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==Probabilistic language logic in medicine==
<!--7-->every scientific idea (whether in medicine, architecture, engineering, chemistry, or any other subject), when put into practice, is subject to small errors and uncertainties. <!--8-->Mathematics - through probability theory and statistical inference - helps to precisely control and thereby contain these uncertainties. <!--9-->It always has to be considered that in all practical cases "the outcomes also depend on many other factors external to the theory", whether they be initial and environmental conditions, experimental errors, or something else.
<!--10-->All the uncertainties about these factors make the theory–observation relationship a probabilistic one. <!--11-->In the medical approach, there are two types of uncertainty that weigh the most on diagnoses: subjective uncertainty and casuality.<ref>{{Cite book
| autore = Vázquez-Delgado E
| autore2 = Cascos-Romero J
| autore3 = Gay-Escoda C
| titolo = Myofascial pain associated to trigger points: a literature review. Part 2: differential diagnosis and treatment
| url = http://www.medicinaoral.com/pubmed/medoralv15_i4_pe639.pdf
| volume =
| opera = Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal
| anno = 2007
| editore =
| città =
| ISBN =
| PMID = 20173729
| DOI = 10.4317/medoral.15.e639
| oaf = <!-- qualsiasi valore -->
| LCCN =
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}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book
| autore = Thoppay J
| autore2 = Desai B
| titolo = Oral burning: local and systemic connection for a patient-centric approach
| url = https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6459460/
| volume =
| opera = EPMA J
| anno = 2019
| editore =
| città =
| ISBN =
| PMID = 30984309
| PMCID = PMC6459460
| DOI = 10.1007/s13167-018-0157-3
| oaf = <!-- qualsiasi valore -->
| LCCN =
| OCLC =
<!--12-->It becomes essential, therefore, in this scenario to distinguish between these two uncertainties and to show that the concept of probability has different meanings in these two contexts.
<!--13-->We will try to expose these concepts by linking each crucial step to the clinical approach that has been reported in the previous chapters and in particular the approach in the dental and neurological context in contending for the primacy of the diagnosis for our dear Mary Poppins.

==<!--14-->Subjective uncertainty and casuality==
==<!--14-->Subjective uncertainty and casuality==
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