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{{main menu}}[[File:VEMP.jpg|Figure 1: Vestibula Evoked Myogenic Potentials (see chapter '[[Complex Systems]]'|left|300x300px]]In diesem Abschnitt von Masticationpedia werden wir uns mit einem viel diskutierten Thema auf dem Gebiet der prothetischen Rehabilitation und der Diagnose von Orofazialstörungen, einschließlich Kiefergelenksdysfunktionen, befassen. Wie wir sehen werden, gibt es eine Linie zwischen Befürwortern der Korrelation zwischen Haltung und dem Trigeminussystem und denen, die die Korrelation ablehnen. Um diese Korrelation zu bestätigen oder zu leugnen, würde es ausreichen, die Aufmerksamkeit auf die VEMPs (myogene vestibulär evozierte Potenziale) zu richten, um das neuronale Synergismus zu verstehen. Es wäre jedoch notwendig, gleichermaßen auf die synaptischen Modulationen zu achten, die bei diesem Phänomen auftreten, um zu verstehen, wie viel wir immer noch über die oben genannte trigeminale/vestibuläre Korrelation wissen. Denken Sie nur an den Rolleneffekt und bewerten Sie die durch Klick ausgelösten zervikalen vestibulären myogenen Potenziale (VEMPs) während der visuellen Rollbewegung, die eine illusorische Empfindung der Selbstbewegung (d. h. Vektion) hervorrief. Während der Vektion gibt es eine Zunahme der cVEMP-Amplitude, die positiv mit subjektiven Berichten über die Stärke der Vektion korreliert ist. Die experimentelle Schlussfolgerung ist daher, dass die einfache subjektive Empfindung der Abschnittsfähigkeit in der Lage ist, die Antwort der VEMPs zu modulieren, und dass dieses höhere kortikale Phänomen sich auch auf kurzzeitige vestibulospinale Reaktionen auswirken kann. Unabhängig davon, wer im Laufe der Zeit Recht haben wird, muss man immer sehr vorsichtig sein bei der Bewertung der von Patienten berichteten Symptome und klinischen Anzeichen und sich nicht von mehr oder weniger modischen Axiomen beeinflussen lassen, die sogar schwerwiegende Fehler in der Differentialdiagnose verursachen können, wie im klinischen Fall, den wir unten vorstellen werden.{{ArtBy|autore=Gianni Frisardi}}
=== Einführung ===
| en = Occlusion and Posture
| it = Occlusione e Postura
| fr = Occlusion et posture
| de = Okklusion und Haltung
| es = Oclusión y Postura
| pt = <!-- portoghese -->
| ru = <!-- russo -->
| pl = <!-- polacco -->
| fi = <!-- finlandese/suomi -->
| ca = <!-- catalano -->
| ja = <!-- giapponese -->
}}[[File:VEMP.jpg|Figure 1: Vestibula Evoked Myogenic Potentials (see chapter '[[Complex Systems]]'|left|300x300px]]In this section of Masticationpedia we will deal with a much discussed topic in the field of prosthetic rehabilitation and in the diagnosis of Orofacial disorders including Temporomandibular dysfunctions. As we shall see, there is a line between proponents of the correlation between posture and the trigeminal system and those who refute the correlation. To confirm or deny this correlation, it would be enough to focus the attention on the VEMPs (Myogenic Vestibular Evoked Potentials) to understand the neuronal synergism but it would be necessary to pay equal attention to the synaptic modulations that occur in this phenomenon to understand how much we still know about the aforementioned trigeminal/vestibular correlation. Just think of the roll effect and evaluate the click-evoked cervical vestibular myogenic potentials (VEMPS) during the visual roll motion that elicited an illusory sensation of self-movement (i.e., vection). During vetion, there is an increase in cVEMP amplitude that is positively correlated with subjective reports of vection strength. The experimental conclusion is, therefore, that the simple subjective sensation of section is able to modulate the response of VEMPs and that this higher-level cortical phenomenon can also extend to short-lasting vestibulospinal responses. Therefore, regardless of who will be right over time, one must always be very careful in evaluating the symptoms and clinical signs reported by patients and not be influenced by more or less fashionable axioms which can generate even serious errors in the differential diagnosis such as in clinical case that we will present below.  

