Difference between revisions of "Author:Neri Accornero"

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|bio=Graduated in Medicine and Surgery, Full Professor in Neurology
|bio=Full Professor in Neurology and Psychiatry
|sort key= Accornero
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|date of birth = 1945-06-26
|date of birth = 1945-06-26
|city = Rome Italy
|city = Rome Italy
|nationality = Italy
|nationality = Italy
|profession = Specialist in Neurology and Psychiatry<!-- qualifica professionale di preferenza -->
|profession = Specialist in Neurology and Psychiatry<!-- qualifica professionale di preferenza -->
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==Titoli Accademici==
==Academic Titles==
Laureato a Roma nel 1969 in Medicina e Chirurgia con lode
Graduated in Medicine and Surgery with honors in Rome in 1969
Specialista in Neurologia e Psichiatria nel 1972 con lode
Specialist in Neurology and Psychiatry with honors in 1972
Assistente di ruolo in Clinica Neurologica (Università "La Sapienza") nel 1978
Assistant in Neurological Clinic (University "La Sapienza") in 1978
Professore Associato in Neurologia nel 1982
Associate Professor of Neurology in 1982
Professore Ordinario in Neurologia dal 1990 (I Cattedra di Neurofisiopatologia)
Full Professor of Neurology since 1990 (Chair of Neurophysiopathology)
Collocato a riposo il 30/10/2008
Retired on 10/30/2008
==Attività Didattica==
==Teaching Activities==
(presso l'Università "La Sapienza", Roma)
Dal 1973 titolare di insegnamento nelle Scuole di Specializzazione in Neurologia, Neurofisiopatologia e Neurochirurgia e nella Scuola Speciale per Tecnici Neurofisiopatologi trasformata in Diploma Universitario per Tecnico Neurofisiopatologo.
Since 1973, lecturer in the Specialization Schools of Neurology, Neurophysiopathology, and Neurosurgery, as well as in the Special School for Neurophysiopathology Technicians, later transformed into a University Diploma for Neurophysiopathology Technicians.
Coordinatore del corso integrato di neurologia del V anno della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia (canale A).
Coordinator of the integrated neurology course for the 5th year of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery (Channel A).
Coordinatore e Docente del Dottorato di Ricerca in "Neuroscienze sperimentali e cliniche".
Coordinator and Lecturer of the PhD program in "Experimental and Clinical Neurosciences."
Docente del corso di "Bioingegneria" Prof. T. D'Alessio, Facoltà di Ingegneria.
Lecturer in the "Bioengineering" course by Prof. T. D'Alessio, Faculty of Engineering.
Docente nel Master di II° livello “Malattie Cerebrovascolari”
Lecturer in the 2nd level Master's program "Cerebrovascular Diseases."
Dal 1/11/99 Direttore della scuola di Specializzazione in Neurofisiopatologia 
From 11/1/99, Director of the Specialization School in Neurophysiopathology.
Dal 1/11/99 Presidente del Corso di Laurea per Tecnico di Neurofisiopatologia
From 11/1/99, President of the Degree Course for Neurophysiopathology Technicians.
==Attività Assistenziale==
==Clinical Activities==
dal 1990 Dirigente dell’Unità Complessa di Neurofisiopatologia (BMN09) del Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”.
Since 1990, Head of the Complex Unit of Neurophysiopathology (BMN09) of the Department of Neurological Sciences, University of Rome "La Sapienza."
==Attività di Ricerca ==
==Research Activities==
Nel 1970 ha iniziato attività di ricerca su argomenti di neurofisiopatologia (organizzazione delle vie sensoriali e dolorifiche) sotto la supervisione del Prof: Mario Manfredi presso l’allora Clinica delle malattie nervose e mentali dell’Università di Roma La Sapienza.
In 1970, he began research activities on neurophysiopathology (organization of sensory and pain pathways) under the supervision of Prof. Mario Manfredi at the then Clinic for Nervous and Mental Diseases at the University of Rome La Sapienza.
Dal 1978 al 1979 con borsa di studio N.I.H. ha svolto ricerche sul controllo motorio nell’uomo e nei primati presso il Prof. E. Bizzi (M.I.T. di Boston U.S.)
From 1978 to 1979, supported by an N.I.H. scholarship, he conducted research on motor control in humans and primates under Prof. E. Bizzi at M.I.T., Boston, USA.
Dal 1980 ha condotto attività scientifica nell’ambito di tre principali filoni di ricerca:
Since 1980, he has conducted scientific activities in three main research areas:
 Controllo motorio: analisi del movimento volontario, posturografia
Motor Control: Analysis of voluntary movement, posturography.
 Neuro-Oftalmologia: campimetrie automatiche, campimetrie cromatiche, potenziali evocati visivi.
Neuro-Ophthalmology: Automated visual field testing, chromatic visual field testing, visual evoked potentials.
 Neuro-informatica: Reti neurali (applicazioni diagnostiche, modellistica neurofisiologica)
Neuro-Informatics: Neural networks (diagnostic applications, neurophysiological modeling).
Principal investigator of research programs funded by CNR, M.P.I., and MURST consistently since 1980.
Titolare di programmi di ricerca CNR, M.P.I. e MURST con continuità dal 1980.
Author of 429 publications—157 of which are indexed in international journals.
Autore di 429 pubblicazioni - di cui 157 su riviste internazionali indicizzate.
Books: “ARTIFICIAL CONSCIOUSNESS from Reflex to Thought” Aracne ed. 2009
Libri: “COSCIENZA ARTIFICIALE dal riflesso al pensiero”  Aracne ed. 2009
“WHY CONSCIOUSNESS: An Inevitable Evolution for Biological and Artificial Organisms” 2020.
“PERCHE’ LA COSCIENZA un’evoluzione inevitabile per organismi biologici e artificiali” 2020.   www.neurosoft.it
==Campi di maggiore interesse e competenze specifiche==
==Fields of Major Interest and Specific Competences==
NEUROLOGIA (Analisi di segnali elettrofisiologici: EMG, ENG, EEG, Potenziali Evocati)
NEUROLOGY (Analysis of electrophysiological signals: EMG, ENG, EEG, Evoked Potentials)
PSICHIATRIA (Stimolazione transcranica non invasiva: TMS, TDCS, LFMS)
PSYCHIATRY (Non-invasive transcranial stimulation: TMS, TDCS, LFMS)
ELETTRONICA (Progettazione e realizzazione di strumentazione per Neurofisiologia)
ELECTRONICS (Design and development of equipment for Neurophysiology)
INFORMATICA (Reti neurali artificiali, Connessionismo Evolutivo)
INFORMATICS (Artificial neural networks, Evolutionary Connectionism)

