Author:Kemal Sitki Türker
- Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS), Ege University, İzmir, Türkiye, awarded in June 1973.
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Institute of Physiology, Glasgow University, Glasgow, Scotland, awarded in November 1978.
- Research Associate, Research Officer, Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow and finally Associate Professor: At various research positions I have worked continuously from 1983 to 2007 at the Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
- Doçent in Physiology (a formal qualification awarded to academics in the European University System after several years of teaching and research experience and further formal examinations and thesis presentation, equivalent to Associate Professor), awarded by the Turkish Universities Commission, April 1984.
- Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Honorary Academic appointment in recognition for the research support to the staff and students of the School of Physiotherapy, University of South Australia (1997-2002).
- Visiting Professor (four visits each lasting for about six weeks during 1998-2001) at the Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
- Visiting Professor (September – October 2002) Centre for Oral Biology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Visiting Professor (September – October 2004) National Scientific Research Centre (CNRS) of France, Marseilles, France.
- Promotion to Associate Professor (Level D) by University of Adelaide (1 January 2006).
- Promotion to Professor (Marie Curie Chair of the European Union): Appointment to the Marie Curie Chair by the European Union Brain Gain initiative at the Centre for Brain Research at the Ege University, Izmir, Turkey (2007 to 2010).
- Visiting Professor (July – September 2008) Department of Physiology, Faculty of Dentistry, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan.
- Visiting Professor (June – July 2009) Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Visiting Professor (July – August 2010; June – July 2014) Sensory Motor Integration (SMI) Lab, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark.
- Professor of Physiology: Koç University School of Medicine (from: 1 March 2011)
- Elected as a full member of the Science Academy (Turkey) (4 December 2012)
- Served at the executive board of the Science Academy (Turkey) (2014 - 2017)
- 2011-DATE: Koç University Seeding and Internal grants: Internally competitive grants to support all research activities of the members of the School of Medicine. These grants can be between $50K and $100K per year and are used for Postdoc and PhD salaries, research and teaching expenses. I regularly receive these funds. Currently, I have one graduate student funded by the internal grants.
- 2007-2010 Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Organization (TÜBİTAK 107S029 (SBAG-3556) grant to K.S. Türker ($300,000 over three years).
- 2007-2010 Marie Curie Chair (GenderReflex (MEXC-CT-2006-0403317): Awarded to K.S. Türker (600,000 Euro over three years)
- 2007 N.H. & M.R.C. Fellowship (SRFB). Senior Research Fellowship package for one year ($119,000)
- 2006 Strategic Research Scheme, the Faculty Research Committee Award to K.S. Türker grant-in-aid ($7,500)
- 2005 N.H. & M.R.C. Equipment Grant chief investigator (with Drs. Ridding, Nordstrom, Miles, Townsend and Sampson). Title: Laser Stimulator specific for pain receptors in the skin and mucosa ($22,500)
- 2005 Medical Endowment Fund towards successful NHMRC equipment grant application ($7,500)
- 2005-2007 N.H. & M.R.C. Project Grant (#349451) Chief Investigator-CIC (With Drs Nordstrom, Miles, Thompson). Title: Cortical control of human jaw muscles. ($373,948 for three years)
- 2005 Strategic Research Scheme, the Faculty Research Committee Award to K.S. Türker grant-in-aid ($3,000)
- 2005 Faculty of Health Sciences Research Development Award to K.S. Türker, grant-in-aid (9,000)
- 2005 Australian Dental Research Foundation co-chief investigator (with Drs Wiebkin, Kaidonis, Gardner and Stephan). Title: Characterisation of a chewing machine. ($2,500)
- 2004 ARC LIEF grant (LE0453073) for Establishment of a South Australian rTMS Facility co-chief investigator (with: Dr Michael Charles Ridding, Dr Michael Andrew Nordstrom, Prof Timothy Stuart Miles, Prof Philip Thompson, Dr Susan Hillier, Dr Robyn L Young ($157,000)
- 2003 N.H. & M.R.C. Equipment Grant co-chief investigator (with Drs. Mike Ridding, Mike Nordstrom, Tim Miles and Phil Thompson). Title: Magstim basic rapid rate stimulator package. ($28,280)
- 2002-2006 N.H. & M.R.C. Fellowship (SRFB). Senior Research Fellowship package for five years ($525,000)
- 2002-2004 N.H. & M.R.C. Project Grant Sole chief investigator. Title: Control of mastication by periodontal mechanoreceptors in man. ($169,000)
- 2002 Adelaide University Small Research Grant Scheme sole chief investigator. Title: Deep muscle pain investigated using an experimentally induced pain model. ($9,081)
- 2001 ARC Small Grant sole chief investigator. Title: A study on the distribution of muscle spindle afferent input to masseter motoneurons using the stretch reflex ($10,000)
- 2000 - 2002 N.H. & M.R.C. Project Grant Sole chief investigator. Title: Reflex control of human jaw muscles by periodontal mechanoreceptors ($363,488)
- 2000 ARC Small Grant co-chief investigator (with Dr Sheila Scutter). Title: Is partitioning of muscle spindle afferent input present in human masseter? ($10,000)
- 1999 Human Frontiers Science Project Short Term Fellowship. Title: A study on the synchronous discharge of motoneurons ($11,000).
- 1999 N.H. & M.R.C. grant-in-aid receiver. Title: Reflex control of human jaw muscles by periodontal mechanoreceptors. ($65,940)
- 1999 ARC Small Grant sole chief investigator. Title: Distribution of muscle spindle afferent input to motoneurons of human masseter muscle ($10,000)
- 1999 Clive and Vera Ramaciotti Foundation Project Grant sole chief investigator. Title: Computer-controlled jaw actuator ($10,000).
- 1999 University of Adelaide, Division of Health Sciences, Research Committee B1 grant (10,000).
- 1999 Faculty of Science, Special Items of Equipment Grant co-chief investigator (with Drs T.S. Miles and M.A. Nordstrom) (1998-2000) Title: Computerised jaw-actuator and brain stimulator. ($25,000).
- 1998 University of Adelaide, Division of Health Sciences, Research Committee B1 grant ($10,000).
- 1996 University of South Australia, Internal Research Development Grant co-chief investigator (with S.D. Scutter) Title: The effect of chronic whole body vibration on the reflex control of the jaw muscles. ($14,000)
- 1995-1997 Faculty of Science, Special Items of Equipment Grant co-chief investigator (with Drs T.S. Miles and M.A. Nordstrom). Title: EEG laboratory and LabView facility (1995-1997; $60,000)
- 1995 Travel grant from the Muscular Dystrophy Association of S.A. ($750)
- 1994-1998 N.H. & M.R.C. project grant sole chief investigator. Title: Reflex control of human jaw muscles by the mechanoreceptors in the human periodontium. ($335,540)
- 1993 Quality Audit Fund Research Scheme co-chief investigator (with Drs G. Scroop, T.S. Miles and M.A. Nordstrom) Title: Standardization of human neuromuscular control laboratories. ($20,000)
- 1991-1995 N.H. & M.R.C. project grant co-chief investigator (with T.S.Miles). Title: Control of human masticatory muscles ($292,000)
- 1991: Travel grant from the University's Venture Company, Luminis ($1,000).
- 1990: University Special Equipment Grant co-chief investigator (with T.S. Miles). Title: Motor control analysis laboratory ($45,900)
- 1989: University Research Grant co-chief investigator (with T.S. Miles). Title: Quantitative determination of cranial and reflex inputs to spinal motor neurones in man. ($10,250)
- 1988: Australian Scientific Instruments grant ($1,000)
- 1988: Muscular Dystrophy Association of S.A.: Travelling grant ($800)
- 1988: University Research Grant co-chief investigator (with T.S. Miles). Title: Cortical modulation of spinal and jaw reflexes in man ($4,000)
- 1987-1990: N.H. & M.R.C. project grant co-chief investigator (with T.S.Miles). Title: Quantitative analysis of monosynaptic reflexes in human motor units ($139,686).
- 1987: Neurosurgical Research Foundation grant co-chief investigator (with T.S. Miles). Title: A new technique for specifically noxious electro-cutaneous stimulation in man. ($10,000)
- 1980-1982: Turkish Research Organization (TUBITAK) grant sole chief investigator. Title: The effect of noxious electrical stimulation on the parotid gland (about $5,000).
- 1973-1978: Turkish Government Ministry of Education grant to study for PhD in the U.K. (about £5,000 per year for 5 years).
2011-date Professor of Physiology at Koç University School of Medicine, Istanbul, Türkiye.
2007-2010 Professor (Marie Curie Chair of the European Union) Center for Brain Research & Department of
Physiology, Ege University, Izmir, Türkiye.
2006- 2007 Associate Professor of Physiology, Department of Physiology, University of Adelaide, Australia.
2002-2005 Senior Research Fellow in Physiology, Department of Physiology, University of Adelaide, Australia.
2000-2001 Adelaide University Research Fellow, Department of Physiology, University of Adelaide, Australia.
1991-1999 NH & MRC Research Fellow, Department of Physiology, University of Adelaide, Australia.
1988-1990: Senior Research Officer, Department of Physiology, University of Adelaide, Australia).
1985-1987: Research Officer, Department of Physiology, University of Adelaide, Australia.
1983-1984: Research Associate - Department of Physiology, University of Adelaide, Australia.
1978-1983: Lecturer - Institute of Physiology, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey.
1975-1978: Part-time Tutor - Medical and dental students, Institute of Physiology, Glasgow University, Scotland.
1977 - International Association of Dental Research (I.A.D.R.)
1979 - Turkish Physiological Society (Secretary General 1980-82)
1984 - I.A.D.R. Neuroscience Group
1985 - Australian Neuroscience Society (ANS)
1988 - The Muscular Dystrophy Association of Australia
1988 - International Brain Research Organization (IBRO)
1989 - Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society (APPS)
1999 - American Physiological Society (APS)
2000 - Australian Pain Society (APS)
- Dept. of Physiology, Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 1987.
- Dept. of Physiology, Nippon Dental University, Niigata, Japan, Nov 1987.
- Dept. of Physiology, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A. Nov. 1987.
- Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A. Nov. 1987.
- Faculty of Dentistry, University of Göteborg, Sweden. Sept. 1988.
- Dept. of Physiology, University of Göteborg, Sweden. Sept. 1988.
- Dept. of Physiology, University of Hacettepe, Ankara, Turkey. Oct. 1988.
- Neuroscience Group, Adelaide University, Adelaide, Australia. Oct. 1989.
- Faculty of Dentistry, University of Hacettepe, Ankara, Turkey. Oct. 1990.
- Faculty of Medicine, University of Marmara, Istanbul, Turkey, Oct. 1990.
- Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland, Oregon, USA, Oct. 1991.
- Glasgow Dental Hospital, Glasgow, UK, August 1993.
- Hacettepe Dental Faculty, Ankara, Turkey, August 1993.
- Faculty of Medicine, University of Hacettepe, Ankara, Turkey, December 1994.
- Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute, NSW, Australia, July 1995.
- Faculty of Dentistry, University of Osaka, Osaka - Japan, Nov. 1995.
- Dept. of Physiology, University of Hacettepe, Ankara, Turkey, July 1996.
- Neuromuscular Research Center, Boston University, Boston, USA, Oct. 1997.
- Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute, NSW, Australia, Jan. 1998.
- Faculty of Dentistry, University of Osaka, Osaka - Japan, Sept. 1998.
- Dept. of Physiology and Biophysics, Uni. of Washington, Seattle, USA, Nov. 1998
- Dept. Oral Physiology, Nippon Dental University in Niigata, Japan, Nov. 1998
- Dept. of Physiology and Biophysics, Uni. of Washington, Seattle, USA, Nov. 1999
- Dept. Oral Physiology, Nippon Dental University in Niigata, Japan, Nov. 2000
- Centre for Neuroscience, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia, April 2001
- Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute, NSW, Australia, June 2001.
- Faculty of Dentistry, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, June 2001
- School of Physiotherapy, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, June 2001
- Faculty of Dentistry, University of Washington, Seattle, USA, October 2001
- Faculty of Dentistry, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, October 2002
- Department of Physiology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, October 2002
- Dept. of Biophysics, Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey, October, 2003
- Dept. of Physiology, University of Hacettepe, Ankara, Turkey, October 2003
- Faculty of Dentistry, University of Hacettepe, Ankara, Turkey, October 2003
- Military Academy for Medicine (GATA), Ankara, Turkey, October 2003
- Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (RIC), Chicago, USA, June 2004
- Department of Physiology, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, September 2004
- Department of Neurology, University of Siena, Siena, Italy, September, 2004
- CNRS – NBM Biology of Human Movement, Marseilles, France, October, 2004
- Department of Physiology, University of Sassari, Sassari, Sardinia, Italy, October, 2004
- Department of Neurology, University of Rome, Rome, Italy, October, 2004
- Colgate Australian Clinical Dental Research Centre, Adelaide, Australia, August 2005
- Faculty of Dentistry, University of Hacettepe, Ankara, Turkey, October 2005
- Department of Physiology, Aegean University, Izmir, Turkey, October 2005
- School of Physiotherapy, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, October 2005
- Faculty of Dentistry, Niigata University, Japan, March 2007
- Biophysics Department, Ege University, İzmir, Turkey, June 2007
- EBILTEM (Scientific and Technical Center), Ege University, Turkey, June 2007
- Faculty of Dentistry, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey, April 2008
- Department of Computer Sciences, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey, May 2008
- Faculty of Dentistry, University of Washington, Seattle, USA, June 2008
- Faculty of Dentistry, Matsumoto University, Matsumoto, Japan, July 2008
- Faculty of Dentistry, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, July 2008
- Faculty of Dentistry, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, December 2008
- Clinical Neurophysiology, University College London, UK, October 2009
- Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction, Aalborg University, Denmark, Nov. 2009
- Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction, Aalborg University, Denmark, Nov. 2010
- New Zealand College of Chiropractic, Auckland, New Zealand, August 2012
- Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Physiology, Izmir, Turkey, September 30, 2016
- Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA), Sydney, Australia, January 5, 2017
- Curtin University Physiotherapy Department, Perth, Australia, January 11, 2018
- Curtin University Physiotherapy Department, Perth, Australia, January 18, 2018
- Katip Çelebi University, Faculty of Medicine, Izmir, Turkey; April 2019
- Ekonomi University, Faculty of Medicine, Izmir, Turkey; November 2019
- · Faculty of Dentistry, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 1991 (three-day workshop on electromyography and reflexes).
- · Brain Research Institute, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey, December 1999 (one-day workshop on synaptic potential measurements in human motoneurons).
- · Faculty of Medicine, University of Hacettepe, Ankara, Turkey, Jan. 2000 (one-day workshop on synaptic potential measurements in human motoneurons).
- · Department of Oral Physiology, Nippon Dental University in Niigata, Japan, Nov. 21 2000 (one-day workshop on electromyography and its usage in human masticatory research).
- · Faculty of Medicine, University of Hacettepe, Ankara, Turkey, 24 October 2003 (one-day workshop on synaptic potential measurements in human motoneurons).
- · 32nd Turkish Physiological Society Meeting, Denizli, Turkey, 18 September 2006 (one-day workshop on Reflexology).
- · One-day workshop and lectures at the EBAT – National Neurobiology Summer School – Higher Functions of the Nervous System, Ege University, Bornova, Izmir (22 August 2007).