{{ArtBy|autore=Gianni Frisardi}}
=== Introduction ===

Als Einführung in den Abschnitt der Kapitel über "Okklusion und Haltung" können wir teilweise eine prägnante Einführung von Monika Nowak et al.<ref>Monika Nowak,,Joanna Golec, Aneta Wieczorek, and  Piotr Golec. Is There a Correlation between Dental Occlusion, Postural Stability and Selected Gait Parameters in Adults? Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023 Jan; 20(2): 1652.  Published online 2023 Jan 16. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20021652. PMCID: PMC9862361. PMID: 36674407
</ref> anführen, auf die wir die ersten konzeptuellen Reflexionen unseres nachdenklichen Linus anführen werden.

As an introduction to the section of chapters concerning 'Occlusion and Posture' we can partially report a concise introduction by Monika Nowak et al.<ref>Monika Nowak,,Joanna Golec, Aneta Wieczorek, and  Piotr Golec. Is There a Correlation between Dental Occlusion, Postural Stability and Selected Gait Parameters in Adults? Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023 Jan; 20(2): 1652. Published online 2023 Jan 16. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20021652. PMCID: PMC9862361. PMID: 36674407
"Haltung wird als die Position des menschlichen Körpers und seine Orientierung im Raum verstanden, die die Analyse und Integration von Reizen aus drei Systemen erfordert: Sehen, vestibulär und Propriozeption. <ref>Guez G. The Posture. In: Kandel E., Schwartz J., editors. Principles of Neural Science. Elsevier; Amsterdam, The Netherlands: 1991. pp. 612–623.</ref><ref>Czaprowski D., Stoliński L., Tyrakowski M., Kozinoga M., Kotwicki T. Non-structural misalignments of body posture in the sagittal plane. Scoliosis Spinal Disord. 2018;13:6. doi: 10.1186/s13013-018-0151-5.</ref> Im Laufe der Jahre wurden zahlreiche Beobachtungen zu den Faktoren gemacht, die die posturale Stabilität beeinflussen. <ref>Iwanenko J., Gurfinkel V. Human postural control. Front. Neurosci. 2018;12:17. </ref><ref>Guerraz M., Bronstein A.M. Ocular versus extraocular control of posture and equilibrium. Neurophysiol. Clin. 2008;38:391–398. doi: 10.1016/j.neucli.2008.09.007.</ref><ref>Hamaoui A., Frianta Y., Le Bozec S. Does increased muscular tension along the torso impair postural equilibrium in a standing posture? Gait Posture. 2011;34:457–461. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2011.06.017.</ref><ref>Kolar P., Sulc J., Kyncl M., Sanda J., Neuwirth J., Bokarius A.V., Kriz J., Kobesova A. Stabilizing function of the diaphragm: Dynamic MRI and synchronized spirometric assessment. J. Appl. Physiol. 2010;109:1064–1071. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.01216.2009.</ref><ref>Szczygieł E., Fudacz N., Golec J., Golec E. The impact of the position of the head on the functioning of the human body: A systematic review. Int. J. Occup. Med. Environ. Health. 2020;33:559–568. doi: 10.13075/ijomeh.1896.01585.</ref> Die Rolle des kraniomandibulären Systems wird nun zunehmend im Zusammenhang damit analysiert. <ref>Tardieu C., Dumitrescu M., Giraudeau A., Blanc J.L., Cheynet F., Borel L. Dental occlusion and postural control in adults. Neurosci. Lett. 2009;450:221–224. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2008.12.005.</ref><ref>Munhoz W.C., Hsing W.T. Interrelations between orthostatic postural deviations and subjects’ age, sex, malocclusion, and specific signs and symptoms of functional pathologies of the temporomandibular system: A preliminary correlation and regression study. Cranio. 2014;32:175–186. doi: 10.1179/0886963414Z.00000000031.</ref><ref>Pérez-Belloso A.J., Coheña-Jiménez M., Cabrera-Domínguez M.E., Galan-González A.F., Domínguez-Reyes A., Pabón-Carrasco M. Influence of dental malocclusion on body posture and foot posture in children: A cross-sectional study. Healthcare. 2020;8:485. doi: 10.3390/healthcare8040485.</ref><ref>Amaricai E., Onofrei R.R., Suciu O., Marcauteanu C., Stoica E.T., Negruțiu M.L., David V.L., Sinescu C. Do different dental conditions influence the static plantar pressure and stabilometry in young adults? PLoS ONE. 2020;15:e0228816. