1,\delta_2.....\delta_n\}</math> against another <math>\Im\cup\{\gamma_1,\gamma_2.....\gamma_n\}</math> and vice versa, giving greater weight to the seriousness of the reports and to the choice of the appropriate context.
File:Meningioma 3 by Gianni Frisardi.jpg|'''Figura 7:''' <math>\gamma_1=</math> Root-MEPs trigeminale
The weight of the <math>\tau</math> demarcation, therefore, gives greater significance to the more serious assertions in the clinical context from which they derive and therefore beyond the greater or lesser positivity of the assertions <math>0\leq\delta_n\leq1</math> or <math>0\leq\gamma_n\leq1</math> which in any case are always verified and respected, these must be validated on the basis of the clinical severity intrinsic considering the average of the assertions <math>\bar{\delta_n}</math> and <math>\bar{\gamma_n}</math> for one <math>\tau=[0|1]</math> where <math>\tau=0</math> it indicates 'low seriousness' while <math>\tau=1</math> 'high seriousness'.
====Demarcatore di coerenza <math>\tau</math>====
Come abbiamo descritto nei precedenti capitoli lo '<math>\tau</math>' è un peso specifico clinico rappresentativo, complesso da ricercare e sviluppare perché varia da disciplina a disciplina e per patologie, indispensabile per non far collidere le asserzioni logiche <math>\Im_o</math> e <math>\Im_n</math> nelle procedure diagnostiche e fondamentale per inizializzare la decriptazione del codice in linguaggio macchina. In sostanza consente di confermare la coerenza di una asserzione <math>\Im\cup\{\delta_1,\delta_2.....\delta_n\}</math> contro l'altro <math>\Im\cup\{\gamma_1,\gamma_2.....\gamma_n\}</math> e viceversa, dando maggior peso alla gravità dei referti e alla scelta del contesto opportuno.  

Il peso del demarcazione <math>\tau</math>, quindi, dà maggior significato alle asserzioni più gravi nel contesto clinico da cui derivano e quindi al di là della maggiore o minore positività delle asserzioni <math>0\leq\delta_n\leq1</math> o <math>0\leq\gamma_n\leq1</math> che comunque sono sempre verificate e rispettate, queste devono essere validato in base alla gravità clinica intrinseca moltiplicando la media delle asserzioni <math>\bar{\delta_n}</math> e <math>\bar{\gamma_n}</math> per uno <math>\tau=[0|1]</math> dove <math>\tau=0</math> indica 'bassa gravità' mentre <math>\tau=1</math> 'alta gravità'.

Riassumendo nel nostro caso 'Balancer' abbiamo quindi:
Summarizing in our case 'Balancer' we therefore have:

<math>\Im_o\cup ( {\bar\delta_n)} \tau_o + \Im_n\cup({\bar\gamma_n)}\  
<math>\Im_o\cup ( {\bar\delta_n)} \tau_o + \Im_n\cup({\bar\gamma_n)}\  
Line 105: Line 96:


<math>{\bar\delta_n}=</math> media del valore delle affermazioni cliniche nel contesto odontoiatrico e quindi <math>{\bar\delta_n}=0,25</math>
<math>{\bar\delta_n}=</math> average of the value of clinical statements in the dental context and therefore <math>{\bar\delta_n}=0,25</math> which derives from positive EMG asymmetry data with respect to the total number and therefore <math>(1/4)</math>

<math>{\bar\gamma_n}=</math>media del valore delle affermazioni cliniche nel contesto neurologico e quindi <math>{\bar\gamma_n}=1</math>
<math>{\bar\gamma_n}=</math> average of the value of clinical statements in the neurological context and therefore <math>{\bar\gamma_n}=1</math> as we have two positive reports out of 2 total

<math>\tau_o=0</math> segnalazione di bassa gravità del contesto dentale
<math>\tau_o=0,25</math> signaling low severity of the dental context