- · One-day workshop on EMG and reflexes at the 33rd Turkish Neuroscience Society Meeting, (16-20 April 2008; Adana, Turkey)
- · One-day workshop on reflexes on single human motor units; jointly organized with the Neurology Department of Adnan Menderes University (26 September, 2008; Aydın, Turkey)
- · International Workshop and Conference on Human Reflexes: Wiring and Firing of Human Motoneurones Gave two invited lectures and performed all demonstrations during the workshop. Lecture titles: “Single unit EMG: methods for recording and analysing” ; “What and how reflexes can tell us about the conditions of the human nervous system (11-15 May 2009; Ege University, İzmir, Turkey)
- · One-day workshop at the 26th National Clinical Neurophysiology EEG-EMG Congress Workshop title: Peristimulus time histogram (PSTH) (31 March-4 April 2010; Antalya, Turkey).
- · One-day workshop (2 workshops) at the 22nd National Biophysics Congress. Titles of the workshops: EMG; Reflexes. (28 September – 1 October 2010, Aydın, Turkey).
- · A two-day workshop on EMG and its usage in Sports Sciences: Anadolu University Sports Science Institute, Eskişehir, Turkey (25-26 January 2011).
- · One-day workshop (2 workshops) at the 38th National Physiology Congress. Titles of the workshops: EMG; Reflexes. (28 September – 1 October 2012, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey).
- · Half-day workshop at the 9th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sports. Title of the workshop: Feedback control of movement (19 – 22 June 2013, Istanbul, Turkey).
- · One-day workshop (2 workshops) at the 39th National Physiology Congress. Titles of the workshops: EMG and Human Reflexes. (10-14 September 2013, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey).
- · One-day workshop at the 12th National Neuroscience Congress. Titles of the workshops: Determination of the pathways in the human nervous system. (28-31 May 2014, Istanbul, Turkey).
- · One-day workshop at the 14th National Neuroscience Congress. Titles of the workshops: Basic Electromyography and human reflexes. (26 May 2016, Ankara, Turkey).
- · One-day workshop at the 15th National Neuroscience Congress. Titles of the workshops: Basic Electromyography and human reflexes. (7 May 2017, Sakarya, Turkey).
- · Half-day workshop at the International Society of Electromyography and Kinesiology. Title of the workshop: Methods for estimating synaptic potentials in human muscular system. (University College London; 30 June – 2 July 2018)
1. International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS) Satellite Symposium Invited Lecture, title: "Orofacial Sensory Function". Vancouver, Canada. 10-11 July 1986.
2. International Association for Dental Research (IADR) Satellite Symposium Invited Keynote lecture, title: "EMG of jaw reflexes in man". Leuven, Belgium. September 1988.
3. Australian Physiotherapy Association National Congress. Invited Lecture, title: "Recording and Interpreting electromyography: cautions to be taken and pitfalls to be avoided". Adelaide, July 1992.
4. Boden Research Conference: Muscle afferents and motor control in health and disease. Invited talk, title: "Periodontal mechanoreceptors - dual systems for sensory processing". Thredbo, Snowy Mountains, N.S.W. Australia. 8-10 Feb. 1993.
5. VIII International Symposium on Motor Control. Invited Lecture, title: “Evidence that the membrane potential does not approach to firing threshold linearly in tonically-active human tibialis motoneurons”. Borovetz, Bulgaria, 23-27 June 1996.
6. International Symposium on Neurobiology of Mastication - From molecular to systems approach, Invited Keynote lecture, title: “Reflex control of human masticatory muscles”. Tokyo, 5-7 November 1998.
7. International Association for Dental Research - Australian & New Zealand Division - Temporomandibular Joint Symposium; Invited Keynote lecture, title: “Are the facial muscles and teeth relevant?” Adelaide, Australia, 29 September 1999.
8. The Australian Jaw Joint Project's Provocative Update on Temporomandibular Joint Disorders - Research Meets Clinical Practice. Invited Keynote lecture, Title: Challenges of human experiments with regard to control of mastication. Adelaide, Australia, 20-21 October 2000.
9. Australian Neuro Practitioners Association General Meeting - Keynote Lecture - Title: Cutaneous receptors and their effect on muscle tone. Adelaide, Australia, 7 May 2001.
10. Fifteenth National Biophysics Conference – Keynote Lecture – Title: Synaptic potential recording from human motoneurones. Denizli, Turkey, 11 October 2003.
11. International Association for Dental Research (IADR General Session Meeting) - invited lecture - at the Symposium: Neural control of chewing. Title of my talk: Control of human mastication. (Honolulu, Hawaii; March 2004).
12. International Society for Electromyography and Kinesiology (ISEK) meeting – Invited Lecture – Title: Synaptic potential measurement in human motoneurons. (Boston, USA: June 2004).
13. 31st Turkish Physiological Sciences Meeting – Invited Lecture: Estimation of synaptic potentials in human motoneurons. (Gaziantep-Turkey; 27 September – 1 October 2005)
14. International Mastication Symposium – Keynote Address – Title: Control of human mastication by periodontal mechanoreceptors (Brisbane, Australia: 24-25 June 2006)
15. 32nd Turkish Physiological Sciences Meeting – Invited Lecture: Human reflexes; methods of determination and standardization (Denizli-Turkey; 18-22 September 2006)
16. 84th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan – Invited Keynote Lecture: Reflex control of human mastication. (Osaka, Japan: 20-22 March 2007)
17. Irregular Systems: Theory and Practise Working Group’s7th National Symposium – two Invited Lectures: “Human reflexes; regular appearing but irregular short circuits-I and -II.” (21–27 August 2007, Karaburun, Izmir, Turkey)
18. 33rd Turkish Physiological Sciences Meeting – Invited Lecture: “Usage of EMG in physiology research” (Girne-Cyprus; 17-20 October 2007)
19. Turkish Neuroscience Society Meeting – Invited Lecture: “An investigation on the common input to human motoneurones” (16-20 April 2008; Adana, Turkey)
20. Mechanism of plasticity and disease in motoneurons – Invited Talk: “Analyses of human reflexes using peristimulus frequencygram: rewiring the human nervous system” (Seattle, USA; 26-29 June 2008)
21. 8th National Symposium Irregular Systems Symposium. Invited Lecture: “Frequency analysis towards understanding of the map of the human nervous system” (1-10 September, 2008; Karaburun, İzmir, Turkey)
22. 34th Turkish Physiological Sciences Meeting – Invited Lecture: “Determination of human synaptic connections” (Erzurum-Turkey; 8-12 October 2008)
23. 10th Annual Meeting of the Aegean Dental Association: Invited Opening Lecture: “Towards the establishment of the electrical map of human mastication and using it in clinical settings.” (İzmir, Turkey; 28-30 November 2008)
24. Electromyography in Sport Sciences: Invited Speaker: Titles of lectures delivered: “EMG Analyses” and “Does teeth clench influence muscle strength?” (Ankara, Turkey; 28 – 29 November 2008)
25. 25th National Clinical Neurophysiology EEG-EMG Congress Invited lecture title: Standardization of the H-reflex (31 March-4 April 2009; Antalya, Turkey).
26. Turkish Neuroscience Society Meeting – Invited Lecture: “Control of jaw human jaw muscles” (16-20 April 2009; Bolu, Turkey)
27. International Workshop and Conference on Human Reflexes: Wiring and Firing of Human MotoneuronesInvited lecture title: “Investigation of cortical silent period with the use of peristimulus frequencygram (11-15 May 2009; Ege University, İzmir, Turkey)
28. 9th National Symposium Irregular Systems Symposium. Invited Lectures: “What is bioelectricity?” and “What is pain?” (20-27 August, 2009; Karaburun, İzmir, Turkey)
29. 26th National Clinical Neurophysiology EEG-EMG Congress Invited lecture title: Mapping of the human nervous system (31 March-4 April 2010; Antalya, Turkey).
30. Towards translational research in motoneurons – Invited Talk: “Investigation of synaptic inputs to human motoneurones using frequency-based analysis; peristimulus frequencygram” (Paris, France; 9-13 July 2010)
31. 15th Annual European Congress of Sport Science (ECSS) Meeting: Organized and Chaired Invited Satellite Meeting entitled: "Does teeth clenching influence muscle strength?" 23 June, 08:30-10:00, Hall 3 Speakers: Meltem Tuncer "The Relationship Between Handgrip Strength And Masticatory Receptors"; Hajime Sato, Kemal S. Türker "Voluntary Teeth Clenching Reduces Abduction Forces In Human Arm"; Kemal S. Türker "Effect Of Teeth Clench On Soleus H-Reflex" (23-26 June 2010, Antalya, Turkey)
32. 22nd National Biophysics Congress Invited lecture: “Methods for determining functional wiring of the human nervous system”. (28 September – 1 October 2010; Aydın, Turkey)
33. International Centre of Biocybernetics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 117th ICB Seminar: Motoneurons: Their inputs and outputs. Invited lecture title: “Reflexes as tools to study functional synaptic connections of human motoneurons”. 5-6 September 2011, Warsaw, Poland
34. DEMOVE Symposium: Translational Engineering in Neurorehabilitation 2012 invited lecture: “New developments on the methods to investigate human spinal circuits in vivo”. (21-22 June 2012; Universitatsmedizin Göttingen (UMG)
35. 19th Istanbul Statistical Physics Days Invited lecture: “Development of new methods to estimate networks in the human nervous system”. 28-30 June 2012, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey
36. XIXth Congress of the International Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK) invited talk: “Reflex responses of human masseter motor units to mechanical stimulation of the teeth”. 19-21 July 2012, Brisbane, Australia
37. International Motoneurone Meeting invited talk: “Frequency analysis of the reflex responses of human masseter motor units” 23-26 July 2012, Sydney, Australia
38. Symposium of Neuromuscular Disease invited lecture: “Principles and applications of EMG”. 21-22 September 2012, Split, Croatia
39. 38th National Physiological Sciences Meeting invited lecture: “Control of chewing in human subjects”.25-29 September 2012, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey
40. 9th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sports Keynote lecture: “Control of movement: Proprioception and feedback mechanisms”. 18 – 22 June 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
41. 39th National Physiological Sciences Meeting invited lecture: “Feedback control of human movement”. 10-14 September 2013, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
42. 1st International Jaw Functional Orthopedics invited lecture: “Reflex control of human mastication”. 9-11 November 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
43. International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation invited Special Session lecture: “Marvels of a gentle squeeze: Effects of chiropractic manipulation on the neuromuscular system”. 24-26 June 2014, Aalborg, Denmark.
44. International Motoneuron Meeting invited talk: “A new method to determine reflex latency induced by high rate stimulation of the nervous system”. 15-19 June 2014, Halifax, Canada.
45. 31st Clinical Neurophysiology EEG-EMG Congress Invited lecture title: Neurophysiological mechanism of chewing (April 2015; Antalya, Turkey)
46. Sixteenth International symposium on Disordered systems: Theory and its applications –Invited Lecture: “Human intelligence: a chaotic system at work.” (25–27 May 2016, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey)
47. 10th biennial International Motoneuron Meeting invited lecture: “A brief history of the peristimulus frequencygram.” (June 20-23, 2016: Istanbul – Türkiye)
48. 33rd Clinical Neurophysiology EEG-EMG Congress invited lecture: “EMG in EEG”. 12-16 April 2017, Antalya, Türkiye.
49. Turkish Human Brain Mapping Meeting invited lecture: “Using reflexes as tools to study functional wiring diagram of human nervous system (21-22 November 2017: Istanbul – Türkiye )
50. Seventeenth International symposium on Disordered systems: Invited Lecture: “Does the electroencephelogram originate from the brain?” (1-3 December 2017, Istanbul Turkey)
51. Summer school 2018 Soft Tissue Robotics: Keynote lecture: “Reflex control of human mastication” (27 June – 6 July 2018; Stuttgart, Germany).
52. Eighteenth International symposium on Disordered systems: Invited Lecture: “Male brain versus female brain: What to do?” (5-7 October 2018, Nazim Hikmet Cultural Centre, Istanbul Turkey)
53. 35th National Clinical Neurophysiology EEG-EMG Congress Two invited lectures titles: H-Reflex and F-Response; Excitability of the spinal cord. (03-07 April 2019; Bodrum, Turkey).
54. FENS Regional Meeting: Invited symposium talk, entitled: “A brief history on the indirect methods to estimate synaptic potentials in human motor neurons” (10-13 July 2019 Belgrade, Serbia)
- Associate editor of the Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology (2016 – 2021)
- Reviewing editor of the Frontiers of Human Neuroscience (2018 – continuing)
- Guest Editor for the Special Section on Human Reflexes in the journal Clinical Neurophysiology 2010.
- Associate Editor for the Special issue on Mastication in the Archives of oral Biology – 2006-2007.
- Organized a panel at the 3rd International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2016), entitled: Characterization and Modulation of Neurophysiological Signals: Investigation of the Human Neuromuscular System Using Human. Reflexes: Past, Present and the Future (October 18–21, 2016,Segovia, Spain)
- Head of the organization committee for the 10th Biennial International Motoneuron Meeting (Koç University Campus; 20-23 June, 2016)
- Review board for the Turkish Clinics Journal: January 2015 - date
- Organized a symposium in the FEPS 2015 meeting in Lithuania, entitled: Re-examination of human reflexes using the discharge rate of single motor units (Organizer: K.S. Türker). Federation of European Physiological Societies(FEPS 2015; 26-29 August 2015 Kaunas, Lithuania: Symposium 9)
- Chair of the Scientific Committee for the Federation of the European Physiological Sciences (FEPS) 2011 Conference jointly held with the Turkish Physiological Society (Yeditepe University - Istanbul – Turkey; 3-7 Sept 2011).
- Chair of the scientific and organizing committees for the International Workshop And Conference On Human Reflexes: Wiring And Firing Of Human Motoneurones (11-15 May 2009; Ege University, İzmir, Turkey)
- Chair of the scientific and organizing committees for the international mastication symposium (as a satellite to the international association for dental research, IADR, annual conference) (26-27 June 2006, Brisbane, Australia)
- Chair of the organizing committee for the symposium on ‘Motor Control’ as a satellite to the 23rd annual Australian Neuroscience Society meeting in Adelaide (January 2003). This meeting has now become an annual event attached to the ANS meetings.
- Panel Member for the National Health and Medical Research Council Grant Review Process 2006.
- Organizer (as a member of the local committee) of the 23rd annual Australian Neuroscience Society Meeting held in Adelaide-2003.
- Programming Committee for the VIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (Medicon’98) Conference. June 14-17, 1998, Lemesos, Cyprus.
- Reviewer for international journals: Journal of Physiology, Journal of Neurophysiology, Experimental Brain Research, Brain Research, Neuroscience, Clinical Neurophysiology, Neuroscience Letters, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Neuroscience Research, Journal of Applied Physiology, Archives of Oral Biology, Journal of Dental Research, Critical Review in Oral Biology and Medicine, Muscle & Nerve, Journal of Craniomandibular Disorders, Biomedical Central (BMC) Oral Health, Archives of Medical Research, Australian Journal of Physiotherapy, Australian Dental Journal, Journal of Human Comparative Biology, The Angle Orthodontist; Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation; BioMedical Engineering OnLine; Annals of Biomedical Engineering; Journal of Biomechanics (about 30 manuscripts/year)
- Reviewer for National Health and Medical Research Council (NH&MRC) of Australia, Australian Dental Research Foundation and Dental Board of New South Wales project grant applications (about 5 grants/year; until 2008).
- Reviewer and panel member for the Turkish Scientific and Technical Organization (TUBITAK) grant applications (2008 – date)
- Reviewer for Health Research Council of New Zealand grant applications (occasional reviewer until 2008).
- Reviewer for the Department of Industry, Science and Technology, Bilateral Science and Technology Collaboration Program grant applications (occasional reviewer until 2008).