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0228816.</ref>  Viele Theorien versuchen, die Verbindung zwischen dem Kauorgan und der Haltung zu erklären, darunter myofasziale Ketten, Aktivierung oder Deaktivierung des Trigeminusnervs und die anschließende Interaktion im Hirnstamm. <ref name=":0">Cabrera-Domínguez M.E., Domínguez-Reyes A., Pabón-Carrasco M., Pérez-Belloso A.J., Coheña-Jiménez M., Galán-González A.F. Dental malocclusion and its relation to the podal system. Front. Pediatr. 2021;9:654229. doi: 10.3389/fped.2021.654229.</ref><ref>Myers T.  Anatomy Trains: Myofasziale Leitbahnen (für Manual- und Bewegungstherapeuten) Elsevier Health Sciences; Berlin, Germany: 2015.</ref><ref>Pinganaud G., Bourcier F., Buisseret-Delmas C., Buisseret P. Primary trigeminal afferents to the vestibular nuclei in the rat: Existence of a collateral projection to the vestibulo-cerebellum. Neurosci. Lett. 1999;264:133–136. doi: 10.1016/S0304-3940(99)00179-2. [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar] [Ref list]</ref> Dies ist jedoch ein umstrittenes Thema in der wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft. Es gibt sowohl Beweise, die diese Beziehung unterstützen, als auch solche, <ref name=":1">Bracco P., Deregibus A., Piscetta R. Effects of different jaw relations on postural stability in human subjects. Neurosci. Lett. 2004;356:228–230. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2003.11.055.</ref><ref name=":2">Manfredini D., Castroflorio T., Perinetti G., Guarda-Nardini L. Dental occlusion, body posture and temporomandibular disorders: Where we are now and where we are heading for. J. Oral Rehabil. 2012;39:463–471. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2842.2012.02291.x. </ref><ref name=":3">Sakaguchi K., Mehta N.R., Abdallah E.F., Forgione A.G., Hirayama H., Kawasaki T., Yokoyama A. Examination of the relationship between mandibular position and body posture. Cranio. 2007;25:237–249. doi: 10.1179/crn.2007.037. </ref><ref name=":4">Cuccia A., Caradonna C. The relationship between the stomatognathic system and body posture. Clinics. 2009;64:61–63. doi: 10.1590/S1807-59322009000100011.</ref><ref name=":5">Marchena-Rodríguez A., Moreno-Morales N., Ramírez-Parga E., Labajo-Manzanares M.T., Luque-Suárez A., Gijon-Nogueron G. Relationship between foot posture and dental malocclusions in children aged 6 to 9 years. A cross-sectional study. Medicine. 2018;97:e0701. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000010701</ref><ref name=":6">Iacob S.M., Chisnoiu A.M., Buduru S.D., Berar A., Fluerasu M.I., Iacob I., Objelean A., Studnicska W., Viman L.M. Plantar pressure variations induced by experimental malocclusion—A pilot case series study. Healthcare. 2021;9:599. doi: 10.3390/healthcare9050599.</ref> die sie ablehnen. <ref name=":7">Michelotti A., Buonocore G., Farella M., Pellegrino G., Piergentili C., Altobelli S., Martina R. Postural stability and unilateral posterior crossbite: Is there a relationship? Neurosci. Lett. 2006;392:140–144. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2005.09.008.</ref><ref name=":8">Perinetti G., Contardo L., Silvestrini-Biavati A., Perdoni L., Castaldo A. Dental malocclusion and body posture in young subjects: A multiple regression study. Clinics. 2010;65:689–695. doi: 10.1590/S1807-59322010000700007.</ref><ref name=":9">Scharnweber B., Adjami F., Schuster G., Kopp S., Natrup J., Erbe C., Ohlendorf D. Influence of dental occlusion on postural control and plantar pressure distribution. Cranio. 2017;35:358–366. doi: 10.1080/08869634.2016.1244971.</ref><ref name=":10">Isaia B., Ravarotto M., Finotti P., Nogara M., Piran G., Gamberini J., Biz C., Masiero S., Frizziero A. Analysis of dental malocclusion and neuromotor control in young healthy subjects through new evaluation tools. J. Funct. Morphol. Kinesiol. 2019;4:5. doi: 10.3390/jfmk4010005.</ref>
</ref> on which we will make the first conceptual reflections reported by our pensive Linus.