<math>\tau_n=1</math> segnalazione di elevata gravità del contesto neurologico
<math>\tau_n=1</math> signaling high severity of the neurological context

dove il demarcatore di coerenza '<math>\tau</math>' definirà il percorso diagnostico come segue
where the coherence demarcator <math>\tau</math> will define the diagnostic path as follows

<math>\Im_o\cup ( {\bar\delta_n)} \tau_o + \Im_n\cup({\bar\gamma_n)}\  
<math>\Im_o\cup ( {\bar\delta_n)} \tau_o + \Im_n\cup({\bar\gamma_n)}\  
Line 127: Line 118:

Come si vede nel nostro caso clinico 'Balancer abbiamo una prevalenza diagnostica verso il contesto neurologico che ci indica la componente neurologica come percorso diagnsotico.{{q2|Attenzione, dunque, al termine simmetria|stiamo passando da un banale disturbo Posturale di tipo occlusale ad undiagnostica neurologica}}
As can be seen in our clinical case 'Balancer' we have a diagnostic prevalence towards the neurological context which indicates the neurological component as a diagnostic path.
Di conseguenza ci si può concentrare sull'intercettazione dei test necessari per decifrare il codice del linguaggio macchina che il SNC invia all'esterno convertito in linguaggio verbale che a prima vista sembrerebbe riguardare una sorta di disturbo Posturale di tipo maloccluione dentaria dovuta all'incongrua riabilitazione protesica.
{{q2|Attention, then, also to the term asymmetry|because we can confuse a trivial Occlusal-Postural asymmetry with a serious neurological damage of a structural type}}
Consequently, we can concentrate on the interception of the tests necessary to decrypt the machine language code that the CNS sends to the outside converted into verbal language which apparently would seem to concern a sort of postural disorder of the dental malocclusion type, due to the incongruous rehabilitation prosthetic. If on the one hand there may be an asymmetry of the interferential EMG of the masseters due to a prosthetic occlusal imbalance, on the other hand such an evident asymmetry of the jaw jerk and the silent period cannot be justified. {{Bib}}
Se da una porta ci può stare una asimmetria dello EMG interferenziale su uno sbilanciamento occlusale protesico dall'altra non è giustificabile una asimmetria così ampia del Potenziali Evocati Motori delle radici trigeminalim (<sub>b</sub>Root-MEPs). Una refertazione di questo tipo lascia la porta aperta per una danno organico e non certamente funzionale del sistema nervoso trigeminale. Per non appesantire il discorso, tratteremo il secondo step diagnostico del modello Masticationpedia nel capitolo successivo intitolato '[[X]]<nowiki>''</nowiki>{{Bib}}

Latest revision as of 17:00, 19 October 2024

3° Clinical case: Meningioma


Article by  Gianni Frisardi · Flavio Frisardi


Abstract:This clinical case, referred to as Balancer, involves a 60-year-old male patient experiencing postural and gait disturbances following prosthetic rehabilitation. The case will be analyzed using the same diagnostic framework applied in previous cases like Mary Poppins and Bruxer. The analysis focuses on correlations between temporomandibular disorders (TMD), posture, and occlusal balance, with particular emphasis on Centric Relationship and its influence on both occlusal stability and posture.

Recent studies, including those by Minervini et al., suggest a relationship between TMD and postural problems, positing that TMD affects neuromuscular balance, influencing body posture. Despite this, many clinicians remain skeptical about these connections. The case of Balancer raises concerns about the correlation between Centric Relationship and postural stability, presenting a situation where traditional manual centric positioning (used in orthognathic surgery) conflicted with Neuro Evoked Centric Relationship obtained via trigeminal root stimulation, revealing spatial misalignment.