Sole or Joint Supervision of Honours Students - Australia
- Le, T.H. (1987) “H-reflex and related inhibitory periods in human single motor units”
- Vinczer, E. (1989) “Reflex responses of human masseter motor units to electrical stimulation of the lip”
- Warren, J.D. (1989) “Membrane noise in human alpha motor neurones”
- Semmler, J.G. (1992) “Estimation of synaptic potentials in tibialis anterior motoneurones in humans”
- Williams, J. (1992) “Exteroceptive jaw reflexes in human subjects”
- Tan, J.H.C. (1996) “Decreased amplitude of masseter inhibitory reflex in trigeminal neuralgia patients”
- Jenkins, M. (1997) “The reflex response in the masseter muscles to tooth unloading”
- Abolfathi, P. (1997) “Mastication simulator”
- O’Connor, S. (1999) “How aging affects indentification of the H-reflex in human masseter”
- Mamo, A. (1999) “Data acquisition and analysis system implemented on a LabView system”
- Male, C. (2004) “Reflex connection of the periodontal mechanoreceptors in the molar teeth”
- Dang, H.Q. (2007) “Reflex control of human mastication by periodontal mechanoreceptors”
Sole or Joint Supervision of Masters Students - Australia
- Dowd, C. (1992) “An electromyographic study of the abdominal muscles in various exercise positions”
- Mosler, A. (1994) “The relationship between scapular movement and electromyographic manifestations of fatique of the serratus anterior muscle”
- Gill, V. (1994) “The development and reliability of a novel technique for muscle signal analysis in the female pelvic floor muscles”
- Hurley, A.D. (1995) “The activity of four thoracoscapular muscles during fatigue of serratus anterior”
- Liebich, S. (1995) “The activity of four thoracoscapular muscles during fatigue of serratus anterior: An electromyography study of intra-subject repeatability”
- Townsend, D.M. (2003) “A prospective study of twin block appliance therapy in male adult obstructive sleep apnea patients assessed by radiography polysomnography and muscle testing”
Sole Supervision of PhD Students - Australia
- Yang, J. (1999) “Reflex control of human jaw muscles by periodontal mechanoreceptors”. Now practicing dentistry at the Gold Coast, Australia.
- Scutter, S. (1999) “The H-reflex in human masseter”. Now Associate Professor at the University of South Australia Physiotherapy Department, Adelaide, Australia.
- Brinkworth, R.S.A. (2004) “Control of human mastication by periodontal mechanoreceptors”. Now Senior Lecturer at Adelaide University Mechanical Engineering Department, Adelaide, Australia.
- Tucker, K.J. (2006) “Methodological considerations and the effect of pain on the H-reflex and maximal M-wave in the human triceps surae”. Now Senior Research Fellow at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
- Sowman, P.F. (2007) “Coherence analysis of human mastication” now Associate Professor at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
Joint Supervision of PhD Students - Australia
- Chintakanon, K. (1999) “A prospective study of twin block appliance therapy in children with class II division I malocclusions assessed by MRI, 3D-cephlometry and muscle testing”. Now Associate Professor in Thailand.
- Naser-ud-din, S. (2009) “Modulation of jaw reflexes”. Now lecturer in Germany.
Sole Supervision of PhD Students - Türkiye
- Erdal Binboğa; “Synaptic connection of spindle afferents to motoneurons of the soleus muscle” (2007 – 2010: Completed his PhD). Now he is working as an Associate Professor of Biophysics at the Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Izmir, Turkey.
- Mehmet Cemal Kahya; “A study of cutaneous silent period in single motor units of the FDI muscle” (2007 – 2010: Completed his PhD). He is now working as an Assistant Professor of Biophysics at the Katip Celebi University Faculty of Medicine, Izmir, Turkey.
- Utku Yavuz; “Effect of gender and age on electromechanical delay” (2007 – 2012; completed his PhD). He is now working as an Assistant professor at the Twente University, Holland.
- Önder Gürcan; “Towards Exploration of Synaptic Functional Connectivity in Human Central Nervous System using Self-Organizing Agents: A Simulation Study on Human Single Motor Unit” (2009 – 2013; completed his PhD) and now working as a Research Scientist at the Institut CARNOT CEA LIST Research Center, Cedex, France.
- Elif Sibel Işıkoğlu: “Cortical control of human mastication” (2008 – 2020; completed her PhD). She is now working as an Assistant Professor at Sports Science Institute of Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Paulius Inucius: “Control of jaw muscles in human subjects” (PhD student from Lithuania (2010 – 2015; completed his PhD). He is now working as an Assistant Professor of Physiology at the Medical Academy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania.
- Gizem Yılmaz: “EMG interference in the EEG” (Koç University PhD student): (2015 - 2019) Now working as a Research Fellow at the National University of Singapore
- Görkem Özyurt: “Renshaw circuitry in human muscles (Koç University PhD student): (2015 – 2019) Now working as a Royal Society Postdoctoral Fellow at University College London, UK
- Betilay Topkara: “Motor unit number estimation: From human to animals” (Koç University PhD student): (2017-2021
- [TÜRKER, K.S. (1983) Sarcomere length in jaw muscles. Turkish Research Association (TUBITAK) VIIth Scientific Congress Proceedings, 523-532.] In Turkish.
- TÜRKER, K.S. (1993) Functional connections between receptors and muscles: an electrical stimulation study. Proceedings for the Australian Conference on Technology for People with Disabilities, Regency Park Centre, Adelaide, South Australia, pp: 147-149.
- TÜRKER, K.S. (1996) Evidence that the membrane potential does not approach firing threshold linearly in tonically active human tibialis motoneurons. Motor Control VIII: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Motor Control. Eds: G.N. Gantchev et al., Academic Publishing House, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp: 17-20.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and MILES, T.S. (1989) Inhibitory jaw reflexes in the human masseter muscle. In: Electromyography of jaw reflexes in man, eds. D. van Steenberghe & A. De Laat, Leuven University Press, Belgium, pp. 237-256.
- TÜRKER, K.S., MILES, T.S., SMITH, N. and NORDSTROM, M.A. (1989) On-line discrimination of unit potentials on the basis of their waveforms: a new approach implemented on a personal computer. In: Electromyography of jaw reflexes in man, eds. D. van Steenberghe & A. De Laat, Leuven University Press, Belgium, pp. 445-451.
- BRODIN, P and TÜRKER, K.S. (1995) Reflex control of human jaw muscles by the mechanoreceptors in the periodontium. In: Alpha and gamma motor systems. Eds: A. Taylor, M.M. Gladden & R. Durbaba, Plenum Press, New York, pp. 505-507.
- TÜRKER, K.S., S.D. SCUTTER; J. YANG; M. JENKINS; K.J. TUCKER AND P.P. ABOLFATHI (1999) Reflex control of masticatory muscles in man. In: Symposium on Neurobiology of Mastication - From Molecular to Systems Approach, Ed: Y. Nakamura, Excerpta Medica International Congress Series, Vol:1186; 337-353.
- SCUTTER, S.D. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1999) Muscle spindle afferent input to motoneurons in the human masseter. In: Symposium on Neurobiology of Mastication - From Molecular to Systems Approach, Ed: Y. Nakamura, Excerpta Medica International Congress Series, Vol:1186; 266-269.
- ABOLFATHI, P.P., NEZARAN, H. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1999) Simulation of mastication using software controlled dynamic bite bar apparatus. Proceedings of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - IEEE/EMBS (Vic); Eds: B. Lithgow & I. Cosic; Melbourne University, Victoria, Australia. pp: 76-79.
- POWERS, R.K. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2001) Investigating the Synaptic Control of Human Motoneurons: New Techniques, Analysis and Insight from Animal Models. In: Motor Neurobiology of the Spinal Cord; Edited by: Timothy C. Cope. Methods in New Frontiers in Neuroscience, CRC Press, New York, pp: 107-133.
- McLAUGHLIN, L. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2003) Would experimental pain or the anticipation of pain influence the size of the H-reflex in human jaw muscles? A pilot study using novel methodology. The Australian Pain Society Newsletter, February 2003:2-4.
- MCNULTY, P., TÜRKER, K.S., FALLON, J., BENT, L. and MACEFIELD, V.G. (2004) The role of cutaneous afferents in motor control. In: Active Dendrites in Motor Neurons, Ed: R. Enoka, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado.
- GÜRCAN, Ö., DIKENELLI, O. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2010) Agent-based exploration of wiring of biological neural networks: Position paper. In: Ronald Trumph, editor, 20th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR 2010), pages 509-514, Vienna, Austria.
- TÜRKER, K.S., SEBIK, O. (2011) Reflexes as tools to study functional synaptic connections of human motoneurons. 117th ICB Seminar. Motoneurons: Their inputs and outputs. Warsaw, 4-7 September 2011; pages: 51-54.
- GÜRCAN, Ö., BERNON, C., TÜRKER, K.S., MANO, J.-P., GLIZE, P. and DIKENELLI, O. (2012) Simulating Human Single Motor Units using Self-Organizing Agents. 2012 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems; pp:11-20.
- HAAVIK, H., NIAZI, I.K., DUEHR, J., KINGET, M., UGINCIUS, P., SEBIK, O., YILMAZ, G., TÜRKER, K.S. (2014) Chiropractic alters TMS induced motor neuronal excitability: Preliminary findings. In: Replace, Repair, Restrore, Relieve – Bridging Clinical and Engineering Solutions in Neurorehabilitation, Biosystems and Biorobotics 7 (Ed: W. Jensen et al.) DIO: 10.1007/978-3-319-08072-7_8, Springer International Publishing Switzerland; pp: 35-37.
- LATİFOĞLU, F., YILMAZ, G., ÇEÇEN, S., TÜRKER, K.S. (2014) Biyoelektriksel olaylar. In: Biyomedikal Mühendisliğinin Temelleri (Eds: Asyalı, M.H., Kara, S., Yılmaz, B) Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık Tic. Ltd. Şti. pp: 49-96.
- ÇEÇEN, S., YILMAZ, G., TÜRKER, K.S. (2014) İnsan fizyolojisine giriş. In: Biyomedikal Mühendisliğinin Temelleri (Eds: Asyalı, M.H., Kara, S., Yılmaz, B) Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık Eğitim Danışmanlık Tic. Ltd. Şti. pp: 231-251.
- TÜRKER, K.S. (2016) Difficulties Faced in Standardized Receptor Stimulation and in Standardized Analysis of Muscle Responses to a Stimulus. In: Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation II Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2016) Editors: Jaime Ibáñez, José González-Vargas, José María Azorín, Metin Akay, José Luis Pons; pp: 167-171.
- TÜRKER, K.S., KAHYA, M.C. (2016) The Reflex Circuitry Originating from the Cutaneous Receptors of the Hand to the First Dorsal Interosseus Muscle. In: Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation II Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2016) Editors: Jaime Ibáñez, José González-Vargas, José María Azorín, Metin Akay, José Luis Pons; pp: 171-177.
- YAVUZ, U.S., NEGRO, F., DIEDRICHS, R., TÜRKER, K.S., FARINA, D. (2016) Reflex Circuitry Originating from the Muscle Spindles to the Tibialis Anterior Muscle. In: Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation II Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2016) Editors: Jaime Ibáñez, José González-Vargas, José María Azorín, Metin Akay, José Luis Pons; pp: 177-183.
- G. YILMAZ, P. UGINČIUS and K.S. TÜRKER (2016) Jaw Reflexes Originating from the Periodontal and Muscle Spindle Receptors to the Jaw Muscles. In: Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation II Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2016) Editors: Jaime Ibáñez, José González-Vargas, José María Azorín, Metin Akay, José Luis Pons; pp: 183-188.
- [K.S. TÜRKER (2019) Physiological role of teeth. In: Oral Fizyoloji. Ed: E.B. Gürler. Quintessence Publishing Istanbul. pp: 1 - 6. ] In Turkish.
- [S. ÇEÇEN and K.S. TÜRKER (2019) Jaw muscles. In: Oral Fizyoloji. Ed: E.B. Gürler. Quintessence Publishing Istanbul. pp: 17 - 26. ] In Turkish.
- [K.S. TÜRKER and S. ÇEÇEN (2019) Reflex control of human mastication. In: Oral Fizyoloji. Ed: E.B. Gürler. Quintessence Publishing Istanbul. pp: 27 - 34. ] In Turkish.
- RITZMANN R, KARACAN I, TÜRKER KS (2020) Electromyographical Recordings During Vibration. In: Rittweger J (Ed.) Manual of Vibration Exercise and Vibration Therapy. Print ISBN 978-3-030-43984-2 Springer Cham, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020; Pages 109-120
- KARACAN I, TÜRKER KS (2020) Assessing Reflex Latencies in Responses to Vibration: Evidence for the Involvement of More Than One Receptor. In: Rittweger J (Ed.) Manual of Vibration Exercise and Vibration Therapy. Print ISBN 978-3-030-43984-2 Springer Cham, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020; Pages 135-142
2. Journal Articles
2.1 Refereed Journals
2.1.1 Sole Author Articles
- [TÜRKER, K.S. (1981a) A physiological method for measuring the ideal denture height. Hacettepe University Dental Faculty Journal, 5:73-77.] In Turkish.
- [TÜRKER, K.S. (1981b) Isometric tetanic tensions in the jaw muscles of the cat. Hacettepe University Dental Faculty Journal, 5:15-23.] In Turkish.
- TÜRKER, K.S. (1988) A method for standardization of silent period measurements in human masseter muscle. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 15:91-101.
- TÜRKER, K.S. (1993) Electromyography: Some methodological problems and issues - Professional Perspective, Physical Therapy, 73:698-710.
- TÜRKER, K.S. (1995) The shape of the membrane potential trajectory in tonically-active human motoneurons. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 5:3-14.
- TÜRKER, K.S. (2002) Reflex control of human jaw muscles. Critical Review in Oral Biology and Medicine, 13:85-104.
- TÜRKER, K.S. (2006) Understanding disorders of the masticatory system (Editorial). Archives of Oral Biology, 51: 711-712.
- TÜRKER, K.S. (2007) Exteroceptive suppression of the jaw closing muscle electromyogram: Methodological issues applicable to all human reflex studies (Editorial). Clinical Neurophysiology, 118: 951-953.
- TÜRKER, K.S. (2010) Muscle pain theories: Is there a third dimension? (Editorial) Clinical Neurophysiology, 121: 634-635.
- TÜRKER, K.S. (2010) Muscle Reflexes as tools to study human neuromuscular system (Editorial) Clinical Neurophysiology, 121: 1599-1601.
- TÜRKER KS. (2021) Estimating Exercise-Induced Changes In Human Neuronal Networks. Exercise and Sport Sciences Review. 2021 Jul 1;49(3):147-156.
- TÜRKER KS. (2022) An opinion on the 'delayed spikes' in human motoneurons. Exp Brain Res. 240(1):1-3. doi: 10.1007/s00221-021-06290-7.
2.1.2 Joint Author Articles:
- MACKENNA, B.R. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1978) Twitch tension in the jaw muscles of the cat at various degrees of mouth opening. Archives ofOralBiology,23:917-920.
- [öZEN, B., TÜRKER, K.S., RIDVANAGAOGLU, A.Y., UGUR, Y. and BALKANCI, D. (1981) Effect of vagal stimulation on the kidney functions. Hacettepe University Medical and Surgical Bulletin, 14:395-401.] In Turkish.
- [öZEN, B., RIDVANAGAOGLU, A.Y., TÜRKER, K.S., UGUR, Y. and BALKANCI, D. (1981a) The effect of total parasympathectomy on kidney functions. Hacettepe University Medical and Surgical Bulletin, 14:446-452.] In Turkish.
- [öZEN, B., RIDVANAGAOGLU, A.Y., TÜRKER, K.S., UGUR, Y. and BALKANCI, D. (1981b) The effect of parasympathetics on the tubular functions of the kidney. Hacettepe University Medical and Surgical Bulletin, 14:461-470.] In Turkish.