Posture is understood as the position of the human body and its orientation in space which requires the analysis and integration of stimuli from three systems: vision, vestibular and proprioception.<ref>Guez G. The Posture. In: Kandel E., Schwartz J., editors. Principles of Neural Science. Elsevier; Amsterdam, The Netherlands: 1991. pp. 612–623.</ref><ref>Czaprowski D., Stoliński L., Tyrakowski M., Kozinoga M., Kotwicki T. Non-structural misalignments of body posture in the sagittal plane. Scoliosis Spinal Disord. 2018;13:6. doi: 10.1186/s13013-018-0151-5.</ref> Over the years, numerous observations have been made on the factors influencing postural stability. <ref>Iwanenko J., Gurfinkel V. Human postural control. Front. Neurosci. 2018;12:17. </ref><ref>Guerraz M., Bronstein A.M. Ocular versus extraocular control of posture and equilibrium. Neurophysiol. Clin. 2008;38:391–398. doi: 10.1016/j.neucli.2008.09.007.</ref><ref>Hamaoui A., Frianta Y., Le Bozec S. Does increased muscular tension along the torso impair postural equilibrium in a standing posture? Gait Posture. 2011;34:457–461. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2011.06.017.</ref><ref>Kolar P., Sulc J., Kyncl M., Sanda J., Neuwirth J., Bokarius A.V., Kriz J., Kobesova A. Stabilizing function of the diaphragm: Dynamic MRI and synchronized spirometric assessment. J. Appl. Physiol. 2010;109:1064–1071. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.01216.2009.</ref><ref>Szczygieł E., Fudacz N., Golec J., Golec E. The impact of the position of the head on the functioning of the human body: A systematic review. Int. J. Occup. Med. Environ. Health. 2020;33:559–568. doi: 10.13075/ijomeh.1896.01585.</ref> The role of the craniomandibular system is now being increasingly analyzed in relation to it. <ref>Tardieu C., Dumitrescu M., Giraudeau A., Blanc J.L., Cheynet F., Borel L. Dental occlusion and postural control in adults. Neurosci. Lett. 2009;450:221–224. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2008.12.005.</ref><ref>Munhoz W.C., Hsing W.T. Interrelations between orthostatic postural deviations and subjects’ age, sex, malocclusion, and specific signs and symptoms of functional pathologies of the temporomandibular system: A preliminary correlation and regression study. Cranio. 2014;32:175–186. doi: 10.1179/0886963414Z.00000000031.</ref><ref>Pérez-Belloso A.J., Coheña-Jiménez M., Cabrera-Domínguez M.E., Galan-González A.F., Domínguez-Reyes A., Pabón-Carrasco M. Influence of dental malocclusion on body posture and foot posture in children: A cross-sectional study. Healthcare. 2020;8:485. doi: 10.3390/healthcare8040485.</ref><ref>Amaricai E., Onofrei R.R., Suciu O., Marcauteanu C., Stoica E.T., Negruțiu M.L., David V.L., Sinescu C. Do different dental conditions influence the static plantar pressure and stabilometry in young adults? PLoS ONE. 2020;15:e0228816. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0228816.</ref> Many theories attempt to explain the association between the masticatory organ and posture, including myofascial chains, trigeminal nerve activation or deactivation, and subsequent interaction in the brainstem.<ref name=":0">Cabrera-Domínguez M.E., Domínguez-Reyes A., Pabón-Carrasco M., Pérez-Belloso A.J., Coheña-Jiménez M., Galán-González A.F. Dental malocclusion and its relation to the podal system. Front. Pediatr. 2021;9:654229. doi: 10.3389/fped.2021.654229.</ref><ref>Myers T.  Anatomy Trains: Myofasziale Leitbahnen (für Manual- und Bewegungstherapeuten) Elsevier Health Sciences; Berlin, Germany: 2015.