Further exploration of neuromuscular balance and symmetry through electromyographic procedures highlighted significant discrepancies between the asymmetry detected in the EMG patterns and the neurological findings. The case underscores the importance of integrating both dental and neurological contexts to reach an accurate diagnosis, particularly when interpreting terms like "asymmetry." This case demonstrates that a seemingly trivial postural asymmetry could signify more severe neurological damage.

The clinical findings suggest that while there may be minor EMG asymmetry due to prosthetic imbalance, the neurological symptoms, including an absent jaw jerk and latency asymmetry in the Silent Period, indicate a deeper neurological issue rather than a simple dental malocclusion. The diagnostic model applied here aims to decrypt the central nervous system's machine language code to distinguish between functional postural disturbances and structural neurological damage.


As now implicit, this clinical case too, which from now on we will call with a fancy name Balancer' due to its related symptoms of postural and gait disturbance after being prosthetically rehabilitated, will follow the presentation model of the previous clinical cases. The introduction will present topics relating to the diagnostic model in question on which we will make the first conceptual reflections highlighted by our dear and thoughtful Linus. A recent article by Minervini et al.[1] asserts the following: TMD has ligament and muscle connections with the cervical area, therefore these connections have led to the hypothesis that posture problems may influence the development of TMD, [2][3][4][5][6] therefore masticatory cycles should be balanced as unilateral chewing could alter the postural balance of the body. Stabilization splints can bring about neuromuscular balance, removing posterior interference and providing a stable occlusal relationship and an optimization of the centric relationship. The relationship between craniometric posture and TMD has been studied, however, despite the huge number of studies, clinicians and academics still remain unconvinced.[7]

Question 2.jpg
Centric Relationship and Posture

The conclusion is mandatory: 'however, despite the huge number of studies, clinical and academic remain unconvincing.' This always turns out to be a diplomatic way to avoid trouble but if we carefully read the salient points of this extract it seems that everything derives from a sort of balance due to occlusal stability and an exact Mandibular Centric Relationship. But the question that arises is:

«What Centric Relationship are we talking about!!!»
(perhaps the forced terminal or the guided one but no!! we do the myocentric which is more suitable perhaps using TENS.)

Without going into specific topics referred to the reference chapters, we want to highlight the inconsistencies encountered in such important statements of correlation between Centric Relationship and Posture. We report a clinical case already presented in the chapter 'Conclusions on the status quo in the logic of medical language regarding the masticatory system' because it is very relevant to the topic 'Masticatory correlation' which highlights the discrepancy between a manual Centric Relation obtained intraoperatively to fix the mandibular and condylar bone structures in orthognathic surgery and the spatial position called Neuro Evoked Centric Relationship obtained through Transcranial Electric stimulation of the trigeminal roots. Figure 1a shows the spatial position of the jaws after orthognathic surgery in which the positions are established through a manual method of 'Centric Relationship'. The surgeon has no other means than the manual mandibular positioning procedure. Despite bilateral edentulism, which he would face after a few months, the patient was considered to be in excellent occlusal stability. The previous chapters demonstrated that after performing the trigeminal reflexes, the patient's masticatory system was far from intact. In figure 1b an enlarged detail of the incisal area to visualize the mandibular incisal line moved towards the left side of the patient while in figure 1c we see a spatial symmetrization of the mandible (moving towards the right side of the patient) using a "Neuro Evoked Centric Registration" through transcranial electrical stimulation of the trigeminal roots (bRoot-MEPs)

In conclusion, at this point the problem is no longer the correlation between posture and occlusal stability but the correlation between the Centric Relation and occlusal stability because this relationship is the primus movens of the whole pathophysiological phenomenon and if we are not sure of the assertions we cannot go beyond .

«Be careful, therefore, to use the term 'correlation' between Centric Relation and Posture or Occlusal stability and Posture.»