- [TÜRKER, K.S., BALKANCI, D., CEBI, S. and KUTLAR, F. (1983) The effect of noxious electrical stimulation on the parotid gland secretion. Journal of Nature and Science, Series C, Vol. 7, 344-352.] In Turkish.
- MACKENNA, B.R. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1983) Jaw separation and maximum incising force. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 49:726-730.
- TÜRKER, K.S., and MACKENNA, B.R. (1984) The effect of temperature on the contraction characteristics of jaw muscles in the cat. Archives of Oral Biology, 29:477-478.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and MILES, T.S. (1984) Harmaline disrupts acquisition of conditioned nictitating membrane responses. Brain Research Bulletin, 13:229-234.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and MILES, T.S. (1985) Effect of stimulus intensity and gape on the electrically evoked human jaw reflexes. Archives of Oral Biology, 30:621-626.
- MILES, T.S., NORDSTROM, M.A. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1986) Length related changes in activation threshold and waveform of motor units in human masseter muscle. Journal of Physiology (London), 370:457-465.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and MILES, T.S. (1986) Climbing fibre lesions disrupt conditioning of the nictitating membrane response in rabbits. Brain Research, 363:376-378.
- MILES, T.S. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1986) Does reflex inhibition of motor units follow the "Size Principle"? Experimental Brain Research, 62:443-445.
- MILES, T.S., TÜRKER, K.S. and NORDSTROM, M.A. (1987) Reflex responses of motor units in human masseter muscle to electrical stimulation of the lip. Experimental Brain Research, 65:331-336.
- MILES, T.S. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1987) Decomposition of human electro-myogramme in an inhibitory reflex. Experimental Brain Research, 65:337-342.
- MILES, T.S., WOODLAND, M.J., NORDSTROM, M.A., VEALE, J.L. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1987) A circuit for improving the precision of the spike-triggered averaging technique. Journal of Electrophysiological Techniques, 14:85-90.
- TÜRKER, K.S., MILES, T.S. and LE, T.H. (1988) The lip-clip: a simple, low-impedance ground electrode for use in human electro-physiology. Brain Research Bulletin, 21:139-141.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and MILES, T.S. (1989) Surface electromyography, force and single motor-unit data for inhibitory reflex responses in human masseter muscle at two levels of excitatory drive. Archives of Oral Biology, 34:731-737.
- TÜRKER, K.S.., SEGUIN, J.J. and MILES, T.S. (1989) Modulation of an inhibitory reflex in single motor units in human masseter at different joint angles. Neuroscience Letters, 100:157-163.
- TÜRKER, K.S., WILKINSON, T.M. and MILES, T.S. (1989) A comparison of masseteric silent period in temporomandibular joint dysfunction patients and normal subjects by surface electromyography and single motor unit recordings. Archives of Oral Biology, 34:943-948.
- MILES, T.S., TÜRKER, K.S. and LE, T.H. (1989) Ia reflexes and EPSPs in human soleus motor neurones. Experimental Brain Research, 77:628-636.
- MILES, T.S., LE, T.H. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1989) Biphasic inhibitory responses and their IPSPs in soleus motor neurones in man. Experimental Brain Research, 77:637-646.
- HASCELIK, Z., BASGOZE, O., TÜRKER, K., NORMAN, S. and OZKER, R. (1989) The effect of physical training on physical fitness tests and auditory and visual reaction times of volleyball players. Journal of Sport Medicine and Physical Fitness, 29:234-239.
- TÜRKER, K.S., WILKINSON, T.A. and MILES, T.S. (1990) Silent periods in dysfunction patients: a preliminary study using a novel approach. Australian Dental Journal, 35:42-45.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and MILES, T.S. (1990) Cross-talk from other muscles can contaminate EMG signals in reflex studies of the human leg. Neuroscience Letters, 111:164-169.
- NORDSTROM, M.A., MILES, T.S. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1990) Synchronization of motor units in human masseter during a prolonged isometric contraction. Journal of Physiology (London), 426:409-421.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and MILES, T.S. (1991) Threshold depolarization measurements in resting human motoneurones. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 39:103-107.
- SATO, T., MILES, T.S., TÜRKER, K.S. and FLAVEL, S. (1992) A simple, cheap stimulator for periodontal mechanoreceptors in human subjects. Journal de Biologie Buccale, 20:231-234.
- [SATO, T., MILES, T.S. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1993) Reflex responses of masseter muscles evoked from specific stimulation of periodontal receptors. Japanese Journal of Stomatognathic Function, 11:3-10] In Japanese
- WARREN, J., MILES, T.S. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1993) Properties of synaptic noise in tonically-active human motoneurones. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 2:189-202.
- BRODIN, P., TÜRKER, K.S. and MILES, T.S. (1993) Mechanoreceptors around the tooth evoke inhibitory and excitatory reflexes in the human masseter muscle. Journal of Physiology (London), 464:711-723.
- BRODIN, P., MILES, T.S. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1993) Simple reaction time responses in human masseter muscle. Archives of Oral Biology, 38:221-226.
- SATO, T., TÜRKER, K.S. and MILES, T.S. (1994) Reflex responses to periodontal and auditory stimulation in human masseter. Journal of oral Rehabilitation, 21:287-297.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and CHENG, H.B. (1994) Motor-unit firing frequency can be used for the estimation of synaptic potentials in human motoneurones. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 53:225-234.
- TÜRKER, K.S., BRODIN, P. and MILES, T.S. (1994) Reflex responses of motor units in human masseter muscle to mechanical stimulation of a tooth. Experimental Brain Research, 100:307-315.
- BRODIN, P. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1994) Electrical stimulation of the lip can evoke excitatory or inhibitory response in the human masseter muscle depending on the stimulus parameters. Archives of oral Biology, 39:701-706.
- SEMMLER, J.G. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1994) Reflex responses of human tibialis anterior motoneurones to low-threshold electrical stimulation of the common peroneal nerve. Neuroscience Letters, 178:206-210.
- TÜRKER, K.S., SCHMIED, A. and CHENG, H.B. (1996) Correlated changes in the firing rate of human motor units during voluntary contraction. Experimental Brain Research, 111:455-464.
- SCUTTER, S., TÜRKER, K.S., and HALL, R. (1997) Incidence of headaches and neck pain in farmers. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 5:2-5.
- TÜRKER, K.S., YANG, J. and BRODIN, P. (1997) Conditions for excitatory and inhibitory masseteric reflexes elicited by tooth pressure in man. Archives of oral Biology, 42:121-128.
- TÜRKER, K.S., YANG, J. and SCUTTER, S. (1997) Tendon tap induces a single long lasting excitatory reflex in the motoneurons of human soleus muscle, Experimental Brain Research, 115:169-173.
- SCUTTER, S.D., TÜRKER, K.S., and YANG. J (1997) A new method for eliciting and studying H-reflexes in the human masseter. Archives of oral Biology, 42:371-376.
- SCUTTER, S.D. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1998) Recruitment stability in masseter motor units during isometric voluntary contractions. Muscle & Nerve, 21:1290-1298.
- YANG, J. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1999) Jaw reflexes evoked by mechanical stimulation of teeth in man. Journal of Neurophysiology, 81:2156-2163.
- SCUTTER, S.D. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1999) Muscle spindle afferent input favours large motoneurons in human masseter. Journal of Neurophysiology, 82:505-507.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and POWERS, R.K. (1999) Effects of large excitatory and inhibitory inputs on motoneuron discharge rate and probability. Journal of Neurophysiology, 82:829-840.
- McNULTY, P.A., TÜRKER, K.S. and MACEFIELD, V.G. (1999) Evidence for strong synaptic coupling between single tactile afferents and motoneurones supplying the human hand. Journal of Physiology, 518:883-893.
- CHINTAKANON, K., SAMPSON, W.J., TOWNSEND, G.C., WILKINSON, T.M. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1999) Magnetic resonance imaging of the temporomandibular joint in children with class II division I malocclusion. Perspectives in Human Biology, 4:145-154.
- DAVID, G., MAGAREY, M.E., JONES, M.A., DVIR, Z, TÜRKER, K.S. and SHARPE, M. (2000) EMG and strength correlates of selected shoulder muscles during rotations of the glenohumeral joint. Clinical Biomechanics, 15:95-102.
- DAVID, G., DVIR, Z., SIMMONS, N., MAGAREY, M., JONES, M., TÜRKER, K., SHARPE, M. (2000) The relationship between strength and width of the supraspinatus: An isokinetic and ultrasonographic study. Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 8:169-174.
- CHINTAKANON, K., TÜRKER, K.S., SAMPSON, W.J., TOWNSEND, G.C. and WILKINSON, T.M. (2000) A method for protrusive mandibular force measurement in children. Archives of oral Biology, 45:113-121.
- SCUTTER, S.D. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2000) Estimating relative motoneurone size in human masseter muscle. Archives of oral Biology, 45:617-620.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and JENKINS, M. (2000) The reflex response to tooth unloading. Journal of Neurophysiology, 84:1088-1092.
- CHINTAKANON, K., TÜRKER, K.S., SAMPSON, W.J., TOWNSEND, G.C. and WILKINSON, T.M. (2000) Effect of Twin Block therapy on protrusive muscle function. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 118:392-396.
- SCHMIED, A. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2001) Periodontal mechanoreceptors input reduces synchronous discharge of voluntarily-activated masseter motor units in man. Somatosensory & Motor Research, 18:143-151.
- O’CONNOR, S. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2001) Representation of single motor unit action potentials on the surface and intramuscular EMG: Implications for trigeminal reflex investigations. Archives of oral Biology, 46:569-572.
- YANG, J. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2001) Reflex responses of single motor units in human masseter to slowly rising stimulation of a tooth. Archives of oral Biology, 46:989-996.
- TUCKER, K. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2001) Modulation of the periodontally evoked masseter inhibitory reflex by cutaneous stimulation of the face. Experimental Brain Research, 139:443-447.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and POWERS, R.K. (2001) Determining the sign of ‘common’ synaptic inputs underlying synchronization in motoneurons. Journal of Neurophysiology, 86:2807-2822.
- SCUTTER, S.D. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2001) The role of muscle spindles in human masseter. Human Movement Science, 20:489-497.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and POWERS, R.K. (2002) The effect of motoneurone discharge rate on synchronization. Journal of Physiology, 541:245-260.
- POWERS, R.K., TÜRKER, K.S. and BINDER, M.D. (2002) What can be learned about motoneurone properties from studying firing patterns? Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 508:199-205. [
- BRINKWORTH, S.A.R. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2003) A method for quantifying reflex responses from intra-muscular and surface electromyogram. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 122:179-193.
- BRINKWORTH, S.A.R., TÜRKER, K.S. and SAVANDRA, A. (2003) Responses of human jaw muscles to axial stimulation of the incisor. Journal of Physiology, 547:233-245.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and POWERS, R.K. (2003) Estimation of postsynaptic potentials in rat hypoglossal motoneurones; Insights for human work. Journal of Physiology, 551:419-431.
- TÜRKER, K.S., BRINKWORTH, S.A.R., ABOLFATHI, P.P., LINKE, I.R. and NEZARAN, H. (2004) A device for investigating neuromuscular control in the human masticatory system. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 136:141-149.
- BRINKWORTH, S.A.R., MALE, C. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2004) Response of human jaw muscles to axial stimulation of a molar tooth. Experimental Brain Research159:214-224.
- TUCKER, K.J. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2004) Muscle spindle feedback differs between the soleus and gastrocnemius in humans. Somatosensory & Motor Research 21:1-9.
- BRINKWORTH, S.A.R. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2005) EMG, force and discharge rate analysis of human jaw reflexes in response to axial stimulation of the incisor. Experimental Brain Research, 161:145-154.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and POWERS, R.K. (2005) Black box revisited: A technique for estimating postsynaptic potentials in neurones. Trends in Neuroscience, 28:379-386.
- BRINKWORTH, R.S.A. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2005) Jaw movement alters the reaction of human jaw muscles to incisor stimulation. Experimental Brain Research 164:165-176.
- TÜRKER, K.S., YEO, P.L.M. and GANDEVIA, S.C. (2005) Perceptual distortion of face deletion by local anaesthesia of the human lips and teeth. Experimental Brain Research, 165:37-43.
- TUCKER, K.J. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2005) A new method to estimate signal cancellation in the human maximal M-wave. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 149:31-41.
- TUCKER, K.J., TUNCER, M. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2005) A review of the H-reflex and M-wave in the human triceps surae. Human Movement Science, 24:667-688.
- SOWMAN, P. and TÜRKER, K.S., (2005) Methods of time and frequency domain examination of physiological tremor in the human jaw. Human Movement Science, 24:657-666.
- SOWMAN, P., BRINKWORTH, R.S.A. and TÜRKER, K.S., (2006) Periodontal anaesthesia reduces common 8HZ input to masseters during isometric biting. Experimental Brain Research, 169: 326-337.
- TÜRKER, K.S., JOHNSEN, S.E., SOWMAN, P. and TRULSSON, M. (2006) A study on synaptic coupling between single orofacial mechanoreceptors and human masseter muscle. Experimental Brain Research 170:488-500.
- TUCKER, K.J. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2007) Triceps surae stretch and voluntary contraction alters maximal M-wave magnitude. Electromyography and Kinesiology 17:203-211.
- SOWMAN, P.F. and TÜRKER, K.S., (2007) Mandibular tremor during isometric contractions. Archives of Oral Biology 52:353-356.
- TÜRKER, K.S., SOWMAN, P.F., TUNCER, M., TUCKER, K.J. and BRINKWORTH, R.S.A. (2007) The role of periodontal mechanoreceptors in mastication. Archives of Oral Biology 52:361-364
- TUNCER, M, TUCKER, K.J and TÜRKER, K.S. (2007) Influence of tooth clench on the soleus H-reflex. Archives of Oral Biology 52:374-376.
- TÜRKER, K.S, SCHMIED, A, ROSSI, A, MAZZOCCHIO, R, SOWMAN, P.F. and VEDEL, J-P. (2007) Is the human masticatory system devoid of recurrent inhibition? Experimental Brain Research, 179: 131-144.
- BRINKWORTH, R.S.A., TUNCER, M., TUCKER, K.J., JABERZADEH, S. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2007) Standardization of H-reflex analyses Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 162: 1-7.
- SOWMAN, P.F., OGSTON, K.M. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2007) Periodontal anaesthetisation decreases rhythmic synchrony between masseteric motor units at the frequency of jaw tremor. Experimental Brain Research, 179: 673-682.
- JABERZADEH, S., PEARCE, S.L., MILES, T.S., TÜRKER, K.S. and NORDSTROM, M.A. (2007) Intracortical inhibition in the human trigeminal motor system. Clinical Neurophysiology, 118:1785-93.
- SOWMAN, P., BRINKWORTH, R.S.A. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2008) Mandibular physiological tremor is reduced by increasing-force ramp contractions and periodontal anaesthesia. Experimental Brain Research, 184:71-82.
- SOWMAN, P.F. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2008) Periodontal-masseteric reflexes decrease with tooth preload. Journal of Dental Research, 87:175-9.
- PRASARTWUTH, O., BİNBOĞA, E. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2008) A study of synaptic connection between low threshold afferent fibres in common peroneal nerve and motoneurones in human tibialis anterior. Experimental Brain Research, 191:465–42.
- LOBBEZOO, F., SOWMAN, P.F. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2009) Modulation of exteroceptive jaw reflexes during simulated mastication. Clinical Neurophysiology, 120:398-406.
- NASER-UD-DIN S., SOWMAN, P.F., DANG, H., and TÜRKER, K.S. (2010) Jaw reflexes during simulated mastication. Journal of Dental Research, 89:61-65.
- SOWMAN, P., BRINKWORTH, R.S.A. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2010) Threshold for detection of incisal forces is increased by jaw movement. Journal of Dental Research, 89:395-399.
