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Paolo Maria Rossini

Full Professor of Department of Neuroscience to the Catholic University of Sacro Cuore of Rome

Paolo Maria Rossini.jpg
Quick facts



Curriculum vitae

h-index 100 (Scopus)

Total citation 47526 (Scopus)

850 papers published in leading international journals

(Born in Roma 9 th june 1949, married since 1976, 2 sons, 3 grandsons)


  • Assistant Professor

University of Chieti [1978 – 1984]

Research fellow [1982 – 1984]

City: Dept. Neurology, State University of New York, Brooklyn, New York

  • Associate Professor

Clinica Neurologica University of Rome “Tor Vergata” [1985 – 1990]

Visiting Professor

University of Irvine (California) [1989 – 1989]

  • Chairman of the Department of Neurology

Fatebenefratelli Hospital Rome [1990 – 2010]

  • Editor-in-Chief of “Clinical Neurophysiology” formerly “Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology"

[1995 – 2003]

  • Scientific Director of IRCCS on Dementia certified by the Italian Ministry of Health, IRCCS San Giovanni di Dio,

Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy [1997 – 2007]

  • Full Professor of Neurology, Chair Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, University Campus Biomedico in Rome

[2001 – 2011]

  • Director Integrated research Center University Campus Bio-medico, Rome


  • Director School of residents in neurology University Campus Bio-medico, Rome


  • Full-Professor of Neurology, Chair Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University, Rome

[2011 – 2019]

  • Director Area. of Neuroscience, Policlinic A. Gemelli Foundation-IRCCS, Rome

[ 2015 – 2019]

  • Director Doctoral School in Neuroscience, Catholic University, Rome (


Director of Dept. Neuroscience: Neurorehab., IRCCS San Raffaele-Rome [2019 – Current]

Member of the Italian Superior Council of Health [2003 – 2005]

  • President of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology [2001 – 2003]
  • President of the International Federation Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN) [2010 – 2014]
  • Reviewer for the EU research programs (including FET, Marie Curie & ERC)
  • Chairman of the European Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) on Demographic Changes (MYBL) [2014 – 2016]

Ad Hoc Reviewer

For Brain, Neuron, Neurology, Annals of Neurology, Current Biology, Cortex, Journal of Neuroscience, Neuroscience,

Eur.J.Neuroscience, Neurosci.Lett., Exp. Neurology, Brain Res., NeuroImage, Human Brain Mapping, Muscle & Nerve,

Clinical Neurophysiology, Science Transl. Med., Stroke, Neurobiology of Aging, Neurorehab.& Neurorepair, Biol. Psych.,

PlosONE, Journal Alzheimer Dis., Alzheimer & Dementia, Frontiers Neurosci.

Research project reviewer

For Governments/research agencies/councils of: Israel, Germany, Finland, Austria, Ireland, France, The Netherlands, Russia,

Singapore, Lithuania, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Italy, Wellcome Trust, Telethon, Weston Brain Institute,

Vici Foundation, Fondacion Amidex.

Nomination Board of the Kyoto Prize for Inamuri Foundation [2016, 2022]

Member of the Board for the International Prize “Lombardia è Ricerca” [2017-2019]

Representative of Italy in the Inter Academic Partnership (IAP) for health on Dementia


Premio Giuseppe Caruso in Clinical neurophysiology (2001),

Commander of Merit of the Italian Republic from the President Sergio Mattarella (2017)

Premio Picenum from the Pio Sodalizio dei Piceni (2020)

Misha Mahowald Prize for Neuromorphic Engineering (MMP) 2021 for the paper Valle et al, Neuron, 2018


860 full-text, peer-reviewed manuscripts listed in Pub Med with more 4.900 points of I.F. and more than 47.000 citations,

in the fields of neuroanatomy, experimental neurophysiology, clinical neurophysiology, clinical neurology and clinical

neuropharmacology, neurorobotics , dementia, stroke, neuroplasticity, brain connectivity in 60 different I nternational journals.

According to ISI Web of Knowledge has an h-index of 100 (100 Scopus, 125 Google Scholar).

According to the “World Ranking of Scientist” recently published by the Stanford University Prof. Rossini scores as 633 out of

227.881 in the subfield of Neurology & Neurosurgery, being therefore in the top 0.5%.

RESEARCH FUND-RAISING 2010-2021= Total about 17.300.000 Euros

- Era-Net NEURON Joint Call 2011 "European Research Projects on Cerebrovascular Diseases": Restoration of Vision after

Stroke (REVIS), € 300.000.