Latest revision as of 15:45, 14 October 2024

Neri Accornero

Full Professor in Neurology and Psychiatry

Neri Accornero.jpg
Quick facts

Date of birth





Rome Italy


University "La Sapienza" of Rome, Italy


Specialist in Neurology and Psychiatry

Professional association


Curriculum vitae

Academic Titles

Graduated in Medicine and Surgery with honors in Rome in 1969 Specialist in Neurology and Psychiatry with honors in 1972 Assistant in Neurological Clinic (University "La Sapienza") in 1978 Associate Professor of Neurology in 1982 Full Professor of Neurology since 1990 (Chair of Neurophysiopathology) Retired on 10/30/2008

Teaching Activities

Since 1973, lecturer in the Specialization Schools of Neurology, Neurophysiopathology, and Neurosurgery, as well as in the Special School for Neurophysiopathology Technicians, later transformed into a University Diploma for Neurophysiopathology Technicians. Coordinator of the integrated neurology course for the 5th year of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery (Channel A). Coordinator and Lecturer of the PhD program in "Experimental and Clinical Neurosciences." Lecturer in the "Bioengineering" course by Prof. T. D'Alessio, Faculty of Engineering. Lecturer in the 2nd level Master's program "Cerebrovascular Diseases." From 11/1/99, Director of the Specialization School in Neurophysiopathology. From 11/1/99, President of the Degree Course for Neurophysiopathology Technicians.

Clinical Activities

Since 1990, Head of the Complex Unit of Neurophysiopathology (BMN09) of the Department of Neurological Sciences, University of Rome "La Sapienza."

Research Activities

In 1970, he began research activities on neurophysiopathology (organization of sensory and pain pathways) under the supervision of Prof. Mario Manfredi at the then Clinic for Nervous and Mental Diseases at the University of Rome La Sapienza. From 1978 to 1979, supported by an N.I.H. scholarship, he conducted research on motor control in humans and primates under Prof. E. Bizzi at M.I.T., Boston, USA. Since 1980, he has conducted scientific activities in three main research areas:

Motor Control: Analysis of voluntary movement, posturography. Neuro-Ophthalmology: Automated visual field testing, chromatic visual field testing, visual evoked potentials. Neuro-Informatics: Neural networks (diagnostic applications, neurophysiological modeling). Principal investigator of research programs funded by CNR, M.P.I., and MURST consistently since 1980. Author of 429 publications—157 of which are indexed in international journals. Books: “ARTIFICIAL CONSCIOUSNESS from Reflex to Thought” Aracne ed. 2009 “WHY CONSCIOUSNESS: An Inevitable Evolution for Biological and Artificial Organisms” 2020. www.neurosoft.it

Fields of Major Interest and Specific Competences

NEUROLOGY (Analysis of electrophysiological signals: EMG, ENG, EEG, Evoked Potentials) PSYCHIATRY (Non-invasive transcranial stimulation: TMS, TDCS, LFMS) ELECTRONICS (Design and development of equipment for Neurophysiology) INFORMATICS (Artificial neural networks, Evolutionary Connectionism)