- POWERS, R.K. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2010) Deciphering the contribution of intrinsic and synaptic currents to the effects of transient synaptic inputs on human motor unit discharge. Clinical Neurophysiology, 121: 1643-1654.
- YAVUZ, Ş.U., ŞENDEMİR-ÜRKMEZ, A. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2010) Effect of gender, age, fatigue and contraction level on electromechanical delay Clinical Neurophysiology, 121: 1700-1706.
- KAHYA, M.C., YAVUZ, Ş.U., and TÜRKER, K.S. (2010) Cutaneous silent period in human FDI motor units. Experimental Brain Research, 205: 455-463.
- POWERS, R.K. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2010) Estimating the amplitude of excitatory postsynaptic potentials based on changes in motoneuron discharge rate and probability. Experimental Brain Research, 206: 427-440.
- TÜRKER, K.S., KOUTRIS, M., SÜMER, N.C., ATIŞ, E.S., LINKE, I.R., LOBBEZOO, F. and NAEIJE, M. (2010) A novel apparatus for inducing delayed-onset muscle soreness in the human jaw-closing muscles, Archives of Oral Biology, 55:621-626.
- ROGASCH, N.C., BURNE, J.A., BİNBOĞA, E., TÜRKER, K.S. (2011) Synaptic potentials contributing to reflex inhibition in gastrocnemius following tendon electrical stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology, 122:1190-1196.
- NASER-UD-DIN S., SOWMAN, P.F., SAMPSON W.J., DREYER C.W., and TÜRKER, K.S. (2011) Masseter length determines muscle spindle reflex excitability during jaw closing movements. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, 139(4):e305-313.
- BİNBOĞA, E., PRASARTWUTH, O., PEHLIVAN, M. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2011) Responses of human soleus motor units to low-threshold stimulation of the tibial nerve. Experimental Brain Research, 213:73-86.
- TODD, G., ROGASCH, N.C., TÜRKER, K.S. (2012) Transcranial magnetic stimulation and peristimulus frequencygram. Clinical Neurophysiology, 123:1002-1009.
- ROGASCH, N.C., BURNE, J.A., TÜRKER, K.S. (2012) A Comparison of the Inhibitory Response to Tendon and Cutaneous Afferent Stimulation in the Human Lower Limb. Journal of Neurophysiology, 107: 564–572.
- BİNBOĞA, E., TÜRKER, K.S. (2012) Compound group I excitatory input is differentially distributed to human soleus motoneuron. Clinical Neurophysiology, 123: 2192–2199.
- TSUKIBOSHI, T., SATO, H., TANAKA, Y., SAITO, M., TOYODA, H., MORIMOTO, T., TÜRKER, K.S., MAEDA, Y., KANG, Y. (2012) Illusion caused by vibration of muscle spindles reveals an involvement of muscle spindle inputs in regulating isometric contraction of masseter muscles. Journal of Neurophysiology, 108: 2524-2533.
- SEBIK, O., KARACAN, I., CIDEM, M. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2013) Rectification of SEMG as a tool to demonstrate synchronous motor unit activity during vibration. Electromyography and Kinesiology, 23:275-284.
- KOUTRIS, M., LOBBEZOO, F., SÜMER, N.C., ATIŞ, E.S., TÜRKER, K.S., NAEIJE, M. (2013) Is myofascial pain in Temporomandibular Disorder patients a manifestation of delayed onset muscle soreness? The Clinical Journal of Pain, 29: 712-716.
- D’AMICO, J.M., YAVUZ, S.U., SARAÇOĞLU, A., ATIŞ, E.S., GORASSINI, M.A. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2013) Activation properties of masseter motoneurons in participants with and without bruxism. Journal of Neurophysiology, 110:2863-2872.
- UGINČIUS, P., ATIŞ, E.S. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2014) Reflex responses of human masseter motor units to mechanical stimulation of the teeth. Journal of Neurophysiology, 111 51-61.
- YAVUZ, Ş.U., MRACHACZ-KERSTING, N., SEBIK, O., ÜNVER, M.B., FARINA, D. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2014) Human stretch reflex pathways re-examined. Journal of Neurophysiology, 111:602-612.
- GÜRCAN, O., TÜRKER, K.S., MANO, J-P., BERNON, C., DIKENLI, O., GLIZE, P. (2014) Mimicking human neuronal pathways in silico: an emergent model on the effective connectivity. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 36:235–257.
- PIOTRKIEWICZ, M., SEBIK, O., BINBOGA, E., MLOZNIAK, D., KURASZKIEWICZ, B. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2014) Double discharges in human soleus muscle. Frontiers of Human Neuroscience, 7; article 843: 1-6.
- SATO, H., KAWANO, T., SAITO, M., TOYODA, MAEDA, Y., TÜRKER, K.S., KANG, Y. (2014) Teeth Clenching Reduces Arm Abduction Force. Experimental Brain Research, 232:2281-2291.
- SEBIK O, KARACAN I, CIDEM M, TÜRKER KS. (2014) High pass filtering and rectification of SEMG as a tool to demonstrate synchronous motor unit activity during vibration. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 24:488.
- YILMAZ, G., UNGAN, P., SEBIK, O., UGINCIUS, P., TÜRKER, K.S. (2014) Interference of tonic muscle activity on the EEG: A single motor unit study. Frontiers of Human Neuroscience, 8; article 504; 1-10.
- KARACAN I, CAKAR HI, SEBIK O, YILMAZ G, CIDEM M, KARA S, TÜRKER KS. (2014) A new method to determine reflex latency induced by high rate stimulation of the nervous system. Frontiers of Human Neuroscience, 8; article 536: 1-8.
- NIAZI IK, TÜRKER KS, FLAVEL S, KINGET M, DUEHR J, HAAVIK H. (2015) Changes in H-reflex and V waves following spinal manipulation. Experimental Brain Research, 233:1165–1173.
- CAKAR, H.I., CIDEM, M., SEBIK, O., YILMAZ, G., KARAMEHMETOGLU, S.S., KARA, S., KARACAN, I., TÜRKER, K.S. (2015) Whole-body vibration-induced muscular reflex: Is it a stretch-induced reflex? Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 27: 2279–2284.
- LAINE CM, YAVUZ ŞU, D'AMICO JM, GORASSINI MA, TÜRKER KS, FARINA D. (2015) Jaw tremor as a physiological biomarker of bruxism. Clinical Neurophysiology, 126:1746–1753.
- YAVUZ ŞU, NEGRO F, SEBIK O, HOLOBAR A, FROEMMEL C, TÜRKER KS, FARINA D. (2015) Estimating reflex responses in large populations of motor units by decomposition of the high-density surface electromyogram. Journal of Physiology (London), 593:4305-4318.
- YILMAZ, G., UGINCIUS, P., SEBIK, O., TÜRKER, K.S. (2015) Tonic activity of the human temporalis muscle at mandibular rest position. Archives of oral Biology, 60:1645-1649.
- KARACAN, I., CIDEM, M., YILMAZ, G., SEBIK, O., CAKAR, H.I., TÜRKER, K.S. (2016) Tendon reflex is suppressed during whole-body vibration. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 30:191-195.
- KOUTRIS M, TÜRKER KS, van der WEIJDEN JJ, van SELMS MKA, LOBBEZOO F (2016) Two different analyzing methods for inhibitory reflexes: do they yield comparable outcomes? Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 274:49–52.
- KAHYA MC, SEBIK O, TÜRKER KS (2016) Cutaneous silent period evoked in human first dorsal interosseous muscle motor units by laser stimulation Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 31:104-110.
- CIDEM M, KARACAN I, CAKAR, HI, CIDEM M, OGUZ O, YILMAZ G, TÜRKER KS; KARAMEHMETOGLU SS (2017) Vibration parameters affecting vibration-induced reflex muscle activity Somatosensory & Motor Research 34: 47-51. doi: 10.1080/08990220.2017.1281115. Epub 2017 Feb 2.
- PIOTRKIEWICZ M, TÜRKER KS (2017) Onionskin or common drive. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 11: article 2.
- HAAVIK H, NIAZI IK, JOCHUMSEN M, SHERWIN D, FLAVEL S, TÜRKER KS (2017) Impact of spinal manipulation on cortical drive to upper and lower limb muscles. Brain Science 23; article 7; 1-15. doi: 10.3390/brainsci7010002.
- KARACAN I, CIDEM M, CIDEM M, TÜRKER KS (2017) Whole-body vibration induces distinct reflex patterns in human soleus muscle. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 34; 93–101.
- UGINCIUS, P., YILMAZ, G., SEBIK, O., TÜRKER, K.S. (2017) Reevaluation of reflex responses of the human masseter muscle to electrical lip stimulation. Journal of Neurophysiology 118: 1082-1091.
- ERTUGLU LA, KARACAN I, YILMAZ G, TÜRKER KS (2017) Standardization of the Jendrassik maneuver in Achilles tendon tap reflex. Clinical Neurophysiology Practice 3: 1–5
- CECEN S, NIAZI IK, NEDERGAARD RW, CADE A, ALLEN K, HOLT K, HAAVIK H, TÜRKER KS, (2018) Posture modulates the sensitivity of the H-Reflex Experimental Brain Research 236: 829-835.
- YILMAZ G, UNGAN P, TÜRKER KS (2018) EEG-like signals can be synthesized from surface representations of single motor units of facial muscles. Experimental Brain Research 236:1007–1017.
- CHRISTIANSEN TL, NIAZI IK, HOLT K, NEDERGAARD RW, DUEHR J, ALLEN K, MARSHALL P, TÜRKER KS, HARTVIGSEN J, HAAVIK H (2018) The effects of a single of spinal manipulation on strength and cortical drive in athletes. European Journal of Applied Physiology 118:737-749.
- HAAVIK, H., NIAZI, I.K., JOCHUMSEN, M., UGINČIUS P, SEBIK O, YILMAZ G, NAVID MS, , ÖZYURT, M.G., TÜRKER, K.S. (2018) Chiropractic spinal manipulation alters TMS induced I-wave excitability and shortens the cortical silent period. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 42:24-35.
- KOUTRIS M, TÜRKER KS, van SELMS MKA, LOBBEZOO F (2018) Delayed -onset muscle soreness in human masticatory muscles increases inhibitory jaw reflex responses. Journal of oral rehabilitation 45:430-435.
- HAAVIK H, ÖZYURT MG, NIAZI IK, HOLT K, NEDERGAARD RW, YILMAZ G, TÜRKER KS (2018) Chiropractic Manipulation Increases Maximal Bite Force in Healthy Individuals. Brain Science 8(5), paper 76.
- SOLMAZ B, DALCIK H, TÜRKER KS, DEMIR A, ÖZYURT G, ÖZGÜR M, SHABSOG M, AKCIMEN F, BASAK N, ALGIN O, ÇAVDAR S (2018) Assessment of the Corticospinal Fiber Integrity in Mirror Movement Disorder Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 54:69-76.
- ÖZYURT MG, SHABSOG M, DURSUN M, TÜRKER KS (2018) Optimal location for eliciting the tibial H- reflex and motor response Muscle & Nerve 58:828-833.
- HOLT K, NIAZI IK, NEDERGAARD RW, DUEHR J, AMJAD I, SHAFIQUE M, ANWAR MN, NDETAN H, TÜRKER KS, HAAVIK H. (2019) The effects of a single session of chiropractic care on strength, cortical drive, and spinal excitability in stroke patients. Scientific Report (Nature) 9:2673. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-39577-5
- YILMAZ G, LAINE C, TINAZTEPE N, OZYURT MG, TÜRKER KS (2019) Periodontal mechanoreceptors and bruxism at low bite forces. Archives of oral biology 98:87-91.
- PRASARTWUTH O, SUTEEBUT R, CHAWAWISUTTIKOOL S, YAVUZ US, TÜRKER KS (2019) Effects of different loads in the first eccentric bout on neuromuscular adaptations in the high-load repeated eccentric exercise. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies 23(1):48-53. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2017.11.008.
- UYSAL H, OZYURT MG, GOZTEPE MB, TÜRKER KS (2019) Medium Latency Excitatory Reflex of Soleus Re-Examined. Experimental Brain Research, 237:1717–1725.
- ÖZYURT MG, PIOTRKIEWICZ M, TOPKARA B, WEISSKIRCHER H-W, TÜRKER KS (2019) Motor units as tools to evaluate profile of human Renshaw inhibition. Journal of Physiology 597(8):2185-2199. doi: 10.1113/JP277129.
- HOLT K, NIAZI IK, NEDERGAARD RW, DUEHR J, AMJAD I, SHAFIQUE M, ANWAR MN, NDETAN H, TÜRKER KS, HAAVIK H. (2019) The effects of a single session of chiropractic care on strength, cortical drive, and spinal excitability in stroke patients. Scientific Report (Nature) 9:2673. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-39577-5
- YILMAZ G, BUDAN AS, UNGAN P, TOPKARA B, TÜRKER KS (2019) Facial muscle activity contaminates EEG signal at rest: evidence from frontalis and temporalis motor units. Journal of Neural Engineering, Oct 30;16(6):066029. doi: 10.1088/1741-2552/ab3235.
- ÖZYURT MG, HAAVIK H, NEDERGAARD RW, TOPKARA B, SENOCAK BS, GOZTEPE MB, NIAZI IK, TÜRKER KS (2019) Transcranial magnetic stimulation induced early silent period and rebound activity re-examined. PlosOne, Dec 4;14(12):e0225535. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0225535.
- ERTUGLU LA, AYDIN A, KUMRU H, VALLS-SOLE J, OPISSO E, CECEN S, TÜRKER KS. (2019) Jendrassik maneuver effect on spinal and brainstem reflexes. Experimental Brain Research, 237(12):3265-3271.
- LAVENDER AP, BALKOZAK S, ÖZYURT MG, TOPKARA B, KARACAN İ, BİLİCİ İ, HİLL AM, TÜRKER KS. (2020) Effect of aging on H-reflex response to fatigue. Experimental Brain Research,238(2):273-282. doi: 10.1007/s00221-019-05708-7.
- AYDIN T, KESIKTAŞ FN, BASKENT A, KARAN A, KARACAN I, TÜRKER KS. (2020) Cross-training effect of chronic whole-body vibration exercise: a randomized controlled study. Somatosensory & Motor Research,37(2):51-58. doi: 10.1080/08990220.2020.1720635.
- YILDIRIM MA, TOPKARA B, AYDIN T, PAKER N, SOY D, COSKUN E, ONES K, BARDAK A, KESIKTAS N, OZYURT MG, CELIK B, ONDER B, KILIC A, KUCUK HC, KARACAN I, TÜRKER KS. (2020) Exploring the receptor origin of vibration-induced reflexes. Spinal Cord. 58(6):716-723. doi: 10.1038/s41393-020-0419-5.
- ÖZYURT MG, TOPKARA B, ISAK B, TÜRKER KS (2020) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis weakens spinal recurrent inhibition and post-activation depression. Clinical Neurophysiology 131(12):2875-2886.
- YURTTUTMUŞ Z, ZINCIRCI DE, BARDAK AN, TOPKARA B, AYDIN T, KARACAN I, TÜRKER KS. (2020) Optimal stimulus rate for H-reflex studies in patients with chronic spasticity. Somatosensory and Motor Research 37(4):271-276.
- ÖZYURT MG, TOPKARA B, ŞENOCAK BS, BUDAN AS, YUCE MN, TÜRKER KS (2020) Post-activation depression of primary afferents reevaluated in humans. Electromyography and Kinesiology Oct;54:102460.
- GÖZTEPE MB, ÖZYURT MG, TÜRKER KS, UYSAL H, (2020) Comparison of the temporal properties of medium latency reflex responses induced by brain and peripheral nerve stimulation in humans. Electromyography and Kinesiology Dec;55:102477.