Another recent study Inchingolo et al.[8] asserts the following: the cranial surface electromyography allows the evaluation of the occlusal state and the quantification of the neuromuscular postural balance, thus understanding the dental occlusion from a functional point of view. It therefore represents a diagnostic revolution because it allows you to see what until now was only perceptible by palpation, and therefore not quantifiable.[9] A meta-analysis on the use of sEMG to evaluate the relationships between masticatory muscles and postural muscles found that the correlation between the masticatory system and the muscle activity of other parts of the body can be detected experimentally using sEMG, but this correlation has little clinic relevance .[10] However, Julià-Sánchez et al. found that dental occlusion affects the biomechanical and viscoelastic properties of masticatory and postural muscles using the MyotonPRO® system.[11] The influence of the occlusal state on stability was also demonstrated in an article by Heit et al. who found a significant increase in balance at rest rather than at maximal intercuspidation.[12] These results are consistent with previous studies that used sEMG to measure both the muscle balance of the masticatory muscles and its influence on the activity of some postural muscles. A substantial reduction in resting postural muscle activity (sternocleidomastoid, erector spinae, and soleus) was found in participants with dental malocclusions after balancing with a bite.[13]

Question 2.jpg


When we speak of neuromotor balance in reference to electromyographic procedures, terms such as synchronicity and symmetry are implicitly evoked. Side-to-side symmetry of EMG motor unit discharges is a complex procedure to record and interpret. Many factors come into play and not only the level of muscle contraction but also the type of electrode and electromyographic device used. If the concept of symmetry is focused referring to interferential EMG pattern then the situation is further complicated by the spatio-temporal summation of the motor units which discharge asynchronously and at variable frequency. This can lead to collisions and cancellations of the recordable potential on the skin. The only way to be able to extrapolate a significant data is the Fourier analysis[14] and the Wavelet model[15] which, with the usual limitations of indeterminacy and measurement uncertainty already discussed in other chapters (Kbrain), tries to decompose the already complex signal due to its nature biochemistry and extrapolate information on biophysics. But the question that arises is:

«Are we sure we are dealing with an 'Asymmetry'?»
(.... are we talking about a functional or organic asymmetry?)

Even with regard to this very delicate point of neuromuscular balance and symmetry, without going into specific topics referred to the reference chapters, we would like to highlight the inconsistencies encountered in statements of the 'symmetry/asymmetry' type between sides of the interferential EMG pattern. Figure 2a shows an interferential EMG trace (right and left masseter, upper and lower trace respectively) in which, obviously, an evident asymmetry can be recognized already at a first visual approach without further mathematical decompositions. In figure 2c, on the other hand, one can also appreciate, in other patient, a good symmetry of the sides.

Well, these two asymmetry/symmetry data (figure 2a and 2c) have no clinical significance because they are functional characteristics of the system which, as we anticipated, are unstable and modulated by other internal and external components of the system itself. The clinical and laboratory aspect would change drastically if the interferential EMG pattern content in Figure 2a and 2c were normalized to the content of the Motor Evoked Potential of the trigeminal roots (Figure 2b) - same electrode arrangement). In this way, given the perfect amplitude symmetry of the Root-MEPs, we can irrefutably state that the EMG tracing in figure 2a corresponds to a state of 'Asymmetry' while that of figure 2c to a state of 'Symmetry'. If the bRoot-MEPs were resulted asymmetric we would have had to speak of organic and functional symmetry and not of asymmetry. We should have looked for the causes, perhaps of measurement errors or verifying the extent of the asymmetry of the motor evoked potentials, but the concept is that we cannot give value to a functional peripheral datum without knowing the organic datum.

«Beware of using the term 'Asymmetry' too casually»
(We can say that by throwing a die we have of probability that a number from 1 to 6 comes out but we must be sure that the die has 6 sides and that the numbers are from 1 to 6)

We could go on and on but we prefer to deal with the clinical case of our patient 'Balancer'

3rd Clinical Case

As anticipated we will resume the same diagnostic language presented both for the patient Mary Poppins and for the 'Bruxer' patients so that it becomes an assimilable and practicable model, we will try to superimpose it on the present clinical case called 'Balancer'.