- EU FP7 - ICT-2013.5.1: eWall for Active Long Living, 2013. €297.276,00

- EU-FP7 “Supervised Care & Rehabilitation Involving Personal Tele robotics –SCRIPT”SCRIPT Project (FP7-ICT-288698)

€ 207.064

- AI-MIND “Digital diagnostics – developing tools for supporting clinical decisions by integrating various diagnostic data”.

AI-MIND. Toral European commission funding € 13.998.862,50, San Raffaele Unit funding € 543.437,50

- PON 2010, NEUROSTAR: Neuroscienze e sviluppo di Sistemi, Tecnologie e procedure Avanzate per diagnosi/prognosi

precoci, Recupero funzionale e contenimento del danno di soggetti con gravi disabilità da malattie degenerative del

sistema nervoso centrale o da gravi cerebrolesioni acquisite. € 540.712,25

- Bando MERIT 2008

- Approccio integrato clinico e sperimentale allo studio dell’invecchiamento cerebrale e delle malattie neurodegenerative:

basi molecolari, epidemiologia genetica, neuroimaging multimodale e farmaco genetica – Integrated experimental and

clinic approach to the study of brain ageing and neurodegeneration: molecular basis, genetic epidemiology and

pharmacogenetics . € 1.089.000,00

- Ricerca Finalizzata Bando 2007 RF-ISR-2008-1154932, Combined multimodal approach evaluation of residual neural

plasticity as potential tool to predict recovery in brain-injured patients. € 291.000

MIUR – Fondi FOE , 2020 Nuovi biomarker diagnostici e terapeutici delle malattie neurodegenerative € 260.000

- Progetto Ricerca Finalizzata Bando 2008 – Sezione Giovani Ricercatori GR-2008-1143090, Does rehabilitation with a 10-Hz

sensory stimulation improve brain rhythms and cognitive-motor performance in neurological patients? Towards Internet-

based clinical applications at subjects’ home € 410.146

- Progetto Ricerca Finalizzata Bando 2009 RF-2009-1528677, Transcranial stimulation for inducing sleep: Effectiveness of

tdcs and TMS techniques. € 229.144,00

Progetto Ricerca Finalizzata Bando 2009 – Sezione Giovani ricercatori GR-2009-1591615, Neurocontrolled mechatronic

prosthesis (NEMESIS) € 519.458,00

- Progetto Ricerca Finalizzata 2010 RF-2010-2319113, GRID-based system for the evaluation of the effects of cognitive

rehabilitation in patients with Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. € 241.340

- Progetto Ricerca Finalizzata 2011 – sezione Giovani Ricercatori GR-2011-02352674, Daily at-home follow-up of

Parkinson's Disease patients motor performance through robotic and portable devices. € 147.857,79

- Progetto Ricerca Finalizzata Bando 2013 – Sezione Giovani Ricercatori NEUROMASTER: NEUROnavigated MAgnetic

STimulation in patients with mild-moderate Alzheimer disease combined with Effective cognitive Rehabilitation. Codice

GR-2013-02358430. € 194.790,00

- Progetto Ricerca Finalizzata Bando 2016 – Sezione Giovani Ricercatori Neuroimaging biomarkers toward an optimized

and personalized Action Observation treatment in chronic stroke patients: New strategies to maximize the efficacy of

upper limb functional rehabilitation. € 219.695,00

- Progetto Ricerca Finalizzata Bando 2016 – Sezione Giovani Ricercatori GR-2016-02361802, Prediction of conversion from

Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer's disease based on TMS-EEG biomarkers. € 117.750,00

- Fondazione G.B. Baroni – Bando 2020 Stimolazione tDCS per la riabilitazione nei soggetti colpiti da ictus con deficit

dell’arto superiore € 50.000

Research funding Scientific Institute San Raffaele, 5.800.000 Euro


Short Biography

Prof. Rossini major interests are in the field of neurophysiological technique applied to the study of human CNS functions as

well as for early diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases, namely dementia and pathological brain aging. He was a

pioneer in the field of Evoked Potentials and of transcranial, non-invasive, electromagnetic stimulation. He is coordinating

several multicenter studies dealing with the comparative analysis of neurophysiological findings with other ‘biomarkers’ to

early identification of MCI-prodromal-to-dementia condition.


Honours in Medicine & Surgery at Catholic University of Rome [1974]

Resident in Neurology & PhD at Catholic University of Rome graduated with honours [1974 – 1978]

LANGUAGE SKILLS Mother tongue(s): Italian

Other language(s):