- HAAVIK H, KUMARI N, HOLT K, NIAZI IK, AMJAD I, PUJARI AN, TÜRKER KS, MURPHY B. (2021) The contemporary model of vertebral column joint dysfunction and impact of high-velocity, low-amplitude controlled vertebral thrusts on neuromuscular function. European Journal of Applied Physiology. Oct;121(10):2675-2720.
- TOPKARA B, AYDIN T, CORUM M, KARAOGLU A, ZINCIRCI DE, BUĞDAYCI DS, ÖNEŞ K, PAKER N, KESIKTAS N, KARACAN I, 166. TÜRKER KS (2021) A new method to determine stretch reflex latency. Muscle Nerve. 64(6):726-733. doi: 10.1002/mus.27434.
- YURTTUTMUŞ ZR, EKICI ZINCIRCI D, BARDAK AN, KARACAN İ, TÜRKER KS. (2022) The effect of whole-body vibration on spasticity in post-stroke hemiplegia: A prospective, randomized-controlled study. Turk J Phys Med Rehabil. 68(4):484-492. doi: 10.5606/tftrd.2022.10391.
- CORUM M, TOPKARA B, KOKCE M, OZKAN M, BUCAK OF, AYTURE L, KARACAN I, TÜRKER KS. (2022) The reflex mechanism underlying the neuromuscular effects of whole-body vibration: Is it the tonic vibration reflex? J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 22(1):37-42.
- KARACAN I, TOPKARA ARSLAN B, KARAOGLU A, AYDIN T, GRAY S, UNGAN P, TÜRKER KS. (2023) Estimating and minimizing movement artifacts in surface electromyogram. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 25;70:102778. doi:10.1016/j.jelekin.2023.102778.
- KILIC A, SOYTÜRK G, KARAOGLU A, TOPKARA ARSLAN B, KARACAN I, TÜRKER KS. (2023) A reliability study on the cumulative averaging method for estimating effective stimulus time in vibration studies. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 70:102768. doi: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2023.102768.
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- TÜRKER, K.S., MILES, T.S. and WILKINSON, T.M. (1989) Masseteric silent period in cranio-mandibular dysfunction patients. Journal of Dental Research, 68:643.
- TÜRKER, K.S., MILES, T.S., VINCZER, E. and WARREN, J. (1989) Observations on the membrane noise of human motor neurones. Proc. Motor Disturbances Mechanisms and Implications for Therapy, (VIIth Biennial Conference), pp. 16.
- MILES, T.S., TÜRKER, K.S., NORDSTROM, M.A. and SEGUIN, J.J. (1989) Membrane potential noise in tonically-contracting motor neurons in humans. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 15:524.
- TÜRKER, K.S., MILES, T.S. (1990) Voltage threshold measurements in human motor neurones. Proceedings of the Australian Physiological Pharmacological Society, 21:72P.
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- NORDSTROM, M.A., FUGLEVAND, A.J., ENOKA, R.M. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1990) Estimating the strength of common inputs to motor neurones from the cross-correlogram. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 16:1320.
- MILES, T.S., NORDSTROM, M.A. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1990) Short-term synchrony in human masseter motoneurons. Proceedings of the Second Congress of Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies, New Delhi, India, F-17.
- TÜRKER, K.S., MILES, T.S. and NORDSTROM, M.A. (1991) Decomposition of the cross-correlation histogram of two human motor units into synaptic potentials. Proceedings of the Australian Physiological Pharmacological Society, 22:78P.
- DENNIS, J.M., MILES, T.S. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1991) Reflex responses to digital nerve stimulation in human extensor digitorum communis. Proceedings of the Australian Physiological Pharmacological Society, 22:153P.
- TÜRKER, K.S., MILES, T.S. and NORDSTROM, M.A. (1991) Synaptic mechanisms underlying short-term synchronization in human motoneurons. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 17:1392.
- TÜRKER, K.S. (1992) An investigation into the sign of the net common drive to human motoneurones. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 3, 78.
- BRODIN, P., TÜRKER, K.S. and MILES, T.S. (1992) Mechanoreceptors in the human periodontium can excite or inhibit the masseter muscle. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 3,156.
- SEMMLER, J.G. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1992) Estimation of synaptic potentials in tibialis anterior motoneurones in man. Proceedings of the Australian Physiological Pharmacological Society, 23:231P.
- WILLIAMS, J.M. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1992) Reflex responses of motor units of the human masseter muscle to single and multiple electrical shocks to the lower lip. Proceedings of the Australian Physiological Pharmacological Society, 23:232P
- TÜRKER, K.S. (1992) Recording and interpreting electromyography: cautions to be taken and pitfalls to be avoided. Australian Physiotherapy Association National Conference: pp:8. (Sym-1)
- BRODIN, P., TÜRKER, K.S. and MILES, T.S. (1993) Excitatory and inhibitory masseter reflexes evoked by graded mechanical stimulation of the tooth. Journal of Dental Research, 72:249 (IADR abstracts).
- TÜRKER, K.S. and SEMMLER, J.G. (1993) Synaptic potentials in human tibialis anterior motoneurones. Proceedings of the XXXII Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, Glasgow, Volume: Tuesday, pp:43-44.
- BRODIN, P., MILES, T.S. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1994) Reaction time and jaw reflex responses to mechanical stimuli of a tooth in human masseter muscle. Journal of oral Rehabilitation, 21:204.
- BRODIN, P., TÜRKER, K.S. and MILES, T.S. (1994) Reflex responses of single masseter motor units to mechanical stimulation of a tooth. Journal of Dental Research, 73:516 (IADR abstracts).
- TÜRKER, K.S. and CHENG, H.B. (1994) A new method for estimating the stimulus-induced net synaptic potential in human motoneurons. Proceedings of the Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society, 25:167P.
- Türker, K.S. and Cheng, H.B (1994) Estimated net synaptic potential in human motoneurones. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 20:1581.
- TÜRKER, K.S., SCHMIED, A. and CHENG, H.B. (1995) Estimating the size and the shape of the net common input to human motoneurons. Society for Neuroscience Abstract, 21:144.
- YANG, J. and TÜRKER, K.S.(1995) Sole excitatory periodontal-masseteric reflex. Proceedings of the Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society, 26:230P.
- TÜRKER, K.S., YANG, J. and SCUTTER (1996) How silent is the “silent period”? Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 7:51.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and CHENG, H.B. (1996) A new method for estimating the stimulus-induced net synaptic potential in human motoneurons. Muscle & Nerve, Supplement 4;S47.
- KENNAWAY, D.J.,MOYER, R.W. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1996) Quipazine mimics the effects of light pulse on melatonin rhythmicity and induces suprachiasmatic nucleus FOS expression in the rat. Society for Neuroscience Abstract, 22:1399.
- TÜRKER, K.S. (1996) Evidence that the membrane potential does not approach to firing threshold linearly in tonically-active human tibialis motoneurons. Proceedings of the VIII International Symposium on Motor Control, Borovetz, Bulgaria, pp: 100-101.
- YANG, J. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1997) Changes in the bite force in response to tooth pressure stimulation in man. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 8:175.
- SCUTTER, S.D., TÜRKER, K.S. and YANG, J. (1997) A new method for eliciting and studying H-reflexes in the human masseter. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 8:175.
- TÜRKER, K.S., JENKINS, M., SCUTTER, S.D., and YANG. J (1997) A method for quantifying reflex responses from the surface electromyogram. Proceedings of the Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society, 28:37P.
- DAVID, G., JONES, M., MAGAREY, M., SHARPE, M., TÜRKER, K.S., SIMMONS, N. and DVIR, Z. (1997) Rotator cuff muscle performances during gleno-humeral joint rotations: and isokinetic and electromyographic study. Proceedings of the Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society, 28:39P.
- SCUTTER, S.D. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1997) Recruitment order of masseter motor units during slow isometric voluntary contractions. Proceedings of the Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society, 28:91P.
- YANG, J. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1997) Periodontal mechanoreceptor input to the different-sized motor units in human masseter. Proceedings of the Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society, 28:92P.
- JENKINS, M., and TÜRKER, K.S. (1997) The reflex response in the human masseter muscle to the unloading of the periodontal mechanoreceptors. Proceedings of the Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society, 28:90P.
- TÜRKER, K.S., SCUTTER, S.D. and YANG, J. (1997) Recruitment order and periodontal reflexes in the human masseter muscle. Society for Neuroscience Abstract, 23:2093.
- MCNULTY, P.A., MACEFIELD, V.G. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1998) Evidence for strong synaptic coupling between single tactile afferents and motoneurones supplying the human hand. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 9:27.
- MCNULTY, P.A., MACEFIELD, V.G. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1998) Evidence for strong synaptic coupling between single tactile afferents and motoneurones supplying the human hand. Society for Neuroscience Abstract, 24:914.
- SCUTTER, S.D. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1998) Ia afferent distribution to motoneurons in human masseter. Society for Neuroscience Abstract, 24:151.
- HURLEY, D.A., LIEBICH, S.E., MAGAREY, M., JONES, M.A. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1999) An electromyographic investigation of the activity of four scapular muscles during fatigue of serratus anterior - detection of muscle substitution. 13th International Congress of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy, page:166; PL-RR-335-25L.
- TUCKER, K.J. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1999) Modulation of a periodontally-evoked inhibitory reflex by cutaneous stimulation. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 10:198.
- TÜRKER, K.S., MADORE, C. and POWERS, R.K. (1999) Estimation of synaptic potentials using the discharge times and frequencies of motoneurons. Society for Neuroscience Abstract, 25:123.
- O’CONNOR, S. and TÜRKER, K.S. (1999) How ageing affects identification of H-reflex in masseter. Proceedings of the Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society, 30:120P.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and POWERS, R.K. (2000) Estimation of synaptic potentials in motoneurons. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 11:82.
- SCUTTER, S.D. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2000) The role of the muscle spindles in masseter. Proceeding of the 5th Biannual Motor Control & Human Skill Research Workshop, pp74.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and POWERS, R.K. (2000) ‘Common’ synaptic inputs underlying synchronization in motoneurons. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 26:112.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and POWERS, R.K. (2001) Synaptic inputs underlying synchronization in motoneurons. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 12:229.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and POWERS, R.K. (2001) The effect of motoneuron discharge rate on synchronization. IUPS, International Movement and Sensation Symposium Proceedings, (3-6 September 2001) Cairns, Australia, pp: 115.
- POWERS, R.K., TÜRKER, K.S. and M.D. BINDER (2001) What can be learned about motoneurone properties from studying firing patterns? IUPS, International Movement and Sensation Symposium Proceedings, Cairns, Australia, pp: 45.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and POWERS, R.K. (2001) The effect of discharge rate on synchronization. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 27:625.9
- McLAUGHLIN, L. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2001) Acute deep muscle pain alters the size of the H-reflex in human temporalis muscle – preliminary results using a novel methodology. IUPS Symposium – Pain Mechanisms (Sydney 19-22 August 2001), pp: 56.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and POWERS, R.K. (2002) Studies on motoneurone synchronization using rat brain slice. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 113:44.
- BRINKWORTH, R.S.A., SAVUNDRA, A.W., TÜRKER, K.S., YEO, P.L.M., LINKE, I.R. and SAMPSON, W. (2002) Response of human jaw muscles to axial stimulation. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 13:121.
- McLAUGHLIN, L. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2002) Acute deep muscle pain as well as anticipation of pain modulates the size of the H-reflex in human temporalis muscle – A pilot study using novel methodology. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 13:124.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and POWERS, R.K. (2003) Estimating synaptic potentials in human motoneurons. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 14:Oral-06-04.
- MALE, C., BRINKWORTH, R.S.A. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2003) Effects of molar stimulation on jaw closer reflexes. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 14:Pos-Thu-308.
- BRINKWORTH, R.S.A. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2003) A new method for classifying reflexes in EMG traces. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 14:Pos-Thu-256.
- TUCKER, K., McLAUGHLIN, L. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2003) The effect of muscle contraction on the H-reflexes. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 14:Pos-Wed-257.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and OGSTON, K. (2003) Periodontal mechanoreceptors control the discharge rate and synchronization of human masseter motoneurons. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts,29.
- O’DWYER, N.J., HALAKI, M., BRINKWORTH, R.S.A., and TÜRKER, K.S. (2003) The role of neural time delay in the stretch reflex. Proceedings of the Australian Society for Medical Research 42nd National Scientific Conference. Page:59.
- JABERZADEH, S., PEARCE, S.L., TÜRKER, K.S., MILES, T.S. and NORDSTROM, M.A. (2003) Intracortical inhibition of the human trigeminal motor system. Proceedings of the Australian Society for Medical Research 42nd National Scientific Conference. Page: 101.
- TÜRKER, K.S., OGSTON, K. and BRINKWORTH, R.S.A. (2004) Periodontal mechanoreceptors induce inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in human masseter motoneurons. Journal of Dental Research, In press.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and OGSTON, K. (2004) Periodontal mechanoreceptors inject inhibitory postsynaptic potentials into human masseter motoneurons. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 15: 45.
- TUCKER, K. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2004) Muscle spindle feedback differs between the soleus and gastrocnemius in humans. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 15: 80.
- O’DWYER, N.J., HALAKI, M., BRINKWORTH, R.S.A., and TÜRKER, K.S. (2004) The role of neural time delay in the stretch reflex. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 15: 100.
- SOWMAN, P. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2004) Periodontal mechanoreceptors and automatic bite-force regulation. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 15: 100.
- JABERZADEH, S., PEARCE, S.L., TÜRKER, K.S., MILES, T.S. and NORDSTROM, M.A. (2004) Intracortical inhibition of the corticobulbar projection to the human anterior digastric muscles. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 15: 106.
- BRINKWORTH, R.S.A., and TÜRKER, K.S. (2004) Reaction time of human jaw under static and dynamic conditions. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 15:108.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and POWERS, R.K. (2004) Estimation of postsynaptic potentials in human motoneurons.Proceedings of the Fifteenth Congress of the International Society for Electrophysiology and Kinesiology: pp: 180.
- TÜRKER, K.S., SOWMAN, P. and BRINKWORTH, R.S.A. (2004) Periodontal mechanoreceptors and jaw tremor. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 992-17.
- TÜRKER, K.S., JOHNSEN, S.E., and TRULSSON, M. (2005) Evidence for synaptic coupling between single orofacial mechanoreceptors and jaw muscle motoneurons in man. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 16: 48.
- SOWMAN, P., BRINKWORTH, R.S.A. and TÜRKER, K.S., (2005) Mandibular physiological tremor during isometric ramp contractions. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 16: 97.
- TUCKER, K. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2005) Factors that influence the maximal M-wave strength in human triceps surae. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 16: 98.
- SOWMAN, P., BRINKWORTH, R.S.A. and TÜRKER, K.S., (2005) Periodontal mechanoreceptors and jaw tremor. Proceedings of the Seventh Motor Control and Human Skills Conference, pp: 58.
- TUCKER, K. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2005) Muscle spindle feedback and reliability of the M response in human triceps surae. Proceedings of the Seventh Motor Control and Human Skills Conference, pp: 61.
- [TÜRKER, K.S. (2005) Estimation of synaptic potential in motoneurons. 31st Turkish Physiology Congress Bulletin, pp: 32] In Turkis
- [TUNCER, M., TUCKER, K.J. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2005) A study on the relationship between the periodontal mechanoreceptors and the H-reflexes of the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles. 31st Turkish Physiology Congress Bulletin, pp: 129] In Turkish
- SOWMAN, P., OGSTON, K.M. and TÜRKER, K.S., (2006) Periodontal anaesthetisation reduces masseter motor unit synchrony. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 17: 91.