The subject, a 60-year-old man undergoing prosthetic rehabilitation about 10 years earlier, had begun to report masticatory difficulties and specifically a sort of decrease in muscle strength on the right side and slowing down of the masticatory cycle. After an unquantified period of time, the patient also felt a difficulty in both static and dynamic balance. Reporting these disturbances to his dentist, he was proposed a makeover of the prosthetic rehabilitation. The clinical situation did not change, on the contrary the postulated disturbances increased leading the dentist to a new prosthetic rehabilitation this time following the postural methods through a synergism between pedanometric examinations and centric recordings. Having reached our observation, we immediately subjected the patient to our diagnostic process which is, as usual, represented in the form of 'Contexts'.

Meaning of the dental contexts

As already mentioned but it should be emphasized, in the dental field we will have the following sentences and statements to which we give a numerical value to facilitate the treatment, or where it indicates 'normal' and anomaly and therefore a positive report:

Negative TMJ MRI Report in Figure 3, Normal, Negative Report

Negative axiographic report for right condylar tracing in Figure 4, Normality, negative report

Negative axiographic report for left condylar tracing in Figure 5, Normality, negative report.

Slightly asymmetric EMG interference pattern in Figure 6, Abnormality, Positivity Report

Meaning of the neurophysiological contexts

In the neurological context we will therefore have the following sentences and assertions to which we give a numerical value to facilitate the treatment and that is where it indicates 'normality' and 'abnormality and therefore positivity of the report:

Absence of jaw jerk in Figure 7   Abnormality, positive report. In clinical situations of occlusal disharmony we could find ourselves faced with situations of amplitude asymmetries that even border on an absence of the jaw jerk but in this clinical case the contextual asymmetry of the interferential EMG could mean nothing. We continue in the neurological context to verify the responses of other trigeminal electrophysiological tests.

Latency asymmetry of the electrical Silent Period on the right masseter in Figure 8,   Abnormality, positive report

Demarcator of diagnostic coherence

As we have already described several times in the previous chapters, the '' is a representative clinical specific weight, complex to research and develop because it varies from discipline to discipline and for pathologies, indispensable in order not to collide logical statements and in diagnostic procedures and fundamental to initialize the decryption of machine language code. In essence, it allows you to confirm the coherence of one assertion against another and vice versa, giving greater weight to the seriousness of the reports and to the choice of the appropriate context.

The weight of the demarcation, therefore, gives greater significance to the more serious assertions in the clinical context from which they derive and therefore beyond the greater or lesser positivity of the assertions or which in any case are always verified and respected, these must be validated on the basis of the clinical severity intrinsic considering the average of the assertions and for one where it indicates 'low seriousness' while 'high seriousness'.

Summarizing in our case 'Balancer' we therefore have:


average of the value of clinical statements in the dental context and therefore which derives from positive EMG asymmetry data with respect to the total number and therefore

average of the value of clinical statements in the neurological context and therefore as we have two positive reports out of 2 total

signaling low severity of the dental context

signaling high severity of the neurological context

where the coherence demarcator will define the diagnostic path as follows

As can be seen in our clinical case 'Balancer' we have a diagnostic prevalence towards the neurological context which indicates the neurological component as a diagnostic path.

«Attention, then, also to the term asymmetry»
(because we can confuse a trivial Occlusal-Postural asymmetry with a serious neurological damage of a structural type)

Consequently, we can concentrate on the interception of the tests necessary to decrypt the machine language code that the CNS sends to the outside converted into verbal language which apparently would seem to concern a sort of postural disorder of the dental malocclusion type, due to the incongruous rehabilitation prosthetic. If on the one hand there may be an asymmetry of the interferential EMG of the masseters due to a prosthetic occlusal imbalance, on the other hand such an evident asymmetry of the jaw jerk and the silent period cannot be justified.

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