</ref><ref>Pinganaud G., Bourcier F., Buisseret-Delmas C., Buisseret P. Primary trigeminal afferents to the vestibular nuclei in the rat: Existence of a collateral projection to the vestibulo-cerebellum. Neurosci. Lett. 1999;264:133–136. doi: 10.1016/S0304-3940(99)00179-2. [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar] [Ref list]</ref> However, this is a controversial topic in the scientific community. There is both evidence to support that relationship<ref name=":1">Bracco P., Deregibus A., Piscetta R. Effects of different jaw relations on postural stability in human subjects. Neurosci. Lett. 2004;356:228–230. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2003.11.055.</ref><ref name=":2">Manfredini D., Castroflorio T., Perinetti G., Guarda-Nardini L. Dental occlusion, body posture and temporomandibular disorders: Where we are now and where we are heading for. J. Oral Rehabil. 2012;39:463–471. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2842.2012.02291.x. </ref><ref name=":3">Sakaguchi K., Mehta N.R., Abdallah E.F., Forgione A.G., Hirayama H., Kawasaki T., Yokoyama A. Examination of the relationship between mandibular position and body posture. Cranio. 2007;25:237–249. doi: 10.1179/crn.2007.037. </ref><ref name=":4">Cuccia A., Caradonna C. The relationship between the stomatognathic system and body posture. Clinics. 2009;64:61–63. doi: 10.1590/S1807-59322009000100011.</ref><ref name=":5">Marchena-Rodríguez A., Moreno-Morales N., Ramírez-Parga E., Labajo-Manzanares M.T., Luque-Suárez A., Gijon-Nogueron G. Relationship between foot posture and dental malocclusions in children aged 6 to 9 years. A cross-sectional study. Medicine. 2018;97:e0701. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000010701</ref><ref name=":6">Iacob S.M., Chisnoiu A.M., Buduru S.D., Berar A., Fluerasu M.I., Iacob I., Objelean A., Studnicska W., Viman L.M. Plantar pressure variations induced by experimental malocclusion—A pilot case series study. Healthcare. 2021;9:599. doi: 10.3390/healthcare9050599.</ref> and to refute it.<ref name=":7">Michelotti A., Buonocore G., Farella M., Pellegrino G., Piergentili C., Altobelli S., Martina R. Postural stability and unilateral posterior crossbite: Is there a relationship? Neurosci. Lett. 2006;392:140–144. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2005.09.008.</ref><ref name=":8">Perinetti G., Contardo L., Silvestrini-Biavati A., Perdoni L., Castaldo A. Dental malocclusion and body posture in young subjects: A multiple regression study. Clinics. 2010;65:689–695. doi: 10.1590/S1807-59322010000700007.</ref><ref name=":9">Scharnweber B., Adjami F., Schuster G., Kopp S., Natrup J., Erbe C., Ohlendorf D. Influence of dental occlusion on postural control and plantar pressure distribution. Cranio. 2017;35:358–366. doi: 10.1080/08869634.2016.1244971.</ref><ref name=":10">Isaia B., Ravarotto M., Finotti P., Nogara M., Piran G., Gamberini J., Biz C., Masiero S., Frizziero A. Analysis of dental malocclusion and neuromotor control in young healthy subjects through new evaluation tools. J. Funct. Morphol. Kinesiol. 2019;4:5. doi: 10.3390/jfmk4010005.</ref>
==== Inhalt, der die Korrelation unterstützt ====
==== Content supporting correlation ====