- TÜRKER, K.S., BRINKWORTH, R.S.A., TUNCER, M., TUCKER, K.J., and JABERZADEH, S. (2006) Standardization of H-reflex analyses. Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society, 17: 92.
- TÜRKER, K.S., TUCKER, K.J., TUNCER, M., BRINKWORTH, R.S.A., and JABERZADEH, S. (2006) Standardization of the H-reflex in human subjects. 5th Annual Satellite Meeting on Motor Control, Sydney, Australia, Abstracts book page: 10.
- [TÜRKER, K.S. (2006) Reflex measurements, latest development and standardization. 32nd Turkish Physiology Congress Bulletin, pp: 37/K-14] In Turkish
- TÜRKER, K.S. (2007) Reflex control of human mastication. The Journal of Physiological Sciences 57 (Suppl.) S12.
- TÜRKER, K.S. (2007) Reflex control of jaw movement. Proceeding of the 11th International Congress of Parkinson ’s Disease and Movement Disorders (June 3-7, 2007; Istanbul, Turkey) pp: 64.
- TÜRKER, K.S., NASER-UD-DIN, S., DANG, H., and SOWMAN, P. (2007) Dynamic control of human mastication. Proceedings of the IADR/CED (Thessaloniki, Greece; -29 September 2007) pp: 76-77.
- TÜRKER, K.S., NASER-UD-DIN, S., DANG, H., and SOWMAN, P. (2007) Human mastication is achieved by dramatic modulation in the synaptic activity. Proceedings of the IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience Satellite Meeting: Motor Control at the Top End. (18-21 July 2007, Darwin, Australia) pp: 77 (P22).
- [TÜRKER, K.S. (2007) EMG in physiological research. 33rd Turkish Physiology Congress Bulletin, pp: 25/K-6] In Turkish
- [TÜRKER, K.S. (2007) EMG in physiology research. 33rd Turkish Physiology Congress Bulletin, pp: 25/K-6] In Turkish[TÜRKER, K.S. (2008) A study on the synchronous discharge in motoneurones in human and in brain slices. 7th Turkish Neuroscience Congress Bulletin, pp: 39-40] In Turkish
- [ÇAKIR, Ö., SOWMAN, F.P., YAVUZ, U., BINBOĞA, E. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2008) Frequency Analysis of Surface EMG for Understanding Reflexes. 7th Turkish Neuroscience Congress Bulletin, pp: 94-95] In Turkish – Same abstract was also printed in English in: ÇAKIR, Ö., SOWMAN, F.P., YAVUZ, U., BINBOĞA, E. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2008) Frequency Analysis of Surface EMG for Understanding Reflexes. Neuroanatomy, 7; Suppl 1; pp: 8.
- [BİNBOĞA, E., YAVUZ, U., PRASARTHWUTH, O., ŞENDEMIR-ÜRKMEZ, A. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2008) Investigation of Human Soleus Motor Neuron Synaptic Potentials Triggered by Muscle Spindle Ia Afferents. 7th Turkish Neuroscience Congress Bulletin, pp: 91] In Turkish – Same abstract was also printed in English in: BİNBOĞA, E., YAVUZ, U., PRASARTHWUTH, O., ŞENDEMIR-ÜRKMEZ, A. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2008) Investigation of Human Soleus Motor Neuron Synaptic Potentials Triggered by Muscle Spindle Ia Afferents. Neuroanatomy, 7; Suppl 1; pp:7-8.
- [YAVUZ, U., ŞENDEMIR-ÜRKMEZ, A., SOWMAN, F.P. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2008) Elektromechanical delay between human triceps surae and ankle system. 7th Turkish Neuroscience Congress Bulletin, pp: 100] In Turkish – Same abstract was also printed in English in: YAVUZ, U., ŞENDEMIR-ÜRKMEZ, A., SOWMAN, F.P. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2008) Elektromechanical delay between human triceps surae and ankle system. Neuroanatomy, 7; Suppl 1; pp:10.
- [KAHYA, M.C., ABOLFATHI, P. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2008). Investigation of Cutaneus Reflexes in Human First Dorsal Interosseous (FDI) Motor Units. 7th Turkish Neuroscience Congress Bulletin, pp: 93] In Turkish – Same abstract was also printed in English in: KAHYA, M.C., ABOLFATHI, P. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2008). Investigation of Cutaneus Reflexes in Human First Dorsal Interosseous (FDI) Motor Units. Neuroanatomy, 7; Suppl 1; pp:8.
- [IŞIKOĞLU, S., ŞENDEMIR-ÜRKMEZ, A., SOWMAN, F.P. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2008) Modulation of Jaw reflex in Human. 7th Turkish Neuroscience Congress Bulletin, pp: 97] In Turkish – Same abstract was also printed in English in: IŞIKOĞLU, S., ŞENDEMIR-ÜRKMEZ, A., SOWMAN, F.P. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2008) Modulation of Jaw reflex in Human. Neuroanatomy, 7; Suppl 1; pp:9.
- [TUNCER, M., PEHLIVANLIOĞLU, B., BALKANCI, D. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2008). The effect of tooth and fist clench on the soleus H-reflex. 7th Turkish Neuroscience Congress Bulletin, pp: 96] In Turkish – Same abstract was also printed in English in: TUNCER, M., PEHLIVANLIOĞLU, B., BALKANCI, D. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2008). The effect of tooth and fist clench on the soleus H-reflex. Neuroanatomy, 7; Suppl 1; pp: 8-9.
- [TÜRKER, K.S. (2008) What is mouth odor, how does it happen and how do we prevent it?. Science and Technology (A monthly magazine for sale to the general public), 484:86] In Turkish.
- [TÜRKER, K.S. (2008). Synchronization of human motor units and its simulation in brain slices. 7th Turkish Neuroscience Congress Bulletin, pp: 29] In Turkish
- [TÜRKER, K.S. (2008) Mapping the human nervous system. 34th Turkish Physiology Congress Bulletin, pp: 29/K-6] In Turkish
- [KAHYA, M.C., TÜRKER, K.S., YAVUZ, U.Ş., BİNBOĞA, E., IŞIKOĞLU, E.S. and ÇAKIR, Ö. (2008) An investigation on the pain pathways using the frequency analysis technique. 34th Turkish Physiology Congress Bulletin, pp: 79/S-30] In Turkish
- [BİNBOĞA, E., PRASARTHWUTH, O. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2008) The effect of sensory inputs on the motoneurone activity in human soleus muscle. Mersin University Health Sciences Journal Special Issue, pp:21 (S-21)] In Turkish
- [YAVUZ, U., ŞENDEMIR-ÜRKMEZ, A. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2008) Effect of gender, age, fatigue and contraction strength on the electromechanical delay of the triceps surae muscle group. Mersin University Health Sciences Journal Special Issue, pp:14 (S-08)] In Turkish
- [IŞIKOĞLU, S., SOWMAN, F.P., ŞENDEMIR-ÜRKMEZ, A. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2008) The influence of periodontal mechanoreceptors and muscle spindles to human mastication. Mersin University Health Sciences Journal Special Issue, pp:37 (S-30)] In Turkish
- TÜRKER, K.S. (2009) Single unit EMG: Methods for recording and analysing. Proceedings for the International workshop and conference on human reflexes: Wiring and Firing of Motoneurons. 11-15 May 2009, Izmir, Türkiye; pp: 5.
- TÜRKER, K.S. (2009) What and how reflexes can tell us about the conditions of the human nervous system? Proceedings for the International workshop and conference on human reflexes: Wiring and Firing of Motoneurons. 11-15 May 2009, Izmir, Türkiye; pp: 11.
- POWERS, R.K. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2009) Estimates of PSP amplitude based on stimulus-evoked changes in motoneurons spike frequency and timing. Proceedings for the International workshop and conference on human reflexes: Wiring and Firing of Motoneurons. 11-15 May 2009, Izmir, Türkiye; pp: 24.
- TODD, G. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2009) Investigation of the cortical silent period with the use of peristimulus frequencygram. Proceedings for the International workshop and conference on human reflexes: Wiring and Firing of Motoneurons. 11-15 May 2009, Izmir, Türkiye; pp: 28.
- YAVUZ, Ş.U., ŞENDEMİR-ÜRKMEZ, A. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2009) Effects of age and gender on electromechanical delay in human muscles. Proceedings for the International workshop and conference on human reflexes: Wiring and Firing of Motoneurons. 11-15 May 2009, Izmir, Türkiye; pp: 45.
- ATIŞ, S.E., LAVENDER, A.P., SOWMAN, P.F. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2009) Contribution of motor cortex to mastication in humans. Proceedings for the International workshop and conference on human reflexes: Wiring and Firing of Motoneurons. 11-15 May 2009, Izmir, Türkiye; pp: 61.
- BİNBOĞA, E., ŞENDEMİR-ÜRKMEZ, A., YAVUZ, Ş.U., KAHYA, M.C., ATIŞ, S.E. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2009) H-reflex induced contraction of the human triceps surae generates long latency inhibition. Proceedings for the International workshop and conference on human reflexes: Wiring and Firing of Motoneurons. 11-15 May 2009, Izmir, Türkiye; pp: 73.
- KAHYA, M.C., YAVUZ, Ş.U., BİNBOĞA, E., ATIŞ, S.E., ŞENDEMİR-ÜRKMEZ, A., ÇAPKIN, M. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2009) Investigation of cutanomuscular reflex evoked by laser stimulation. Proceedings for the International workshop and conference on human reflexes: Wiring and Firing of Motoneurons. 11-15 May 2009, Izmir, Türkiye; pp: 77.
- ŞENDEMİR-ÜRKMEZ, A., YAVUZ, Ş.U., ABOLFATHI, P. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2009) Human muscle spindle reflex is modulated during different phases of walking. Proceedings for the International workshop and conference on human reflexes: Wiring and Firing of Motoneurons. 11-15 May 2009, Izmir, Türkiye; pp: 83.
- KOUTRIS, M., NAEIJE, M., SÜMER, C.N., ATIŞ, S.E., LOBBEZOO, F. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2009) Experimental provocation of DOMS on the masticatory muscles. Proceedings for the International workshop and conference on human reflexes: Wiring and Firing of Motoneurons. 11-15 May 2009, Izmir, Türkiye; pp: 90.
- UGINCIUS, P., ATIŞ, S.E. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2009) Responses of the masseter motor units to mechanical stimulation of teeth. Proceedings for the International workshop and conference on human reflexes: Wiring and Firing of Motoneurons. 11-15 May 2009, Izmir, Türkiye; pp: 91.
- TÜRKER, K.S. (2009) Electrical wiring diagram of human mastication and its clinical application. Turkish Journal of Neurology, 15 (suppl: 1), March 2009, pp: 126-127.
- ATIŞ, S.E., SOWMAN, P.F., ŞENDEMİR-ÜRKMEZ, A., BİNBOĞA, E., TÜRKER, K.S., KAHYA, M.C. and YAVUZ, Ş.U. (2009) Investigation of the contribution of motor cortex to mastication using transcranial magnetic stimulation. Turkish Journal of Neurology, 15 (suppl: 1), March 2009, pp: 153-154.
- BİNBOĞA, E., YAVUZ, Ş.U., ATIŞ, S.E., KAHYA, M.C., ŞENDEMİR-ÜRKMEZ, A. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2009) Effects of human soleus muscle H-reflex on tendon organ stimulation. Turkish Journal of Neurology, 15 (suppl: 1), March 2009, pp: 155-156.
- KAHYA, M.C., TÜRKER, K.S. YAVUZ, Ş.U., BİNBOĞA, E., ATIŞ, S.E., ŞENDEMİR-ÜRKMEZ, A. and ÇAPKIN, M. (2009) Investigation of cutanomuscular reflex evoked by laser stimulation. Turkish Journal of Neurology, 15 (suppl: 1), March 2009, pp: 156-157.
- ŞENDEMİR-ÜRKMEZ, A., YAVUZ, Ş.U., ABOLFATHI, P. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2009) The modulation of human muscle spindle reflex during walking. Turkish Journal of Neurology, 15 (suppl: 1), March 2009, pp: 158-159.
- PRASARTWUTH, O., BINBOGA, E. and TÜRKER, K.S. (2009) H-reflex in tibialis anterior motor units. In: Proceedings of the 7th edition of Progress in Motor Control (23-25 July 2009; Marseilles, France), pp: A3-53.
- TÜRKER, K.S., PRASARTWUTH, O., BİNBOĞA, E., ATIŞ, S.E., KAHYA, M.C., YAVUZ, Ş.U., ŞENDEMİR-ÜRKMEZ, A. and UGNIUS, P. (2009) Re-examining ‘established’ neural connections using peristimulus frequencygram. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, BB27; 179.6.
- TÜRKER, K.S. (2010) Mapping of the human nervous system. Proceeding of the 26th National Clinical Neurophysiology EEG-EMG Congress (31 March-4 April 2010; Antalya, Turkey), pp:33-34.
- TÜRKER, K.S. (2010) Peristimulus time histogram. Proceeding of the 26th National Clinical Neurophysiology EEG-EMG Congress (31 March-4 April 2010; Antalya, Turkey), pp:56.
- TÜRKER, K.S. (2010) Methods for determining functional wiring of the human nervous system. Proceeding of the 22nd National Biophysics Congress (28 September – 1 October 2010; Aydın, Turkey), pp:12.
- LAVENDER, A. P., ATIS, E. S., TÜRKER, K. S. (2010). P20-1 Investigation of the contribution of motor cortex to mastication using transcranial magnetic stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology, 121, S219.
- BİNBOĞA, E., TÜRKER, K.S. (2010) Investigation of Renshaw inhibition in human motoneurons. Proceeding of the 22nd National Biophysics Congress (28 September – 1 October 2010; Aydın, Turkey), pp:45.
- ÜNVER, M.B., SEBİK, O., YAVUZ, Ş.U., MRACHACZ-KERSTING, N., FARINA, D., TÜRKER, K.S. (2011) Distribution of muscle spindle afferent input to motoneurones of different sizes. 10th Turkish Neuroscience Congress Bulletin (8-12 April 2011, Istanbul, Turkey), pp: 66.
- SEBİK, O., YAVUZ, Ş.U., ÜNVER, M.B., MRACHACZ-KERSTING, N., FARINA, D., TÜRKER, K.S. (2011) Stretch reflex in human tibialis anterior motor units. 10th Turkish Neuroscience Congress Bulletin (8-12 April 2011, Istanbul, Turkey), pp: 105.
- TÜRKER, K.S., SEBİK, O., YAVUZ, Ş.U., ÜNVER, M.B., MRACHACZ-KERSTING, N., FARINA, D. (2011) Stretch reflex in human tibialis anterior motor units. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Wednesday Nov 16, 2011 Washington Convention Center; Session 810-11.
- SEBIK, O., KARACAN, I., CİDEM, M., TÜRKER, K.S. (2013) A method for illustration vibration induced synchronization using surface EMG. 24th National Biophysics Congress Abstracts. pp:98.
- [TÜRKER, K.S. (2013) Feedback control of human movement. 39th Turkish Physiology Congress Bulletin, pp: 6] In Turkish
- [ÇEÇEN, S., BULUR, Ş., TÜRKER, K.S. (2013) Relationship between the tooth loss and obesity. 39th Turkish Physiology Congress Bulletin, pp: 104] In Turkish
- TÜRKER, K.S. (2013) Reflex control of human mastication 1st International Jaw Functional Orthopedics abstract book, pp: 16-17. (9-11 November 2013, Istanbul, Turkey).
