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  }}</ref> I due aspetti sensibili dell'attuale realtà sociale, scientifica e clinica (che sembrano in conflitto tra loro, ma come vedremo alla fine di questa lettura saranno complementari) sono il "Progresso della scienza" secondo Kuhn e il " Epistemologia".
  }}</ref> I due aspetti sensibili dell'attuale realtà sociale, scientifica e clinica (che sembrano in conflitto tra loro, ma come vedremo alla fine di questa lettura saranno complementari) sono il "Progresso della scienza" secondo Kuhn e il " Epistemologia".
==Progress of Science according to Thomas Kuhn==

== ==Progress of Science according to Thomas Kuhn== ==
'''Thomas Kuhn''' in his most famous work states that ''science cyclically passes through some phases indicative of its operation''.<ref>Thomas Samuel Kuhn (Cincinnati, 18 <!--18-->july 1922 – Cambridge, 17 <!--19-->june 1996) <!--20-->was an American philosopher of science.<br><!--21-->See Treccani, ''[http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/thomas-samuel-kuhn/ Kuhn, Thomas Samuel]''. Wikipedia, ''[[:wikipedia:Thomas Kuhn|Thomas Kuhn]]''.
'''Thomas Kuhn''' in his most famous work states that ''science cyclically passes through some phases indicative of its operation''.<ref>Thomas Samuel Kuhn (Cincinnati, 18 <!--18-->july 1922 – Cambridge, 17 <!--19-->june 1996) <!--20-->was an American philosopher of science.<br><!--21-->See Treccani, ''[http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/thomas-samuel-kuhn/ Kuhn, Thomas Samuel]''. Wikipedia, ''[[:wikipedia:Thomas Kuhn|Thomas Kuhn]]''.
</ref><ref>{{cita libro  
</ref><ref>{{cita libro  

Revision as of 08:01, 8 October 2022

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Vorremmo che il lettore avesse immediata percezione degli argomenti che verranno trattati in Masticationpedia, passando in rassegna alcuni dei temi più attuali che riguardano l'evoluzione epistemologica della Scienza in generale, quella medica ed odontoiatrica in particolare...

Occlusal Centric view in open and cross bite patient.jpg

In questa fase prenderemo in considerazione i due aspetti fondamentali del Progresso della Scienza, secondo i Paradigmi di Kuhn, e la Epistemologia, che mette in discussione (o per lo meno in allerta) i concetti di "Inferenza Statistica" e di "Interdisciplinarità".

Questi due temi, che apparentemente sembrano in conflitto tra loro, in quanto il primo necessita di disciplinarità per evidenziare le "Anomalie nel Paradigma" ed il secondo di "Interdisciplinarità", si integreranno attraverso un elemento risolutore che consiste negli "Scaffold metacognitivi", ponti cognitivi tra discipline specialistiche. Il lettore, dunque, potrà meglio apprezzare, in questo contesto, l'approccio stocastico verso uno dei temi più dibattuti nelle riabilitazioni masticatorie come la "Malocclusione", da cui derivano gran parte delle procedure riabilitative masticatorie come l'ortodonzia, la protesi e la chirurgia ortognatica.

In chiusura, perciò, oltre ad anticipare l'aspetto filosofico scientifico di Masticationpedia, ci soffermeremo su argomenti come i "Sistemi Complessi", il "Comportamento Emergente" dei Sistemi Complessi e la "Coerenza di Sistema": passaggi necessari per introdurre argomenti scientifico clinici che portano con se una serie di dubbi, quesiti e contestualmente innovazioni paradigmatiche tendenti a cambiare lo status quo della routine di pensiero clinico deterministico e riduzionista, a fronte di una logica di linguaggio stocastico ed interdisciplinare.


Article by  Gianni Frisardi


Ab ovo[1]

Prima di entrare nel vivo della trattazione Masticationpedia, è opportuna una premessa, che riguarda principalmente due aspetti della realtà sociale, scientifica e clinica dell'era attuale e dell'era immediatamente precedente.

The phases of paradigm change according to Thomas Kuhn

Nel secolo scorso si è assistito a una crescita esponenziale di "Innovazioni" tecnologiche e metodologiche in particolare in odontoiatria;[2] queste innovazioni hanno in qualche modo influenzato strategie decisionali, opinioni, scuole di pensiero e assiomi al fine di migliorare la qualità della vita, come affermato nella "Scienza dell'esposizione nel 21° secolo".[3] Tuttavia, questa crescita esponenziale porta con sé, implicitamente, aree grigie concettuali (in termini pratici "effetti collaterali") talvolta sottovalutate, ma che possono mettere in discussione alcune Certezze Scientifiche o renderle meno assolute e più probabilistiche.[4] I due aspetti sensibili dell'attuale realtà sociale, scientifica e clinica (che sembrano in conflitto tra loro, ma come vedremo alla fine di questa lettura saranno complementari) sono il "Progresso della scienza" secondo Kuhn e il " Epistemologia".