The authors of the scientific reports, who recognize the associations between the systems in question, give two indications for the possible interactions. The first, i.e. ascending disturbances, refers to the situation in which bad posture and disturbances of the peripheral structures (e.g. lower limbs), through myofascial neuromotor activities and the dura mater, functionally condition the cranio-mandibular structures. Conversely, a chain of descending disorders is present when anomalies of the craniomandibular region affect posture and body areas located more distally, including the pelvis and lower extremities.<ref name=":0" /><ref name=":11">Michalakis K.X., Kamalakidis S.N., Pissiotis A.L., Hirayama H. The Effect of clenching and occlusal instability on body weight distribution, assessed by a postural platform. BioMed Res. Int. 2019;2019:7342541. doi: 10.1155/2019/7342541.</ref><ref name=":12">Julià-Sánchez S., Álvarez-Herms J., Cirer-Sastre R., Corbi F., Burtscher M. The influence of dental occlusion on dynamic balance and muscular tone. Front. Physiol. 2020;10:1626. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.01626.</ref><ref>Pacella E., Dari M., Giovannoni D., Mezio M., Caterini L., Costantini A. The relationship between occlusion and posture: A systematic review. Orthodontics. 2017;8:WMC005374.</ref><blockquote>[[File:Question 2.jpg|left|50x50px]]And on this nothing to say because no one can deny an anatomical-functional correlation between vestibular systems, cerebellum, trigeminal and peripheral neuromotor system. This is not an opinion but a proven scientific observation already reported somewhere in Masticationpedia.
Die Autoren der wissenschaftlichen Berichte, die die Zusammenhänge zwischen den betreffenden Systemen erkennen, geben zwei Hinweise auf mögliche Wechselwirkungen. Der erste, also aufsteigende Störungen, bezieht sich auf die Situation, in der eine schlechte Haltung und Störungen der peripheren Strukturen (z. B. der unteren Extremitäten) durch myofasziale neuromotorische Aktivitäten und die Dura mater die kraniomandibulären Strukturen funktional beeinflussen. Umgekehrt liegt eine Kette von absteigenden Störungen vor, wenn Anomalien der kraniomandibulären Region die Haltung und Körperbereiche, die weiter distal liegen, einschließlich des Beckens und der unteren Extremitäten, beeinträchtigen.<ref name=":0" /><ref name=":11">Michalakis K.X., Kamalakidis S.N., Pissiotis A.L., Hirayama H. The Effect of clenching and occlusal instability on body weight distribution, assessed by a postural platform. BioMed Res. Int. 2019;2019:7342541. doi: 10.1155/2019/7342541.</ref><ref name=":12">Julià-Sánchez S., Álvarez-Herms J., Cirer-Sastre R., Corbi F., Burtscher M. The influence of dental occlusion on dynamic balance and muscular tone. Front. Physiol. 2020;10:1626. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.01626.</ref><ref>Pacella E., Dari M., Giovannoni D., Mezio M., Caterini L., Costantini A. The relationship between occlusion and posture: A systematic review. Orthodontics. 2017;8:WMC005374.</ref><blockquote>[[File:Question 2.jpg|left|50x50px]]
Und dazu gibt es nichts zu sagen, denn niemand kann eine anatomisch-funktionelle Korrelation zwischen den vestibulären Systemen, dem Kleinhirn, dem Trigeminus und dem peripheren neuromotorischen System leugnen. Dies ist keine Meinung, sondern eine nachgewiesene wissenschaftliche Beobachtung, die bereits an anderer Stelle in Masticationpedia berichtet wurde.<center>
[[File:VEMP.jpg|Figure 1: Vestibula Evoked Myogenic Potentials (see chapter '[[Complex Systems]]'|center]]'''Figure 1:''' Vestibula Evoked Myogenic Potentials (see chapter '[[Complex Systems]]'
[[File:VEMP.jpg|Figure 1: Vestibula Evoked Myogenic Potentials (see chapter '[[Complex Systems]]'|center]]'''Figure 1:''' Vestibula Evoked Myogenic Potentials (see chapter '[[Complex Systems]]'

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