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Masticationpedia est une Charity, une organisation à but non lucratif de droit britannique (Royaume-Uni). Son objectif est de promouvoir les études sur la mastication.


Elle poursuit exclusivement des objectifs d'utilité publique à travers deux macro-voies de réalisation attendue:

  1. a diffusion de connaissances dans le domaine des réhabilitations du système masticatoire, allant de l'orthodontie à l'implant-prothèse, et touchant également des domaines limites tels que les processus cognitifs et la relation entre ceux-ci et les fonctions masticatoires
  2. La innovation clinique paradigmatique dans le diagnostic médical en général et plus spécifiquement dans le diagnostic des douleurs oro-faciales, des troubles neuromoteurs oro-mandibulaires et des dysfonctionnements temporo-mandibulaires. Il se concentre également sur la prévention des pathologies iatrogènes des procédures dentaires de rééducation incongrues et sur les relations entre le système masticatoire, les pathologies neurodégénératives et la démence sénile.

Diffusion des connaissances dans le domaine de la neurophysiologie de la mastication

Masticationpedia aims to actively contribute to the dissemination, improvement and advancement of knowledge and culture in the field of rehabilitation of the masticatory system by promoting the production, collection and dissemination of free content (Open Content).

It also aims to encourage accessing knowledge and training. In addition to this, it focuses on enhancing the knowledge and awareness of social and philosophical issues concerning the progress of science, such as paradigmatic innovation and the liberal implementation of medical updating.

Contenu libre

L'admission de Masticationpedia en tant qu'organisme de bienfaisance

"Free content" means, as intended by Masticationpedia, the complex of all works that have been released by their authors with a licence that allows their derivative elaboration and/or free distribution.

Masticationpedia produces and distributes free content according to the terms of the specifically declared licences.

Méthodes éditoriales

The spread of knowledge will be promoted mainly through a web platform whose domain is www.masticationpedia.org which contents will be produced only by authors who will have been selected for their verified scientific and clinical contributions. Corrections and placement of articles, therefore, will not be open to everyone (as it happens, for example, in the case of Wikipedia, from which we differ in terms of purposes and product).

The selection of authors for the edition and a review of them will take place through a detailed analysis of the scientific contents produced by each author on verifiable databases (such as, but not limited to, Pubmed, Medline etc.). After verifying the reliability and consistency of the scientific value of these contents, the drafting of a topic, to be included in Masticationpedia, will be proposed to the prospective author. For this reason, a Scientific Community has been set up in Masticationpedia consisting of the Founding Members (doctors / dentists) and honorary members such as researchers and scientists dealing with the subjects under consideration, as well as bioengineers, mathematicians and physicists.

Masticationpedia operates mainly through direct and personal action of its members; however, it may enter into agreements or conventions with any public or private entity or body, companies, or other associations if the need or opportunity arises.

Innovation paradigmatique clinique

The purpose of the diffusion of clinical paradigmatic innovation into the field of masticatory system rehabilitation consists in a change in mental habit that is opposed to a mechanistic and deterministic vision of the pathophysiology of the masticatory system.

This model should be replaced with a stochastic vision and in this sense the paradigmatic clinical innovation will allow matching the current diagnostic model, based on the statistical inference of the symptom, with a dynamic stochastic interpretation of "complex systems" such as the central and peripheral nervous system.

The diffusion of clinical paradigmatic innovation will be explained in the following ways:

  1. To promote and support electromedical technological research aimed at deepening scientific knowledge of the correlation between the trigeminal nervous system and the limbic systems, as well as deepening understanding of basal ganglia, hippocampus, cerebellum etc. in the context of interpreting the biological subject as an integrated complex entity. Correlations are already demonstrated in experimental animal research. The segmentation of the masticatory "Complex System" in this way will be easier and more detailed as it allows highlighting pathologies and/or systemic neuromuscular dysfunctions that symptomatologically simulate a primary dental disorder. Differential diagnosis will thus have an essential value in the dental field.
  2. To promote and support the experimental study on the involvement of the trigeminal and masticatory system in patients with neurodegenerative pathologies and in senile dementia.

The dissemination will, therefore, be understood as a transfer of scientific knowledge to citizens, passing through agreements, experimental projects at universities, hospitals and research centers, various other fora and refresher courses. It would also mean online and offline dissemination of the most accredited procedures currently in the field of neurophysiology, in general, and in trigeminal nervous system and masticatory system in particular.


London, Shelton Street viewed from Arne St.

Governing document

CIO - FOUNDATION Registered 25 Mar 2020

Type d'organisation

Charitable Incorporated Organisation

Domaines d'opération

Liste des régions
  • Italie
  • Partout en Angleterre

Company Status


Pays d'origine


Quartier général

Registered office address

Rex House, St. James's
4-12 Regent Street
Londres, Royaume-Uni, SW1Y 4PE


