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3.2. Von Neumann formalism for quantum observables

In the original quantum formalism (Von Neumann, 1955),[1] physical observable  is represented by a Hermitian operator . We consider only operators with discrete spectra: where  is the projector onto the subspace of  corresponding to the eigenvalue . Suppose that system’s state is mathematically represented by a density operator. Then the probability to get the answer  is given by the Born rule


and according to the projection postulate the post-measurement state is obtained via the state-transformation:


For reader’s convenience, we present these formulas for a pure initial state . The Born’s rule has the form:


The state transformation is given by the projection postulate:


Here the observable-operator  (its spectral decomposition) uniquely determines the feedback state transformations   for outcomes


The map given by (9) is the simplest (but very important) example of quantum instrument.

  1. Von Neumann J. Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ, USA (1955) Google Scholar