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19 October 2022
→Fuzzy set \tilde{A} and membership function \mu_{\displaystyle {\tilde {A}}}(x)
→Fuzzy set \tilde{A} and membership function \mu_{\displaystyle {\tilde {A}}}(x)
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→Fuzzy set \tilde{A} and membership function \mu_{\displaystyle {\tilde {A}}}(x)
Created page with "==<!--108-->Fuzzy set <math>\tilde{A}</math> <!--109-->and membership function <math>\mu_{\displaystyle {\tilde {A}}}(x)</math>== <!--110-->We choose - as a formalism - to represent a fuzzy set with the 'tilde':<math>\tilde{A}</math>. <!--111-->A fuzzy set is a set where the elements have a 'degree' of belonging (consistent with fuzzy logic): some can be included in the set at 100%, others in lower percentages. <!--112-->To mathematically represent this degree of belong..."