- TÜRKER, K.S., SEBİK, O., YILMAZ, G., UGINCIUS, P. (2014) Development of new methods to estimate networks in the human nervous system. 12th National Neuroscience Meeting; Istanbul Tip Fakultesi Dergisi; 77; Supp 1; pp: 21 (28-31 May 2014; Istanbul, Turkey)
- [SEBİK, O., YAVUZ, Ş.U., MRACHACZ-KERSTING, N., ÜNVER, M.B., FARINA, D., TÜRKER, K.S. (2014) Frequency analysis method to study reflex pathways: Tibilis Anterior and the stretch reflex. 12th National Neuroscience Meeting; Istanbul Tip Fakultesi Dergisi; 77; Supp 1; pp: 21 (28-31 May 2014; Istanbul, Turkey) ] In Turkish
- [YILMAZ, G., UGINCIUS, P., ATIS, E.S., TÜRKER, K.S. (2014) Redrawing the reflex pathways of human mastication. 12th National Neuroscience Meeting; Istanbul Tip Fakultesi Dergisi; 77; Supp 1; pp: 21-22 (28-31 May 2014; Istanbul, Turkey) ] In Turkish
- [YAVUZ, Ş.U., NEGRO, F., SEBİK, O., FARINA, D., TÜRKER, K.S. (2014) Discharge rate of motor units as the determinant for the amplitude of the reciprocal inhibitory reflex. 12th National Neuroscience Meeting; Istanbul Tip Fakultesi Dergisi; 77; Supp 1; pp: 22 (28-31 May 2014; Istanbul, Turkey) ] In Turkish
- SEBIK, O., TÜRKER, K.S. (2014) A new approach to evaluate near synchronous inputs to motor units. The International Motoneuron Meeting, (15-19 June 2014 Halifax, Canada), Poster presentations pp:1.
- TÜRKER, K.S. KARACAN, I., CAKAR, H.I., SEBIK, O., YILMAZ, G., CİDEM, M., KARA, S. (2014) A new method to determine the reflex latency induced by high rate stimulation of the nervous system. The International Motoneuron Meeting, (15-19 June 2014 Halifax, Canada), Oral presentations pp:32.
- YAVUZ, S.U., NEGRO, F., SEBIK, O., FARINA, D., TÜRKER, K.S. (2014) The amplitude of reflex inhibition follows the discharge rate rather than the size principle. The International Motoneuron Meeting, (15-19 June 2014 Halifax, Canada), Poster presentations pp:16.
- LAINE, C., YAVUZ, S.U., D’AMICO, J., GORASSINI, M, TÜRKER, K.S. (2014) Bite-force tremor during force tracking is altered in patients with Bruxism. The International Motoneuron Meeting, (15-19 June 2014 Halifax, Canada), Poster presentations pp:20-21.
- [SEBIK, O., TÜRKER, K.S. (2014) A new approach to identify the common input to motoneurones. 40th Turkish Physiology Congress Bulletin, pp: 228] In Turkish
- [YILMAZ, G., UNGAN, P., SEBIK, O., UGINCIUS, P., TÜRKER, K.S. (2014) A new look to EEG signals: Reflection of tonic muscular activity on the EEG. 40th Turkish Physiology Congress Bulletin, pp: 235] In Turkish
- [TÜRKER, K.S., KARACAN, I., CAKAR, H.I., SEBIK, O., YILMAZ, G., CIDEM, M, KARA, S. (2014) A new approach to measurement of reflex latency. 40th Turkish Physiology Congress Bulletin, pp: 236] In Turkish
- KARACAN, İ., TÜRKER, K.S., ÇAKAR, H.İ., ÇİDEM, M., ATEŞ, M., SEBİK, O., ÇİDEM, M., YILMAZ, G., KARA, S., KARAMEHMETOĞLU, S.S. (2015) Vibration Parameters Affecting Vibration-Induced Reflex Muscle Activity. 25th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress Bulletin. Page: 438 (April 2015, Maxx Royal Hotel and Congress Centre).
- KARACAN, İ., TÜRKER, K.S., ÇİDEM, M., ÇAKAR, H.İ., SEBİK, O., YILMAZ, G., KARA, S., KARAMEHMETOĞLU, S.S. (2015) Is T-reflex suppressed during whole-body vibration ? 25th National Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Congress Bulletin. Page: 439 (April 2015, Maxx Royal Hotel and Congress Centre).
- ÇAKAR, H.İ., KARACAN, İ., TÜRKER, K.S., ÇİDEM, M., ATEŞ, M., SEBİK, O., ÇİDEM, M., YILMAZ, G., KARA, S., KARAMEHMETOĞLU, S.S. Vibration parameters affecting vibration-Induced reflex muscle activity. International Society for Gravitational Physiology 36th Annual Meeting Bulletin. Page 91 (June 7-12, 2015 • Ljubljana, Slovenia).
- ÇAKAR, H.İ., KARACAN, İ., TÜRKER, K.S., ÇİDEM, M., SEBİK, O., YILMAZ, G., KARA, S., KARAMEHMETOĞLU, S.S. Is T-Reflex Suppressed During Whole-Body Vibration? International Society for Gravitational Physiology 36th Annual Meeting Bulletin. Page 92 (June 7-12, 2015 • Ljubljana, Slovenia).
- TÜRKER, K.S., SEBİK, O., YILMAZ, G., YAVUZ, U., UGINCIUS, P. Discharge rate method for error free estimation of the synaptic potentials in human motor neurons. Symposium 9: Re-examination of human reflexes using the discharge rate of single motor units (Organizer: K.S. Türker). Federation of European Physiological Societies (FEPS 2015; 26-29 August 2015 Kaunas, Lithuania) meeting abstracts S9-1.
- YAVUZ, U., NEGRO, F., SEBİK, O., FROMMEL, C., FARINA, D., TÜRKER, K.S., Discharge rate and synaptic noise affect reflex response regime of motor unit population. Symposium 9: Re-examination of human reflexes using the discharge rate of single motor units (Organizer: K.S. Türker). Federation of European Physiological Societies (FEPS 2015; 26-29 August 2015 Kaunas, Lithuania) meeting abstracts S9-2.
- YAVUZ, U., NEGRO, F., SEBİK, O., HOLOBAR, A., FROMMEL, C., TÜRKER, K.S., FARINA, D. The new technique for accurate estimation of the spinal cord circuitry: recording reflex responses of large motor unit populations. Symposium 9: Re-examination of human reflexes using the discharge rate of single motor units (Organizer: K.S. Türker). Federation of European Physiological Societies (FEPS 2015; 26-29 August 2015 Kaunas, Lithuania) meeting abstracts S9-3.
- UGINCIUS, P., YILMAZ, G., SEBİK, O., ATIS, E.S., STANKEVICIUS, E., TÜRKER, K.S., Re-examination of the periodontal reflexes using frequency analyses. Symposium 9: Re-examination of human reflexes using the discharge rate of single motor units (Organizer: K.S. Türker). Federation of European Physiological Societies (FEPS 2015; 26-29 August 2015 Kaunas, Lithuania) meeting abstracts S9-4.
- TÜRKER, K.S.; SEBIK, O.; YILMAZ, G.; ET AL. (2015) Discharge rate method for error free estimation of the synaptic potentials in human motor neurons ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA Volume: 215 SpecialIssue: SI Supplement:705 Pages: 36-37 Meeting Abstract:S9-1
- YAVUZ, UTKU S.; NEGRO, FRANCESCO; SEBIK, OGUZ; TÜRKER, K.S. (2015). The new technique for accurate estimation of the spinal cord circuitry: recording reflex responses of large motor unit populations ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA Volume: 215 Special Issue: SI Supplement: 705 Pages: 37-38 Meeting Abstract: S9-3
- YAVUZ, U.S.; NEGRO, F.; SEBIK, O.; TÜRKER, K.S. (2015) Discharge rate and synaptic noise affect reflex response regime of motor unit population ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA Volume: 215 Special Issue: SI Supplement: 705 Pages: 37-37 Meeting Abstract:S9-2.
- YILMAZ, G.; SEBIK, O.; TÜRKER, K.S.; UGINCIUS, P. (2015) Re-examination of the periodontal reflexes using frequency analyses . ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA Volume: 215 SpecialIssue: SI Supplement: 705 Pages: 38-38 Meeting Abstract:S9-4
- YILMAZ, G.; UNGAN, P.; SEBIK, O.; TÜRKER, K.S. (2015) The interference of tonic muscle activity on the EEG signal: Single motor unit study: ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA Volume: 215 Special Issue: SI Supplement: 705 Pages: 99-99 Meeting Abstract:P6-1
- SAVAŞERI, O., DİLAN, Ö.C., TEMEL, N., ÖZYURT, M.G., SEBIK, O., YILMAZ, G., AVTAN, S., GÜVEN, B., KARAASLAN, F., TÜRKER, K.S. (2016) Design of the human mastication simulator. Proceedings of the 22nd SESAM (Simulation in Health Sciences) Annual Congress, (June 15-17, 2016: Lisbon - Portugal), abstract number: 103
- DİLAN, Ö.C., SAVAŞERI, O., TEMEL, N., ÖZYURT, M.G., SEBIK, O., YILMAZ, G., AVTAN, S., GÜVEN, B., KARAASLAN, F., TÜRKER, K.S. (2016) Simulation of human mandible movement during chewing. Proceedings of the 22nd SESAM (Simulation in Health Sciences) Annual Congress, (June 15-17, 2016: Lisbon - Portugal), abstract number: 102
- TÜRKER, K.S. (2016) A brief history of the peristimulus frequencygram. Proceedings of the 10th biennial International Motoneuron Meeting (June 20-23, 2016: Istanbul – Türkiye), abstract book page: 20.
- YILMAZ, G., UGINCIUS, P., TÜRKER, K.S. (2016) Periodontal and muscle spindle pathways to the trigeminal motoneurons. Proceedings of the 10th biennial International Motoneuron Meeting (June 20-23, 2016: Istanbul – Türkiye), abstract book page: 23.
- YAVUZ, U., NEGRO, F., DIEDRICHS, R., SEBİK, O., TÜRKER, K.S., FARINA, D. (2016) Reflex responses of large population of motor units as a means to estimate the distribution of afferent input. Proceedings of the 10th biennial International Motoneuron Meeting (June 20-23, 2016: Istanbul – Türkiye), abstract book page: 25.
- CHRISTIANSEN, T.L., NIAZI, I.K., HOLT, K., NEDERGGARD, R.W., DUEHR, J., SCHLUPP, V., MARSHAL, P., TÜRKER, K.S., HARTVIGSEN, J., HAAVIK, H. (2016) The effects of a single session of spinal manipulation on strength and cortical drive in athletes. Proceedings of the 10th biennial International Motoneuron Meeting (June 20-23, 2016: Istanbul – Türkiye), abstract book page: 52.
- OZYURT, M.G, HAAVIK, H., NIAZI, I.K., HOLT, K., SEBIK, O. YILMAZ, G., TÜRKER, K.S. (2016) Spinal manipulation increases bite force in healthy individuals. Proceedings of the 10th biennial International Motoneuron Meeting (June 20-23, 2016: Istanbul – Türkiye), abstract book page: 64.
- NIAZI, I.K., TÜRKER, K.S., FLAVEL, S., KINGET, M., DUEHR, J., HAAVIK, H. (2016) Changes in H-reflex and V-waves following spinal manipulation. Proceedings of the 10th biennial International Motoneuron Meeting (June 20-23, 2016: Istanbul – Türkiye), abstract book page: 66.
- KARACAN, I., ÇİDEM, M., ÇİDEM, M., SEBİK, O., ÇİDEM, M., OZYURT, M.G, YILMAZ, G., TÜRKER, K.S. (2016) Whole-body vibration induces a short or long latency muscular reflex depending on vibration acceleration. Proceedings of the 10th biennial International Motoneuron Meeting (June 20-23, 2016: Istanbul – Türkiye), abstract book page: 68.
- UGINČIUS, P., YILMAZ, G., SEBIK, O., TÜRKER, K.S. (2016) Reflex responses of the human masseter muscle to electrical lip stimulation. Proceedings of the 10th biennial International Motoneuron Meeting (June 20-23, 2016: Istanbul – Türkiye), abstract book page: 70.
- TÜRKER, K.S. and KAHYA, M.C. The reflex circuitry originating from the cutaneous receptors of the hand to the first dorsal interosseus muscle. Proceedings of the 10th biennial International Motoneuron Meeting (June 20-23, 2016: Istanbul – Türkiye), abstract book page: 71.
- ÖZYURT, M.G., YILMAZ, G., DURSUN, M., SHABSOG, M., SAVRAN, S., ERBIL, D., SEBIK, O., TÜRKER, K.S. (2016) Investigating Renshaw Cell Circuitry in Human Neuromuscular System. Proceedings of the 10th biennial International Motoneuron Meeting (June 20-23, 2016: Istanbul – Türkiye), abstract book page: 72.
- HAAVIK, H., NIAZI, I.K., DUEHR, J., KINGET, M., UGINČIUS, P., SEBIK, O., YILMAZ, G., NAVID, M.S., TÜRKER, K.S. (2016) Chiropractic alters TMS induced I-wave excitability and cortical silent period duration. Proceedings of the 10th biennial International Motoneuron Meeting (June 20-23, 2016: Istanbul – Türkiye), abstract book page: 73.
- [TÜRKER, K.S. (2016) How do we chew without eating our tongue? 42nd Turkish Physiology Congress Bulletin, pp: 17] In Turkish
- CECEN, S., NIAZI, I.K., NEDERGAARD, R., HAAVIK, H., TÜRKER, K.S. (2018) Body position changes the amplitude of the H-reflex. International Society of Electromyography and Kinesiology (ISEK) Meeting (June 30 – July 2 2018: Dublin, Ireland). Electronic abstract book O1.3.
- YILMAZ, G., BUDAN, A.S., TÜRKER, K.S. (2018) The interference of tonic frontalis muscle activity on the EEG signal. International Society of Electromyography and Kinesiology (ISEK) Meeting (June 30 – July 2 2018: Dublin, Ireland). Electronic abstract book O11.3.
- TÜRKER, K.S., TOPKARA-ARSLAN, B., KARACAN, I., PAKER, N., CELIK, E.C., SENOCAK, B.S. OZYURT, M.G. (2018) International Society of Electromyography and Kinesiology (ISEK) Meeting (June 30 – July 2 2018: Dublin, Ireland). Electronic abstract book O18.5.
- UYSAL H, GOZTEPE MB, OZYURT MG, TÜRKER KS, LARSSON LE, ERTEKIN G (2019) Soleus medium latency reflex response induced by cortical and peripheral stimulation. 35th National Clinical Neurophysiology EEG-EMG Congress (03-07 April 2019, Bodrum, Turkey); Abstract book page: 33.
- UYSAL H, OZYURT MG, GOZTEPE MB, TÜRKER KS (2019) Investigation of soleus medium latency reflex response by single motor units. 35th National Clinical Neurophysiology EEG-EMG Congress (03-07 April 2019, Bodrum, Turkey); Abstract book page: 35.
- UYSAL H, GOZTEPE MB, TÜRKER KS (2019) Investigation of the modulation of motor evoked potentials recorded from anterior temporalis muscle at different angles. 35th National Clinical Neurophysiology EEG-EMG Congress (03-07 April 2019, Bodrum, Turkey); Abstract book page: 33.
- Professor Simon Gandevia, Deputy Director, Neuroscience Research Australia, Margarete Ainsworth Building, Barker Street Randwick Sydney NSW 2031 Australia T +61 2 9399 1617 F +61 2 9399 1027 s.gandevia
- Professor Marc Binder, University of Washington, Seattle,Professor of Physiology & Biophysics, University of Washington School of Medicine, Box 357290, Seattle, WA 98195-7290 Office: 206-543-2509; Lab: 206-685-2633 mdbinder
- Professor Fusun Can, Koç University School of Medicine, Rumelifeneri Mahallesi, Sariyer, Istanbul, Turkey 34450. T +90 5326734723 fucan