Difference between revisions of "6° Clinical case: Facial onset sensory and motor neuronopathy"

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{{main menu}}
| en = 6° Clinical case: Facial onset sensory and motor neuronopathy
| it = 6° Caso clinico: Neuropatia sensoriale e motoria ad esordio facciale
| fr = '6° Cas clinique : Neuropathie sensorielle et motrice à début facial'
| de = '6° Klinischer Fall: Im Gesicht beginnende sensorische und motorische Neuronopathie'
| es = '6° Caso clínico: Neuronopatía sensitiva y motora de inicio facial'
| pt = <!-- portoghese -->
| ru = <!-- russo -->
| pl = <!-- polacco -->
| fi = <!-- finlandese/suomi -->
| ca = <!-- catalano -->
| ja = <!-- giapponese -->

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