==Progress of Science according to Thomas Kuhn==

Thomas Kuhn in his most famous work states that science cyclically passes through some phases indicative of its operation.[5][6] According to Kuhn, science is paradigmatic, and the demarcation between science and pseudoscience can be traced back to the existence of a paradigm. The evolution of scientific progress is assimilated to a continuous curve which undergoes discontinuity in paradigm changes. For example, in phase 2 of the Kuhn Paradigms, called Normal Science, scientists are seen as problem solvers, who work to improve the agreement between the paradigm and nature.

This phase, in fact, is based on a set of basic principles dictated by the paradigm, which are not questioned but which, indeed, are entrusted with the task of indicating the coordinates of the works to come. In this phase, the measuring instruments with which the experiments are made are developed, most of the scientific articles are produced and its results constitute significant growth in scientific knowledge. In the normal science phase both successes and failures will be achieved; the failures are called by Kuhn anomalies, or events that go against the paradigm.

As a good problem solver, the scientist tries to solve these anomalies.

Kuhn's phases in Dentistry

Kuhn, however, divides the evolution of a paradigm into five phases; this is a fundamental process for Masticationpedia, but to keep tuned with the project, we will limit ourselves to describing the two most significant phases:

  • Phase 4, or the Crisis of the Paradigm
    As a consequence of the crisis, different paradigms will be created during this period. These new paradigms will, therefore, not arise from the results achieved by the previous theory, but rather from the abandonment of the pre-established schemes of the dominant paradigm.
    Following this path, in Masticationpedia, the crisis of the masticatory rehabilitation paradigm will be discussed reviewing theories, theorems, axioms, schools of thought and the Research Diagnostic Criteria and then the focus will shift on phase 5.
  • Phase 5, or the Scientific Revolution
    Phase 5 deals with the (scientific) revolution. In the period of extraordinary scientific activities, a discussion will open within the scientific community on which new paradigm to accept. But it will not necessarily be the most "true" or most efficient paradigm to come to the fore, but the one that will be able to capture the interest of a sufficient number of scientists and to gain the trust of the scientific community.
    The paradigms that participate in this clash, according to Kuhn, share nothing, not even the bases and, therefore, are not comparable (they are "immeasurable"). The paradigm is chosen, as said, on socio-psychological or biological basis (young scientists replace older ones). The battle between paradigms will resolve the crisis, the new paradigm will be named and science will be brought back to Phase 1.
    For the same principle of Phase 4, Masticationpedia will propose, in the chapter titled Extraordinary science, a new paradigmatic model in the field of rehabilitation of the Masticatory System discussing its principles, motivations, clinical scientific experiences and, above all, a radical change in the field of medical diagnostics. This change is essentially based on System Inference, rather than on Symptom Inference, giving mainly absolute value to the objectivity of the data.

It is almost obvious that Kuhnian scientific philosophy prefers disciplinarity, as an anomaly in the genomic paradigm will be noticed better by a geneticist than by a neurophysiologist. Now this concept would seem to be in contrast with the epistemological evolution of Science, so it is better to stop a minute upon it in detail.

Bibliography & references
  1. Latin for "since the very beginning"
  2. Heft MW, Fox CH, Duncan RP, «Assessing the Translation of Research and Innovation into Dental Practice», in JDR Clin Trans Res, 2019».
  3. «Exposure Science in the 21st Century. A Vision and a Strategy», Committee on Human and Environmental Exposure Science in the 21st Century; Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology; Division on Earth and Life Studies; National Research Council.».
    ISBN: 0-309-26468-5 
  4. Liu L, Li Y, «The unexpected side effects and safety of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies», in Drugs Today, 2014, Barcellona».
  5. Thomas Samuel Kuhn (Cincinnati, 18 july 1922 – Cambridge, 17 june 1996) was an American philosopher of science.
    See Treccani, Kuhn, Thomas Samuel. Wikipedia, Thomas Kuhn.
  6. Kuhn Thomas S, «The Structure of Scientific Revolutions», Univ. of Chicago Press, 2012, Chicago».
    ISBN: 9780226458113 